
Slave to the Darkness

The world belongs to the humans but what they do not know is that in the dark hours of the night there is a slave market that happens in the woods. No one knows about it except those that are wealthy and pay a fee for the membership. As the slave market moves from town to town, finally they reach its destination where they call up the buyer letting him know that they have arrived with some intriguing goods that he might be interested in. The slave that was bought from the Slave Market in the middle of the night was taken to her new home by her first Master. She feels safe with him but doesn’t remember anything from her past and doesn’t know what secrets lurk in her mind. The Master that bought a new toy thought since she was what he was looking for. He hoped that she would last longer than the rest but what he didn’t expect was the past to come back to him after a hundred years without it. With his new memories he softens up but only for her as she is now his everything, he will stop at nothing to protect her and help each other remember their past together. Excerpt "Just who do you think you are? I will get you thrown out of this area if you continue to loiter around here. I was just having a chat with my soon to be man when you interrupted me." The girl pointed at Yuki blaming her. "Darling, were you going to pick up someone else when you already have me by your side?" Yuki turned and pressed her body up against his side. She rubbed her chest on his side to show that he was hers. "You know that I can not replace you, Liliana. I was only telling these ladies that they couldn't have the purse that I specially ordered for you." He moved his hand to her ass and squeezed. The ladies looked embarrassed for a moment. "No, I will get what I want. I want that man and that purse!" The lady screamed and her face turned beet red. Yuki turned her head over, "you can not control someone's feelings. You can not compare to me in any way shape or form." Yuki turned her head away shapely. "Oh is that so. THEN I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BEAUTY CONTEST!! There is a competition for the queen of the beach today and if you win I will leave you alone and bow down to you but if I win I want that purse and your man!" Cover is a commissioned Product and all rights belong to me and the artist that created it for me.

Shirokitsune · ファンタジー
325 Chs

5 Blood Bond Pact

Yuki pouts at his reply. 'How can he know that he will not die anytime soon. It's worrisome especially if I acquire a taste for his blood….actually it might be too late for that.' She shudders at the thought of drinking more of his blood. Briefly, her eyes flash red. Her thoughts were run rampant through her head as she listens to him. "Master, you should obviously know how dangerous it is for a vampire to feed from just one person... right? I won't be able to survive if I acquire a taste for your blood. I'll eat the human food. It definitely won't be as sustaining as blood but I need to do what I can to stay alive."

"It's the blood bond pact is what worries you isn't it?" He watches her tense up and says quietly almost as if whispering to himself. "You don't have to worry Yuki, I'm immortal like yourself. I'm not able to die even if I so wish to. So do not force yourself to eat." He looks at her.

Yuki's eyes start to tear up. "Master Cedric, you do understand that if you die I will perish with you. When the blood bond is formed I will no longer be able to get blood from other sources and it'll be harder to eat normal food. You can't be immortal. You hardly look a day over 30." She looks at him and her cheeks have a slow stream of tears rolling down her face.

Cedric reaches his hand to her eyes and gently wipes the tears from her eyes. "Yuki." Cedric was not used to being cried in front of. It was unnerving even for him. 'I didn't know the gravity of the blood bond situation. My research didn't prepare me for this. I hope I can convince her that I won't leave her alone ever.' He pulls her into a big hug. "Yuki, don't cry please." He kisses beside her eyes and licks the salty tears up. "If it'll ease your worries." He pauses. " I'll tell you that I have been alive for 250 years already." Cedric pats her head.

Yuki freezes, "Two hundred and fifty years old…" Her tears stopped. She was shocked into silence. 'My master is almost as old as myself.' She looked into his eyes. "I'm three hundred years old. You're almost as old as I am. You're not a vampire." She thinks into his eyes. She jumps up and moves to the edge of the bed. "You're not a hunter, you're blood is….magical. I can taste the power in it. Are you a warlock that has cast a spell upon yourself or are you half-demon? The blood pact doesn't usually hit so soon." She tries to jump up but is unable to move anymore.

"You're very smart Yuki." Cedric praises her. "Yuki, you can't move now. My blood is very rich with my power so it would, of course, push the blood bond to happen a lot sooner. You are right by saying I'm not a hunter. I didn't want to spook you with finding out what I am my dear." He sighs deeply. "Yuki, I was and am a warlock but, I wasn't the one who cast the immortality spell. It's rather complicated." He frowns. 'I didn't realize that my blood could hold her captive so easily. It's an interesting concept. I wonder if this is what the start of a blood bond is like?' He inwardly smirks to himself.

Yuki stared at Cedric not moving closer to him. "The blood bond is an ancient uncontrollable bond that is formed from after roughly about 25 feedings. It's unheard of for the blood bond to begin after only drinking blood twice. The bond itself is a complex problematic issue. If we actually complete the bond I'll never be able to get the needed substance that I need. I've never fed from anyone more than twice personally. It's rather dangerous if I can no longer feed myself because if my blood bonded partner dies. I would perish from starvation." Yuki shudders at the thought. "The one who is in charge of the blood bond is the not the Vampire but, the one bonded to the vampire. Vampires are a dying species as it is. Your blood is exquisite. Nothing I have ever have had before comes even remotely close to the taste. Master, you will need to watch for changes in your habits. I shouldn't need to feed every day but the hunger I had was atrocious. I can't explain everything that comes with the blood bond because it's such a rare occurrence no one has really survived long enough to pass on the knowledge. All I know is that I was told never to do it." Yuki still frozen in place continues to stare at Cedric. 'The other risks, for now, I will keep to myself as they aren't facts but estimated guesses.'

I have an interest in understanding evil. Who is the bad guy - the vampire who kills people and sucks their blood, or the survivalists who kill people to save their own lives? Is evil merely a creation of people? Or is there an evil nature? Or is it in the eye of the beholder? I really like these questions.

Lois Tilton

Shirokitsunecreators' thoughts