
smut collection

作者: But
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  • NO.200+

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

10 タグ
Chapter 1chapter 1

It was as it had been seemingly everday for almost 13 years a grey, cloudy, and stormy day in a distant realm and kingdom known as Meridian.

And currently in one distant area of the kingdom a large figure was slithering and pushing it's way through a dark, deep swamp. This figure would tower over even the largest of humans which as a silver of moon light broke through the grey clouds and tight tree line of the swamp reveal it was most certainly not human.

The figure was in fact a large snakeman possessing the upper body and the lower half of a serpent and whoes body was dived into colors of green, pale yellow, and red the sclera of his eyes were a dark orange while the iris were slitted and amber.

This large intimidating figure was known far and wide as Lord Cedric, and he was also hated and feared by many citizen and rebel alike do to his actions and reputation built over the years in his position as the right hand man and personal enforcer of the tyrant ruler of Meridian Prince Phobos.

Or....so it would appear on the surface. But as is the case with many things appearances can be quite deceiving.

For in the past several days Lord Cedric who was currently ripping a tree limb out of his way and throwing it over his back without a care as he slithered through the swamp water, had in fact been keeping a secret. What was it you might ask? Why its' simple you see this deadly menace to the Rebellion and 'loyal' servant to Phobos was in reality in fact not really Lord Cedric.

"Ugh how the heck did I get into this mess." Groused Lord 'Cedric' to himself while looking up in the air while thinking back over to the past three days which had felt like the longest three days of his life.

It started with him waking up in a room he didn't recognize which natural worried and scared him a bit just like any normal person. Though what really freaked him out was when he got a good look at himself in a full length mirror that was in the room.

And he didn't see his face but the face of Lord fucking Cedric! Staring right back at him in all his animated glory! One of the antagonists from the animated series W.I.T.C.H who in a surprising move of betrayal toward the end of season 2 ended up being the last big bad the girls fought before the show ended up canceled and ending at season 2

He...didn't exactly take this realization well to be honest.

He thought with a slight wince shaking his head as he sighed, which was a understatement to say the least as he had a mini freak out made all the worse by what had to be the worst and most painful headache of his life.

He rubbed his head thinking back on it the pain he felt probably terrified him more than suddenly being in a body not his own as his mind was filled with so much strange information and memories with his body feeling like it was on fire so much so he was afraid he was dying till he blacked out.

Only to wake up several hours later with guards banging at his door telling him Lord Phobos had 'requested' his presence wanting to know why he was not attending to his duties.

Fortunately he must have looked like utter hell once he arrived to the Prince chambers as quickly as he could with the prince actually giving him a look of slight surprise before stating in a dry tone that he looked terrible.

From there helped partially by the fact he apparently now was in possession of and had a better grasp of Cedric's memories was able to play things off by saying he had felt slightly ill before humbling himself and playing to Phobos ego saying that besides a headache he was as always ready serve out his Lords orders.

With Phobos merely rolling his eyes and waving him off before giving him his orders and sending him off. While also telling him not to let it happen again and to get some rest as he was useless to him if he let himself get weak and sickly.

And from there...from there he thought looking around the swamp area he had been basically living Lord Cedric life for the past three days, while doing 'his' duties.

While at the same time trying to get a grasp and handle on his situation. It was obvious he had ended up in a situation he had read in many fanfics that being someone getting sent to one of their favorite shows.

With the cherry on top being rather than himself he had ended up in the body of one of characters from the show. Which good news helped give him a better chance at you know..SURVIVING!

He thought with a irritated growl but the bad news was Lord Cedric was exactly a powerhouse compared to the likes of Phobos, Nerissa, or fully realized Guardians or even Elyon or any other heart wielder once they truly gained experience and control over their abilities.

Though he certainly served among the more dangerous of the Guardians enemies and his strength wasn't to be taken lightly to say the least.

But what really made his situation worst was as Lord Cedric he had landed himself in quite a tricky position. After all Phobos wasn't exactly employer of the year if you disappointed him too much.

