
Slave To The King Of Beasts

Matured Content!!! Angela White, A human female was dragged and taken into the Megan palace of the beasts and forced to bow before the king of the beasts, but she refused. He was a jealous King, Ruler of the whole galaxy and jealous of all the humans as he refused them from having their own rulers. He enslaved all the human-males and all first daughters of the humans, as he stripped them off and paraded them n*ked to his kinds views, but then he fell for a new slave captured as her beauty magnetize his eyes. He felt to protect her, to kept her safe and to stop the enslavement of her people, but she hated him, the beasts and if given a chance, She would killed him herself for all the hurt and pains he caused her people and seek her revenge. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Drag Out

Angela woke up in the dungeon feeling hot and sick as she slept on the cold floor and it wasn't as comfortable as a normal bed nor mattress should felt. And so she sat up properly and stared at her bruised skin, turning her arms around to stared at the red marks and hickey already displayed all over on her skin as she was very white and a beautiful human to become as a prisoner in the beast palace.

Angela remembered her father has already told her that one day she might still be captured and taken to the palace as she remembered the first year the beast guards came into her village - five years ago. when they started abducting the first daughters of every homes.

They stated - "His royal Majesty Crown Prince Mark Gerald has decreed that all first daughters of every human families must be submitted and brought to the Megan Palace to serve the royal families as a slave and to assist in the kingdom building. And any family that refuses their sons or husband would be killed and daughter still taken by force."

Her father had lied to the elders then that she was dead and banned her from stepping a foot outside of their home as she was to remained indoor of the house without no sunlight and to only stepped out at midnight, when no human nor passerby could clearly saw her face as none of her villagers knew she was still alive.

Until the fateful day the beast-guards came back hunting for every first daughters of the humans families again to took them away to the palace.

She remembered her heart was beating loudly inside the drum as she heard the screams from other homes they attacked until she felt when one of the beast-guard approached the drum that she was inside and shook on the drum ordering her father to opened it.

Her father had refused telling them it was water that was inside the large drum but when the beast-guard threatened to kill her father, her mother immediately rushed up to them and opened the huge drum as requested and the beasts men were stunned to saw her and they didn't killed her father, as they remembered it was her mother whom had given to them the cured before, and so they took her away.

Angela shook her head as she remembered the moment she was caught and dragged to the palace.

She screamed, fought with them, but she was still no match to them, as she used to saw them before when they used to invaded and abducted the men of her village too after warning her father and the rest of their village elders not to think of ruling over the lands.

Angela sighed and stretched her aching bones, but just then she heard the clicking sound of her cage room door opening and as she turned to saw who was there? She saw two hefty beast guards walked into her cage room and they approached her to dragged her out.

"Why didn't you chain her hands? Quickly go out and bring the chains and lock" One of the beast guards said to the other, as he moved closer to her while the other left

Angel was already weak and so she couldn't fought with the beast guard as he approached her and dragged her roughly to his side and roughly touched her chest and fondly one of her big breast, as he traced his calloused palm up to her face, and to her lips while Angela angrily bited on his finger, as his finger invaded into her mouth.

"Ah!, How dare you?!" He landed Angela a hot slap and she felt her head spin as she was already very weak and couldn't protested nor fought with the black looking beast guard.

"You better behave yourself today. If not, tonight we will have fun with you tonight and sleep with you really hardly, since you refused to bow to our Prince, Just get yourself prepared" The beast guard informed as he smirked while Angela shivered as she bited on her lower lip in anger, to fought back the urge to cry.

She knew she wouldn't allowed him nor any of his fellow beasts men to slept with her but she didn't knew how she would stopped him either.

Her village boyfriend Alex Anderson whom she loved and wanted to married then was abducted six years ago too, before the disease struck out and she hasn't seen him return since then.

She didn't even knew if he was still alive or killed and eaten by some silly rogue beasts, but she really loved him and wished she could have absconded with him then, but there was no where they could have gone too, As the beast-men were everywhere and also the ruler.

The second guard whom was sent out before to got a chain returned and he stepped into the cage room and was surprised to saw the red mark across Angela's face, as her pretty white face now looked red on her left cheek.

"What did you do to her?" he asked the first guard still roughly holding her and dragging Angela forward, as they encircled the chain round her ankle and wrists, and padlocked it.

