
Slytherin devil

Vicente young bored university student, on an ordinary or unusual day happened and he had an opportunity to live a different life one with magic. demonic magic English is not my native language, this is my first time suggestions are welcome.

_Arthas_ · 書籍·文学
57 Chs

Chapter 3 How to punish a sinner

The scene unfolds into something that pisses me off to no end.

A red room with many 'tools' whips, handcuffs, suspicious phallic objects, ropes and ingenious devices made to subdue the movements of the poor victims who would be brought to this hellish place.

The first thing I noticed wasn't the decor, it was the pig in the room, Mr. Bean is wearing suspicious clothes that leaves all important places uncovered.

He had a whip in one hand and in front of him was his unfortunate victim, a young woman in her early 20s tied up suspended in the air with whiplash marks on her skin.

Some say dreams are a way to escape reality, others say it's a way for our brain to organize the events that happened on the day, but in this case, this dream had only one purpose, to appease the deep desires of pure wild, pure lust sin.

A part of me wanted to punish him simply for the sin, but what aroused my anger was the victim's face, he is fantasizing about the lady who welcomed me from the cold rain in my difficult time in this new world, Rose.

In my irritated state, I couldn't notice anymore I devoured this impure sinner's essence at a breakneck pace.

Rose was having a terrible nightmare, while this pig was having fun fantasizing about her, 'I think it would be fun to mix rose's nightmare at the party' into an incorporeal form of black smoke, a wave of energy came out influencing, the whole environment.

Mister Bean shows on his face pure happiness and lust appreciating the one on his victim's face, he didn't notice a wobble the environment broke and rebuilt itself in milliseconds.

The lady who previously showed pain and embarrassment on her pretty face suddenly became serious, as if all emotions were turned off, her bonds loosened.

Rose transforms into a wolf form falling from the chains, big and ferocious, but it doesn't look like an irrational animal, its features, especially its eyes, showed a human glow, of someone who is about to avenge a wrong suffered.

Bean moving away energetically, his face before pleasure turned into terrible fear "Rose we can talk about this, it wasn't my intention" when he found himself cornered against the wall that had countless obscene pictures.

"back off" a not very loud but desperate, muffled cry from a man sitting on the floor with legs spread, in his extreme fear that the wolf will attack by biting his neck, breasts, or other vital spot raised his arms for some protection , but forgot the most important member that was exposed.

A large wolf walks slowly, eyes glazed with hate and joy, about to enjoy her prey, a fat pig.

In a leap the wolf bites the man's balls with its teeth crushing everything, noises that would torment any man or woman were heard.

A figure grinned like a maniac while appreciating his handiwork, with a face of pure pleasure.

"If I could describe what I feel at that moment it would be pure happiness" an incorporeal entity watches everything from a distance appreciating the scene and absorbing the essence of Mister Bean, when his member was torn apart he healed after a few seconds and everything starts again , again and again for hours.

A few hours later, I felt on edge, my mind was tired, I guess it's a side effect, but I must have gotten enough essence

The black shape comes out of mr bean's vulnerable body, which no longer had happy features, in its place is a face of pain and sleep seemed irregular, looking at it like this I can't help but feel a little sorry, it's not like he did a crime, everything was just a dream, returning to my body it doesn't take long to fall asleep.


next morning

Birds singing could be heard clearly, the day already had its first rays of sun, leaving only the earth and vegetation wet, as the last sign of heavy rain.

The employees got up and started to fill out their duties, some went to the kitchen to make breakfast for many mouths, others to take care of the cleaning, others with the dirty clothes, everything seemed to be the normal routine they were used to, not everyone.

Mr Bean looks up his eyes were heavy, like someone who hasn't slept in days, his face had a scowl, and his gait is strange as if he was uncomfortable, he personally checked himself in there was no damage, other than a terrible nightmare what it was like tonight, of course he doesn't fully remember, just flashes of scenes, wolves and red, bloody red.

"Doctor Bean are you alright" asks a worried young man, a 16 year old boy, he was heading to the kitchen to help the Head Chef prepare food for everyone.

Bean looks at the young man, his head aching as he tries to remember his name "mister uhu… I had a bad… night, after a good… coffee everything should… be fine" he replies with some difficulty.

Helpfully the young man helps him towards the cafeteria.

Different from what one would imagine of an orphanage the environment here is not so bad, even if only a few manage to be adopted and have a normal family, but thanks to the efforts to receive donations and a general effort to make everything work well under the firm hand of Matron Gina, a sense of unity has been created in which everyone strives to give the children some comfort, many of those who leave the orphanage make occasional contributions.

Everyone came together to organize every morning breakfast, cooking, setting cutlery and small talk, the most importantly thing is who will be the unlucky one of the day, to wake up the troop.

A lady of little stature approaches with a stiff step, the most attentive quickly notice, and puts on a formal and serious expression, but it doesn't take long for everyone to follow suit, a greeting in unison can be heard in the kitchen

"good morning lady"

"Good morning" She responds in a short and dry way, while keeping his face rigid as he sits at the head of the large table with at least 40 chairs.

Watching Dr Bean she can't help noticing his poor condition can't help asking gently "what happened to you, you look like a dog in heat after a night of carousing"

Mr Bean sighs at the thought of canine animals "I'm fine ma'am, I just had a bad night's sleep" he responds as best he can, forcing a smile.

Ginny doesn't pay much attention to this gentleman anymore, turning her attention to Rose

"How was the children's night?" she asks with a serious face.

"He was a very calm child, he didn't do a bit of work, he slept through the night" said Rose.

nods Gina "very good, today you are responsible for the nursery"


Vincent pov

When I woke up I felt different, I soon realized the problem, a terribly full diaper, which was sorted out thanks to Miss Rose's kindness, it's kind of embarrassing, but there's nothing I can do about it.

My day was incredibly boring, in a crib doing nothing, I couldn't even check the Grimoire as there were so many eyes watching the nursery.

The only thing that was different was a tour of the orphanage, it was a good place, it didn't have any luxury, but it was well taken care of, from what I observed it is in a neighborhood very close to a park, it has a lot of greenery, and wildlife nearby, I believe be an inland neighborhood.

I used all this free time to think, well somehow I'm in a different world, even with everything that happened, it's kind of hard to believe, about my skills it was an interesting experience, but it can be dangerous, and is easy to lose control, definitely I overreacted with Dr. Bean.

In my check I could notice the increase of 30 demonic essence, I don't know if this is a lot or a little, but it definitely did some damage to him, when I saw him during the day he was in a terrible state, I felt sorry for him, until I remembered that he is a fucking pervert.

I must be careful when using this ability not to kill someone, just because I became a demon doesn't mean I should go around killing indiscriminately.

I confirmed a problem like I didn't select natural magic from this world yes I came to the world of harry potter and I don't have the natural magic from here this will be a problem. how do I go to Hogwarts, how am I going to enjoy this life to the fullest if I don't even have magic, relying solely on my only demonic abilities, or could I get it some other way? .

And speaking of the magical world they can track magic somehow, is that the same as my demon magic? I didn't notice any auror investigating me, I should be careful and get more information, shit I don't even know what year I am.