He thought with a shiver running down his back remember the shrunken weak form the Prince transformed Cedric into at the climax of season 1, and had no desire to experience that first hand.

Though it wasn't like he could just turn traitor as even with the danger of quite literal losing his head if he did Cedric had already established his reputation and made a lasting enemy in the Rebellion to say the least.

The only consolation in this situation was the show events hadn't started yet though he believed it wasn't that far off. So he hadn't made any major negative impression on the Guardians just yet.

Of course how long that would last was the question. He thought with narrowed eyes continuing looking through the swam while feeling like something was watching him.

And that wasn't even going into the factor of Nerissa playing puppet master in the shadows while in the forms of Trill or the Mage, and her own plans to "save" the infinite dimensions.

A part of him had considered revealing her but realized besides having to come up with a explanation of how he discovered her identity. There was also the factor of throwing the events he knew into disarray far too much and sending Nerissa into the wind to do who knows what.

So yeah needless to say he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Though of course that had nothing to do with his current situation.

He thought letting his tongue his out as he tasted the air putting his new body's senses to work in this swampy area.

As he recalled reports from some of the soldiers of attempting to capture some rebels and during their clash they were assisted by some unknown creature or apparent shapeshifter.

That after practically massacring the rebels had disappeared into the swamps waters. Which brought him here to investigate after hearing their reports especially after learning the description of this 'creature'.

"I know you're there." He suddenly called out into the air as he crossed his arms and than hissed out, "So you might as well come out!"

Silence fell on the swamp...and then.

"Umhuhuhuhu...if you want to talk..."

A voice sounded..


a pair of yellow eyes opened from what Cedric thought was a log in the water.

"Lets talk!!!"


in a flash the snake-man found himself being throw in the air


next under water from where a figure suddenly tackled him and a scaly claw closed on his neck.


finally his head meet the bark of a close-by tree.

"Im listening" a growling voice came out of what looked like a humanoid crocodile with dark green scales, yellow reptilian eyes, a mouth filled with sharp teeth; a black jacket seems to be covering its upper body

The soul that had been acting as Lord Cedric found himself giving a shocked blinked at first cursing internally for letting himself get caught off guard before getting a good look at his assailant and his eyes widen in recognition.

A figure that shouldn't be in this world, in this reality even! A figure who's presence said very concerning things that he might have more than Kandrakar, Phobos, and Nerissa to worry about.

And in his shocked stupor his tongue slipped as he hissed out a name in his surprise, "Killer Croc!?" Looking at the figure of one of the DC character one of the rogues and enemies of none other than the caped crusader the Batman.

Specifically the incarnation that existed in The Batman cartoon one of the more deadlier versions of the Croc to exist without a doubt the most intelligent and cunning.

But if he was here did that mean the Infinite Dimension of W.I.T.C.H shared a reality with the DC characters?! Oh this was just great! Seriously he already had enough problems without having to worry about the likes of Batman, Joker, Superman, Luthor, Dr. Fate, and whole list of other names to add to it!

The mentioned Croc looked shocked and then confused.

"You..know about me?" He asked before narrowing his eyes "Grrrr what or how Phobos little pet snake know about me?" The Croc snarled

Here Cedric narrowed his eyes hissing out, "I am no ones pet!" He said as he rose up glaring down at the Croc, "And I know enough."

He said with a smirk before narrowing his eyes, "And I know.." He trailed off for a moment for rushing forward as he exclaimed, "That you shouldn't be here!"

He yelled as he launched a punch at the Crocs face knocking him off balance before sending his tail ramming into his side as he sent him flying into a tree

The human croc groaned and shook his head grinning.

"Ohhh snake...now you REALLY are going to know me"


The Croc charged against the snake baring its teeth to tear it apart

At that Cedric also flung himself forward charging forward as he reached out and grabbed Croc by his shoulders before using his greater weight and height to pin on the shallow water and ground of the swamp, "The only thing I need to know."