"What does it seem to you like I did to her?. She behaved rudely to me and I only gave her a warning!" The first beast guard replied to his second whom just arrived .

The second beast guard smiled and he said, "You know she's very pretty? Why did you slap her?. I was planning to have some fun with her tonight."

The second guard really admired Angela, but the first warned him.

"Don't you dare Amos, I have already chosen her and also let her knew that am to have fun with her tonight!," The first beasts guard said.

"What are you two still doing in here discussing about?!.. Quickly drag her out now!" Jack commanded them as he stepped into the cage room and stared to the two beast guards angrily.

Jack shifted his gazed to stared at Angela's face and he frowned immediately seeing the red wide mark spread across on her left cheek and he immediately asked the two guards holding her and wanting to dragged her outside, while Angela was mute and continued to fought back the urge to cry.

"What happened to her face?" Jack asked.

"General, she disrespected me" The first guard responded.

"Hmm" Jack hummed and he stated, "Take her out, the rest of the new slaves are already outside, and we don't want keep his majesty and the rest of the royal families waiting."

"Okay" The two beast guards quickly dragged Angela by her arms outside and she was still very weak to struggled nor wrestle with them as she hasn't eaten anything since the previous day before she was caught and dragged to the palace.

They dragged her out to the open field and she was thankful as the sun finally shone on her white pale skin, as she hasn't received any sunlight for a long, and was always indoor and hiding from the preying eyes.

The young ten human females captured were all stripped naked and bare before her eyes, as Angela was also dragged out to meet with them at the center of the huge crowd, with the two hefty beasts guards holding her up without her legs touching the ground.

Angela tilted her neck sideways to stared at the ten naked ladies at the center in front of the royal castle, and at the many beast crowds gathered inside the palace, As the beasts men and women were chanting, "Kill them! Kill them!"

And the young and old beasts all gathered around in the Megan Palace field staring at the ten naked young ladies in the center of the field mumbling out curses words to them.

"What's the meaning of these nonsense??!" Angela questioned out loudly as the two hefty beast guards continued dragging her up to meet with them too, And they immediately shunned her up, "Shut up human!."

Angela gulped as they dragged her to the front where the ten naked human ladies were standing completely bare and the two beast guards dragging her immediately stopped, but were still holding her arms, as they stood waiting for the training lesson to begin..

Angela sighed heavily in relieved, seeing they didn't also stripped her bare, like the rest of the bare ten young women, she was seeing and she felt extremely pitiful for them, as she knew she couldn't withstand such level of embarrassment.

"Kill them, kill them!" Angela heard the silly young beasts females behind her chanting and howling loudly for her and the ten naked ladies to be killed.

"Kill them! Kill them!"

The young beast women behind her screamed out but the guards standing there blocked them from crossing over to the circle where she and the rest of the ten naked young ladies were standing.

Just then the spokesperson of the crown prince announced, "Silence everyone!" and soon the crowds automatically became silent.

"His royal majesty, Crown Prince Mark Gerald one of the Alpha Clan is here with the rest of the royal families!... Bow!" Steve commanded and everyone in the open field started falling down to their knees all around and soon they started bowing in a respectful manners including the ten naked young ladies surprising Angela, as they also fell down to their knees and bowed their head lowered to the ground and Angela was the only one whole remained standing.

Even the beasts guards holding her immediately knelt on one knee and bowed in a courtesy manner to the frontage, as all the crowd all bowed, And their Alpha king stepped out first in his black long cloak and brown skirt and he stared ahead to them all.

Angela meet his gazed on her as she was the only one still standing at the field, and she stared at him angrily with bloodshot eyes as their eyes meet, as she would never bowed to any monster.

Crown Prince Mark eyes fell on her too as he stepped out, and he slowly hummed, "Hmm," Surprised to saw the wide red mark spread across on her left cheek.

Angela quickly stared away from him, seeing his gazed was pinned on staring at her, and she stared to the floor, not ready to bowed to him yet.

He was wearing a black long cloak unlike the red robe that he wore the previous day, covering his shoulders, chest and down to his feet as he wore a traditional beads around his neck and his brown long skirt too.

Angela bited on her her lower lip in anger and she heard his spokesperson commanded the rest, "Arise everyone!."

Soon the whole crowd stood up back on their feet staring at them in the circle, as it seemed they all gathered to watch them in the front of the open field.