
Slime King!!!!!

A guy who want to be a slime. What could go wrong?!

Thehiber · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Risk Your Life Like An Idiot <C4>

"You can do this, Jun. It's just a battle of life and death...Oh god, why did I drag myself into this?!"

Right now Jun was in the same place that Bob#2 was killed, hoped to find the same or as strong as the Giant Centipede like last time.

For the past few days, he had trained and almost perfected the Slime Bullet skill. From 10 seconds of preparing the skill to 1,5 seconds which was a huge improvement. Thanks to that, the skill increased to lvl 2.

Not only that, but he also got a new skill called Aim.


<Aim lvl 1>

*Passive skill.

*Increase accuracy and shorten the aiming time up to 10%.


This skill was added to his skill arsenal after he trained to aim better. He also increased his range up to 6,5 meters and level up to lvl 6.

With these 2 skills and a better vision, he was confident and sure that he could go up against the monster but now he doubted his decision.

It wasn't like in the manga, what going to happen next was a battle to the death...his first fight in this world.

"Maybe another day." After waiting and thinking for a long time, he decided to quit until he came up with a better plan.

As he was about to move away, a shadow appeared behind him and sounded like a thousand footsteps which made he turned back.

It was a lvl 1 Giant Centipede. From its menacing look, he was seen as small prey.

"Ah, crap." In less than 2 seconds, he shot out a bullet that aimed at the monster's head.

He did it out of fear but he was calm enough to aim for the head as he knew there was a chance of one hit kill.

But the reality was cruel. The bullet indeed hit it right into the head but it didn't penetrate as the monster had a tough scale armor.

"...F me in the head." He should have considered how thick the scale on the monster.

Despite the beast wasn't instantly killed, it still felt pain on the spot where he shot. So instead of killing it, he just made it mad.

"RAAAAR" The Beast roared then attacked him that he couldn't react fast enough to dodge.

Well, considering the stats were very different and he was just a slime, he wasn't really capable of dodging anything right now.

It was a body swipe attack so he blew away and hit the wall with great force. His core was still safe but he had lost more 20% of his body mass.

"F me." Seeing the beast came at him again, he tried to load a bullet. When it came too near, he freaked out and the bullet inside exploded and pushed him away.

It would consider bad luck but thanks to that bad luck, he dodged the headbutt from the beast.

The beast instantly turned back and opened mouth then charged at him like it wanted to swallow him whole. But it missed again as he dodged like before.

"So it can also be used like this." Instead of shooting out a bullet, he let it exploded inside and pushed him which he could do it much fast than shooting. Lost 3% of his body mass each use but still better than losing 20% when he got attacked.

After dodged 2 more times and created a distance from the beast, he shot out a bullet but this time aimed for the lower body where there wasn't any scale.

And as he predicted, the bullet went in easily and hurt it to the point that it roared out in pain.

"Haha, I can do this." If it kept going like this then he could win.

But he was mistaken, the beast didn't only get angry. It moved faster and more aggressive. What worse was that it was caution about his bullet skill which proved that its INT wasn't there for show.

But he didn't give up and fought harder, because his life was on the line so the battle went on for much longer. This wasn't just a battle between prey and predator, this was a battle between 2 equally strong monsters.

During the battle, he successfully hit the monster 3 times and he didn't get hurt. It seemed that he was the one had the advantage but it wasn't true at all.

He was losing too much of his mass while the beast was still strong and healthy enough to try to attack him with an aggressive manner.

He was down to half of his normal size. If this went on for any longer then he would the first one to lose.

"I have to take the risk, it's my only chance for survival." He came up with a plan which it would either grant him victory or end his life in an instant.

He stopped. Yes, he stopped when the battle was still going on.

When the beast saw the slime stopped, it thought that it would take this chance to end this fight then it would go back to the pack and healed its wounds.

The moment when the beast was near him, it stood up and opened its mouth. It was about to spit acid at him but it was a mistake.

It gave him a chance that he anticipated.

In less than a second, he shot a bullet into the mouth, it went straight into the brain then destroyed it like crushing tofu.

The beast just stood there for a few seconds then felt down, leaked blood and green from its mouth. It had been killed and by a slime but at least it was by June the legendary slime.

"...I win...I WIN, F you monster. Who the predator now. hahhahaha..." He said with all his might while looking at his first kill.

It was even better as he got a notification from the system that he had gone up a level.


Name: Jun.

Level: 2.

Mana | 72 |


After he was level up, his mana went up by 6 so now his vision was 7,2 meters. This proved that killing monsters that were stronger than you gave experience and increased mana.

"I have to leave this place fast. I don't want to be here when another monster come"

Of course, he couldn't leave without the monster body but with his size right now, it would be impossible to move the body.

Luckily, he had a backup plan.

"Where are you Bob#3?!" He then moved to a large rock and behind it was a slime with some Mana stones inside.

This was his backup plan. In case that he lost too much mass, he brought Bob#3 to take some of its mass to return him to a normal state.

He learned to take mass from other slimes when he thought about insufficient body mass when he used Slime bullet skill.

Without any delay, he took 75% body mass from Bob#3 and reduced it to the point that its core showed outside the slime.

Now with a bigger body and enough mana to maintain his new form, he could bring the body back with him.

"I wonder what you taste like." He looked at the monster with great hunger and excitement.

Would you consider risking your life in a death battle like every protagonists?!

But don’t worry, we give you plot armors.

Thehibercreators' thoughts