He growled out staring in the struggling Crocs eyes as he hissed out, "Is what name to put on your tombstone!" He yelled raising his right hand before bringing his claws down at his opponent.


Only for it to be caught by his jaws in a bone breaking bite

"GAHH!" Cedric threw his head back with a scream before letting out a furious HIIIIISS!! "I'LL SKIN YOU ALIVE WAYLON!"

He yelled slipping out Crocs birth name in his anger as he started to use his free left hand to punch as hard as he could repeatedly into Crocs stomach




Croc took them all, they hurt...but the mix of his tough skin and his own strenght allow him to take it.

But it certainly was making him angry.


his eyes slit and before cedric could hit him again...he executed a death roll.

although instead of ripping the snake´s arm off it caused them both to roll down the shallows and into the deeper waters

And in mere moments after Croc pulled this move Cedric along with his pissed off opponent found themselves in under the swampy water.

Than as they sunk into the watery depths of the swamp Cedric grabbed onto Crocs right shoulder and gripped as tight and deep as he could as he struggled to pull his hand out of Crocs jaws while in the same moment brought up the end of his tail and used their position to his advantage to wrap it tightly around Crocs leg and waist and began to squeeze as hard as he could.

Croc cried feeling himself being squeezed.

fortunately for him his arms were now free so he brought both claws into the scaly skin of Cedric

Cedric himself let out a silent a cry with bubbles popping up from his lips before deciding to return the favor as he released Crocs shoulder but wasted no time in attacking his eyes with his own claws while jerking his arm back trying once again to free it from his jaws.

Croc began struggling trying to get himself free from the snake coils.

his own tail swapped around causing them both to twist and turn underwater as they continue sinking

And as they grappled Cedric realized that he needed to return to the surface quickly as Croc had the greater advantage under the water and unlike himself could last longer with his ability to survive and breath under it a talent he lacked.

So as they whirled around he took a gamble in loosening his hold on Croc in his coils but at the same time gave the strongest punch he could right at Crocs gut

"Uggggg!!!" the surprise punch actually took air out the croc who bend in pain allowing cedric to escape to the surface as Croc tried to recover

Cedric wasted no time in bursting up toward the surface, "GAH..gasp..ppfft!" He inhaled some air while coughing out and spitting some water before growling out putting himself on guard, "Why are you even on Meridian!"

He yelled trying to see if he can get some answers while waiting for Crocs next move, "Shouldn't you be on Earth hiding in the sewers or fighting a man dressed up in a Halloween costume?"

His eyes roamed carefully over the swamp water looking for any signs of Croc while listening intently to his surroundings.

"and how would you know about what i should be doing?" Croc voice echoed in the dark swamp "in fact how do you know im from earth?"

using his environment to camouflage Croc swim slowly around Cedric position undetected

Cedric perked his ears at Croc voice but couldn't pick up his location just yet so choose to keep him chatting, "You really must be new around here than."

He said with a slight smirk, "If you weren't you'd know that I have my ways of getting information." He let his smirk widen, "Especially when it comes to a world of particular interest to Prince Phobos."

He said with a low hiss before continuing, "So tell me why and how you are here." He said and narrowed his eyes, "And if anyone else like a certain clown is on Meridian as well."

He ordered in a strong tone trying to get information because if there was the slightest chance that other DC characters especially the Joker was on Meridian he needed that information no matter what.

"HE...now that would be a crossover i would pay to see...Phobos falling to the Joker´s toxin" Croc laughed at the idea "or maybe Scarecrow? hahahaha he falling into an illusion of her mom denigrating him"

At those words Cedric froze and muttered out, "Crossover?" He said to himself with a frown at those words especially that one and Crocs reaction and suddenly considering his current situation a theory started to form, "Tell me something."

He said deciding to take a gamble, "Do the names DC or W.I.T.C.H mean anything to you?"


Croc figure stood from the water close by giving the snake a suspicious look.

