
Slytherin devil

Vicente young bored university student, on an ordinary or unusual day happened and he had an opportunity to live a different life one with magic. demonic magic English is not my native language, this is my first time suggestions are welcome.

_Arthas_ · 書籍·文学
57 Chs

chapter 12 Yorkshire In chaos part 1

In the tower of the old chapel of the city, a loud and striking noise of a bell, beat rhythmically..

ring … ring … ring

Alerting the community there about the emergency situation.

Four crows flew around the city, observing the chaotic scene.

They wouldn't be noticed, of course, many crows watched the city, this could be a day of despair for the residents, but not for the crows.

In fact they make happy chirping sounds, after all they would have a lot of food tonight.

The four ravens split off to head to different corners of the city that interested Vincent the most.

In a street where the city's main market is located, the crow landed, on one of the poles that was still standing, what was happening below got its attention.

Four young men in their early twenties, bravely fighting three masked men.

It was impressive in its own way, two of these youths looked just like Gemini, they fought with a lot of coordination, one attacked with a fast Bombardo spell, while his Twin defended them with powerful Protego, switching from attacker to defender, very fluidly.

Most impressive was the fluidity they switched from attack to defense, it was beautiful in a way, it was like a choreographed dance, they moved, with surprising speed, dodging deadly spells, or treacherous curses, or assisting the other two. .

A Redhead Lady, her belly was big, probably pregnant, she was inexperienced, but very strong, in terms of spell power she was the strongest there, her position was attacker, her only flaw was low mobility, her belly was a problem.

And the last one wasn't very impressive, his luck was, He was saved from death several times in that short period of time, he used enchanted objects, to attack or defend.

The Death Eaters men would sometimes trade insults about something like blood traitors, The Dark Lord will punish you, classic lines from crazy fanatics.


Another crow landed on the remains of what would have been a cultural hall, the buildings surrounding it were still engulfed in blazing flames, but what brought it to this position was the Aurors here who fight in a very peculiar way.

A strange man led these Aurors, he was tall his face was disfigured by scars, and a peephole, Alastor Moody, he was popular in the Series.

His way of fighting was very aggressive, he depended entirely on his magical sense, that artificial eye made it possible, his senses were so incredible that the moment the crow landed, the magical eye moved towards him, to decide if it was a threat.

Some of the enemies were already on the ground, this fight was entirely on the Aurors' side.


In the Residential zone, the third crow landed, this place had the most number of non-magical people, they were hiding.

But the crows didn't come for them, What drew attention, was One of the five Death Eaters, his mask, strangely had a Big Nose, but it was the spell he used Sectumsempra, Probably Severus Snape.

They were cornered, the Aurors weren't taking it easy, A powerful green beam scraped past him, and on the ground could be seen the bodies of two Death Eaters, one of the Aurors was seriously injured, by deep cuts in the skin.


The last crow landed on an old tree in the central square. Below he observed what most caught Vincent's attention.

Sirius Black, Thiago James Potter, Lily Potter or Evans, they still shouldn't have gotten married yet, and lastly Peter Pettigrew they fought alongside other young people, and Aurors, this seemed to be the biggest battle, and also the most intense.

What He Saw Made Him Feel Sorry for Lily Potter

Vincent as an educated man, 21st century, would not judge people by their appearance, but man this was shocking, it makes me feel sorry for Harry in the books, everyone said that his appearance was a copy of his father, poor thing, James was ugly, very ugly .

It makes sense, after all the guy ran after Lily all his life at Hogwarts, and only won her because Snape was an asshole.

She was a Muggle-born, at the worst possible time for a Muggle-born to go to Hogwarts, very vulnerable, without any magical support, and worse had recently lost her parents, she needed support, a sure bulwark to survive, I can understand her difficult choice .

Or maybe James give in secret too many Amortentia potions for her.

His popularity was explained by being a guy with a lot of money and being from a noble magic house, many brave gold diggers would face worse challenges for a good future.