"and if they do...what do they mean for you?" he asked back

Cedric gave Croc a hard stare while internally his mind raced at this turn of events. Because if his theory was right than he might not quite be as alone in this mess as he thought

"It means.." He said with a slight hiss staring into Croc's eyes, "That we may be on the same boat." He said bringing his hand up staring at it asking aloud, "Tell me does the saying out of body experience mean anything to you?"

Croc gave a small growl.

"like waking one morning in a different body not knowing how you ended there?" he question back

"Precisely." Cedric hissed staring over at Croc and slithered up closer to him, "Or say.." He trailed off pausing for a moment before saying, "Waking up as a villain you remember from one of your favorite cartoons."


"That certainly is quite the suggestion..." the crocodile said "you meaning you are having said issue?"

"Perhaps I am.." Cedric said in a careful tone while eying Croc, "If so could I say the same for you as well?" He asked while keeping his guard up just in case Killer Croc decided to exploit a opportunity to attack again.

"Grrr...perhaps" said the croc "if that was the case...what will you do?

"His..it depends." Cedric said with crossed arms, "If you hypothetical speaking were a lost soul that found themselves in a world and body they knew only from fiction."

He gave the Croc a hard stare, "Than first I would have to ask you how long you've been here and what plans if any you've come up with regarding your.... situation." He said with slight pause before situation


"Snarl...not much...for what i get i think it has been...almost 3 weeks? i think..." He said in confusion "As for what im planning...not sure" he said after a sigh "I know im i was in Meridian..but honestly i dont really know exactly when"

Cedric gave a nod while cupping his chin processing the information three weeks huh already suspecting whoever or whatever brought him here was likely behind Croc as well before stating aloud, "It's before the show started."

He said looking over at Croc, "We've yet to have the Rebel leader Caleb as a guest in the dungeons or have the pleasure of meeting the new generation of Guardians."

He narrowed his eyes, "Which means not only is there still a veil over Meridian with Phobos still in power but Nerissa is also pulling strings from the shadows." Than shot a slight smirk at the Croc, "Though if you're a fan of the show like myself you probably already realized that~"

Croc snarled..of coarse it has to be the start of everything.

"Unfortunately i know" he said "So whats exactly the plan here?" he asked "if the events of the first episodes haven happen yet means we have info about the future...maybe we could use that in our favor?"

"True.." Cedric said with a nod before sighing, "But the how is the tricky part." He said shaking his head with a grim frown, "Especially for myself since i'm now Cedric i've already got a established reputation that means the rebellion would sooner kill me than trust me."

He gave the Croc a serious look, "Which means can't just suddenly try playing for the heroes from the get go." He let out a snort, "Even if the Guardians gave me a chance openly joining them would risk changing too much."

"And playing things as a villain itself is risky since I have no desire to share Cedric's fate at the end of season 1." Than rolled his eyes, "And that's not even getting into Nerissa and her plots."

"Ummmm" the Croc hummed "would it be that bad help Phobos win?" asked the Croc "if we help him you wont end like the original Cedric and maybe we could get him clash with Nerissa"

"Hmm possible." Cedric said rubbing his chin, "It'd be risky though." He said giving Croc a grave look, "Especially if Nerissa win's said clash..but." He hummed lowly, "If we play things where Phobos gains his kingdom we might be able to get out of this alive."

"Though that still leave the matter of what would come next if or when he turns his sight toward Kandrakar and the rest of the infinite dimensions."

"Grrr on that you are right" the corc growled "that guy is to ambitious and most likely will try to go to war with basically everyone"

"Precissssely." Cedric hissed out with a sigh as he brought up his hand to his head rubbing, "And I think we can both agree Nerissa is off the table as a option."

He gave Croc a flat look, "Because we both know how she treated her followers, friends, and even her own family in the show." Before he followed that statement with a snort, "And honestly i'd sooner trust the infinite dimension in Phobos hands than that crazy bitches any day."

"Grrr and neither you or I have the power to beat her" Croc continued "we have brute force but their magic abilites put us in a big disadvantage

"Yes while we can easily massacre Caleb and his rebels." Cedric said with a slight vicious grin before giving another sigh, "We are as you said quite outmatches when it comes to magical power."

His tone carried a undertone of annoyance as his tail hit the ground in slight irritation, "And of course there's the butterfly effect itself to consider."

He said with a slight huff, "For ever change we make no matter how small, we risk altering the entire fated course of W.I.T.C.H." He gave Croc a grave look, "To the point if we aren't careful than for all we know the infinite dimensions falling under Nerissa delusion control might be considered a happy ending compared to what might happen if we screw things up too much."

"Ummmmm" Croc hummed if anything he wished he could go look for that witch and bite her head off and save himself some problems..but as his...apparently friend...said there were too many factors against them and is not like they knew..."wait...what if...we dont change how the events happened but we make sure we are include in the end?"

"Hmmm...possible." Cedric said in thoughtful tone, "But if we play things that way than that means we need to find a way to gain the Guardians trust over time while still playing our parts."

"Otherwise..." He trailed grimly off, "We either have life imprisonment or a life in hiding if they emerge victorious like canon." He said looking into Crocs eyes, "Or a life living under either Phobos or Nerissa heel."

"But in that we have an advantage" said the croc "We know things they dont...if we use that info to put us in the right place at the right time...we could actually play for win" the croc smiled "for example you should be sent soon to look for Elyon...if you pretend to be looking for her...but at the same time put her on your side..."

"Yes..yes..you're right." Cedric said with a slight smile, "It's risky yes but this does have potential." He said nodding before snorting, "Besides it's not like we've got much other options right now."

He stated in slight bitter tone before sighing, "But as for Elyon if I get her on our side than when she becomes Queen I won't have to worry about either losing my freedom or my head."

Than rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Also we know that she had a bit of crush on Cedric or rather Rick Hoffman in canon at first so if necessary I could use that I suppose..but." He trailed off looking at Croc, "I'll admit while she's cute I don't think princess or not i'm interested in Elyon that way."

Croc blinked at that.

"Oh? personally i wouldnt mind getting down with her" he laughed "after all can you imagine the faces of the rebels if pure, proper queen get down with a lizard like me?"

At that image Cedric let out a snort of amusement, "Hehe the looks on their faces especially Caleb would be hilarious~"

He said with a undertone of laughter giving a dark smile over at Croc, "Especially since Meridian has it's issues with other races if you catch my drift." He stated in a low tone his mind flashing through some of Cedrics memories.

"On that i agree" Croc growled "All that freedom talk is just talk considering how humans on this world threat guys that look like me" he growled "how you think i ended up fighting them in the first place"

"Considering i've been processing Cedric's memories for the past three days since I woke up as him." Cedric stated as he found himself frowning and feeling a bitterness raising up, "I can take a guess."

He looked over at Croc, "Let me guess they took one look at you and screamed something like abomination of the tyrant or something."

"Tch right on the nail" said the Croc "I awoke under the water and when i came out those guys were already fighting a troop of soldiers...they saw me...cried something about an abomination and some attacked me...let me tell you the first fight was quite hard but have the instincts of a croc gave me quite the advantage to kick their asses" he chuckled "after that i decided to leave and expend a couple of days making heads and tails of my situation"

Cedric nodded, "Same here." He said with a frown, "I woke up in the middle of the night in Cedric room and got one hell of a shock when I looked in a mirror."

The frown grew as he gave a wince, "Than next thing I know my body is hit by the biggest pain i've ever felt in my laugh as Cedric memories rush through my mind."

He looked over at Croc, "I ended up falling unconscious with guards waking me up next afternoon telling me Phobos summoned me wanting to know why I was late to my duties."