He looked to be about eighteen years old, his body was terribly thin and pale, which gave a sickly impression, his coarse black hair had sunken receding hairlines, he was already balding at that age, puffy eyes, and disharmonious features. , thin lips tried in vain to hide his yellowed and poorly maintained teeth, the only thing that saved his face was the eyeglasses.

He looked sickly, and very ugly, Peter Pettigrew, not a handsome man, closer to James, he was a Prince Charming.

Sirius, and Peter, were very similar to their descriptions in the books, Lily was undoubtedly a very beautiful young woman, her green eyes stood out over her delicate face.

But their appearances aside, they stood out in the midst of battle, even trained Aurors performed no better.

Sirius, he was fast and versatile, his spell repertoire was very varied, Diffindo for offensive, Immobilus for control, overall he managed to incapacitate some of the Death Eaters.

James Potter, compensates for his lack of beauty, with magical talent, transfiguration was what he was using with greatest dexterity, any debris lost on the battlefield was a possible weapon for him, living armor, Lions,

It was touching to see the boy in appearance sick, try to impress your girlfriend.

Lily Evans, stood out with spells, with a versatile repertoire, for attack and defense she was not far behind, in fact, among them, she has the highest number of drop of Aurors.

Pettigrew was subtle, if you didn't pay close attention to him you would miss, the best way to describe it was as an opportunist, when his enemies faltered, he had the most efficient spell and at the best moment, taking down the opponent, A dangerous man indeed .

The situation was tense, and many casualties on both sides, the Aurors side was controlling the situation, and even winning, like a snowball, the death eater numbers were dwindling.

But he eventually entered combat.

Voldemort, Arrived among his own, which generated ovation, hope and joy for finally being with their Lord

As if to welcome the illustrious person, the violence seemed to subside as everyone looked at this one man.

While joy and noise on the Death Eaters side, tension, fear and anger on the Aurors side, this Man killed many of the friends or family of those present.

But another distinguished guest came, with his phoenix, Albus Dumbledore, the phoenix cawing with loud whistles, encouraging the perpetrators.

With their presence, all spells ceased, the stage was no longer theirs, interfering there would only be suicide.

Voldemort pov

Dumbledore "Tom, did you need this?, so many lives lost, this is madness" He looks at his former student, his heart feels sadness, not just for the people killed, but for his student.

Voldemort "I'm Lord Voldemort now, Teacher" Using his common name that reminded him of a Muggle name, made him very angry.

Voldemort " I feel sad with so much magical blood spilled on the ground, yes they were necessary sacrifices, Wizards will get their rightful place, as masters of the world, so their sacrifices were worth it" his voice exuded certainty and confidence, he looked at the youths and Aurors, and continued.

"A world where we can use magic freely, not trapped, in this little sandbox called sigil of magic, where wizards will have prosperity, True happiness..."

"Join me"

His way of speaking exuded a certain charisma, he learned to use words to manipulate people, it was one of his first skills.

Dumbledore " I've seen this path once, It only leads to death and despair" His voice was regretful, in his mind flashed images of his Beloved, he felt he had failed him the first time, and had failed Tom Riddle. The man ahead of him must be stopped at all costs.

Voldemort watched, but as he expected everyone trusted the old man, Dumbledore was a symbol, so long as he remained standing he would not have full control of the British wizarding world.

A duel was inevitable, a part of him wanted this duel for another reason, Dumbledore left a mark on his younger self, became a ghost in his mind, he wouldn't admit it to anyone else, he feared the old man, and he knew, he was powerful.

Voldemort "Well then I have no choice, I'm going to kill you Dumbledore" when I finished saying these words, his magic shook, and he cast a spell at his Enemy

"Avada Kedavra" the spell from him, shot like lightning, towards the Dumbledore, but was parried by the phoenix, which turned to ash on the spot.

Seeing his friend suffering in his place, tears welled up in Dumbledore's eyes, and a firestorm roared towards Voldemort.

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