"Ufff thats hard luck i suppose" said the croc "i didnt have any memories outside the ones of my previous life" he admitted "i wonder why is that or how is that Killer Croc exist here"

"Who knows." Cedric said with a grunt crossing his arms, "Though it's clear that whatever brought you here is likely the same force that put me in Cedric body."

He said with narrowed eyes, "Though let's hope Killer Croc existing here doesn't mean we have to worry about DC universe elements as well."

He gave a slight growl, "Because we have enough to worry about without the Justice League, Legion of Doom, or heaven forbid The Light existing as well."

"Grrrr umm well considering what version of Croc i am...maybe we dont have to worry about the last 2" he said pointing to his reptilian form

Cedric sighed, "Yes that's one potential silver lining." He said with a frown, "Though The Batman universe existing on W.I.T.C.H Earth still means Batman, Superman, eventually the Justice League and all sorts of super villains."

He leaned down looking into Crocs eyes, "And if you do anything on Heatherfield, if any rumors about you show up, how long till the Dark Knight looks into things?" He asked rhetorically with a frown as he had no desire to face off against any incarnation of the legendary caped crusader.

"Umm well first of all we will need to go to Heatherfield" croc said "but Phobos should give you that mission at some point soon" he blinked "on that note...what are you doing here? you mentioned looking for me"

Cedric gave a nod over a Croc, "Yes the soldiers reported your little scuffle with the rebels so I took up the task to investigate."

He gestured at Croc appearance, "Especially after I heard the soldiers description of the unknown creature or potential shape shifter."

He said with narrowed eyes, "And Phobos has likely already become aware of the report and my investigation already.."

He crossed his arms, "Which leaves how we explain you to him and the rest of Meridian."

Croc frowned...it seems he will have to face Phobos sooner that what he wanted.

"Grrr should have know my presence here would call his attention" he hissed "well im not shapeshifter so cant tell him that...but maybe we can come out with something" he looked at the snake "specially if maybe we could end up becoming a team out of this"

"I'm open to teaming up." Cedric said with a nod, "Frankly consider our situation and the stakes we'd need someone we can hopefully trust to watch our back."

He said with slight wary eye on Croc, "Right now the only person I think I can fully trust from Cedric's memories is Miranda." He said his mind flashing to the spider shape shifter who he had yet to 'meet' personally do to her being away on infiltration and spying mission

But what he learned or 'remembered' from Cedric's memories was certainly interesting with Miranda being 12 going on 13 years, and was actually taken under Cedric wing as a young girl.

After her parents were killed by rebel soldiers do Miranda and her mother being shape shfiters with Miranda having escaped and managed to run into a squadron of guards at the time being lead by Cedric on a mission against those very same rebels.

After the ensuing blood bath and the dust had settled Miranda was taken by to the capitol and brought into Phobos service, and also brought under Cedric tutelage.

With the snake molding her into a deadly ally and weapon for Phobos and more importantly himself.

At first there relationship was mentor/student before it later father/daughter which certainly spun their relationship in canon in a whole new light.

Especially since looking through recent memories of recent interactions Cedric had with Miranda it seemed the spider was already nursing feelings for her mentor and adopted father. A notion he was actually finding himself not against.

But he brought his mind back to his current conversation with Croc, "Though that's only as long as she doesn't realize i'm not the real or rather original Cedric that raised her."

"Umm well she has a crush on Cedric so maybe you could...i dont know return the feelings?" suggested Croc

"Oh believe me i've been considering it." Cedric with slight flash of smile, "I've just been carefully considering how to play things."

He looked over at Croc, "The girl was raised since she was little to serve as a spy, saboteur, and assassin for Phobos forces." He shook his head giving a grim smile, "She might not have gotten much spotlight until season 2 but believe me her bite is deadly."

He narrowed his eyes, "She also perhaps knows Cedric better than anyone so she is perhaps the most likely to pick up on his.." He paused for a moment, "Or should I say my changes."

He rubbed his chin, "But playing on her feelings as we go from mentor and student or father and daughter to something else is perhaps the best way to deal with any suspicion or doubt.

"Its worth trying" said the Croc "For now i suppose we should return to the castle and report to Phobos and see if he offer me a job"

"Indeed we've got a lot of planning to do, and even more to talk about." Cedric said with a nod as he turned and began to lead Croc out of the swamp, "Hopefully we can come up with decent backstory for you to sell to Phobos before we get there."

He muttered before shaking his head with a slight sigh, "Man I can't believe my life has become something out of a isekai anime."

Than let out a snort, "If Dark could see me now..going to miss those online chats."

That made Croc stop for a moment

"Dark?" he asked a thought crossing his mind

Cedric gave a careless wave over smhis shoulder, "Eh old online buddy I chatted online with ". He gave a shrug, "Mostly about fanfic ideas before we started to Roleplay and co write together online."

He explained not looking back at Croc reaction or seeing the look on his face.

"Ummmm really?" he said "and what was your name? something like Nightmaster?"

At that Cedric froze in shock, "Yes..how did you " He traiked off as he turned to stare back at Croc, "Wait...are..you...Darkness Rissing?!"

"Heheheh hello Nightmaster...good to see you ok" the Croc said with a smile

Cedric gave a shocked blink but at Crocs words couldn't stop the snort of amusement, "Same to you my friend ~"

He said with a slight hiss, "It seems whatever power behind this either has a interesting sense of humor or this is its way of being nice after throwing us into this mess."

"Well at least we are sure we can trust each other now" said the Croc "at that is already a win for me"

Cedric gave a nod, "True and it is nice to have somewhat familiar company in this Insanity"

Before letting out slight snort, "Though never though I'd meet you in person much less like this." He added gesturing toward their new current and likely permanent bodies

"Silver lining my friend...silver linings" the Croc said "for now lets see if can survive Phobos..then lets see what we can do with our situation"

"Agreed.." Cedric said with a nod as he resumed his trek back to the castle, "One things for sure though."

He said as a malicious gleam entered his eyes, "We've got a lot of work ahead of us." He said as he felt more at ease with a new and somewhat familiar ally at his side and he was determined to do whatever it took to survive...

He narrowed his eyes clenching his fists at his side no matter how far he had to go or low he had to sink he was going to survive and he was going to remain free that was a promise.


World Traveler Villain

Mc is killed but he’s saved by the Villain System. He has to go to different movie worlds and complete tasks to earn villain points. There’s more to the system and the story than just going to movie worlds. The story is somewhat simple, sometimes doesn’t make sense but it’s funny and entertaining. I think it’s definitely worth the read. Just don’t expect a serious literary masterpiece or something. Obviously. Movies: Captain America. Transformers. RE. Marvel. HP. Fast and Furious. Underworld. The Monkey King. Avengers 2. A chinese odyssey. Spiderman. X-men. And more. Harem: Main girls from these movies. No girls left behind. There are some originals too. Mc steal girls from the og characters obvs. Basically netori. No NTR at all. And, for those who care, all girls are ‘pure’ even if they had bfs, lovers husbands before. *** Tags: Anti-social Protagonist, Antihero Protagonist, Arrogant Characters, Evil Protagonist, Death, Beautiful Female Lead, Evil Protagonist, Killing, Fan-fiction, Fanfiction, Fantasy Magic, Fantasy World, Gate to Another World, Handsome Male Lead, Harem, Harem-seeking Protagonist, Harry Potter, Incest, Male Protagonist, Marvel, Modern Day, Modern World, Movies, Netori, Perverted Protagonist, Movie Worlds, Polygamy, R-18, Sadistic Characters, Sexual, Stockholm Syndrome, System, System Administrator, Villain, Weak to Strong, Multiverse, Omniverse, Multiverse Traveling, World Hopping. ***** You can support me by joining my Patreon and get upto 60 chapters in advance. patreon.com/Translator_God

Translator_God · アニメ&漫画
108 Chs


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  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定
