
Skelengel; Tales Of The Boundless One [Not Updating]

When the universe creates a person, they are bestowed with certain traits that we, as mere humans, are aware of. Sportiness, the ability to work with computers, and creativity are all things we may obtain at creation. However, some of those talents extend far past the mortal realm of flesh and blood. They go all the way to your very soul, and these are the ones that we cannot see. These few are destined to become Boundless. And it just so happens that one was designated to die on the fateful day a new god took sight over the earth. This is the tale of Aaron Stone, the once businessman turned planetary traverser. Aided by himself and his potential, he plans to live out his life with peace of mind. However, the universe has it out for him, and it won't let him ever have true peace. However, someone from behind the shadows controls everything, and they have quite a distaste for Aaron Stone. They will try to make his life a living hell. Everything you read here is an account of something going on in the vast universe. Hell, who knows... It may even be YOU who takes his place in the future. [Chapter Length: Above 1k words] [Upload Time: Once a day, if I can. My life has gotten increasingly busy over the past year, so I may have to put novelwriting to the side for a bit. L] If you want a book with a main character who goes around helping every little person, this book isn't for you. It involves death and some gory details, among other things. People and friends will die. These are all part of the universe. [Volume 1: The Awakening Of Boundlessness: Completed] [Volume 2: The Quest For Higher Boundlessness: Completed] [Volume 3: The Fires Of Boundless Supremacy: On-Going] WARNING! Different novel mechanics will be placed into this book, so there will probably be some confusion in ability specifics and other details. Simply leave a comment, or message me on the discord server below, and I can clear up some of the details :) Also, because of the idea of adding multiple different mechanics, there will hopefully be something that suits everyone in this book :) AUTHORS NOTE! Thank you for taking the time to read through this synopsis. It means a lot to me that you even bothered to read this. If you plan to read this book, I will say that, as of me writing this at chapter 320, it gets much better the further you go! Thank you for thinking about reading it, and I hope you will enjoy it! The book is also completely free to read, and I want it to stay that way! I just want people to be able to read and enjoy my stuff! I'm just gonna put the discord link here if you want to access it. You should join if you wanna just talk about the book to the creator and others! We got a general chat, memes, and other things. I hope we will see you there! https://discord.gg/gcrbtk8M63 Also, I have a YouTube Channel! I'm not going to tell you to sub, but it would really be appreciated! https://youtube.com/channel/UCrURywBu-fDA5KQaDPc3GOg [Also, just letting you know, I do actually own the cover :)] [It was made by @chook-in-a-jar on Instagram! Go follow them there!] This book is copyrighted material of ShadowAmeratsu, and cannot be used/altered for any projects without the author's permission.

ShadowAmeratsu · 幻想
323 Chs


Aaron's parents stood there in shock, as the fountains of blood rose from the bodies of the mob. Now, there were about fifty people there, which was a considerable gathering, and with such an amount of blood, Aaron was feeling sad that he was wasting it all on a spectacle, as he could have used it for his own self-improvement. It was worth it, just seeing the disgusted looks on his parent's faces. He began laughing, as his parents started to increase the effects of their abilities. Metal objects began floating around Elise, as she became fearful of what her son had become. Steven remained calm but began to drag to bodies closer to him, pulling the chains with him as well.

Aaron used this opportunity to try and grab his dad using the chain so that he could be used as a bargaining chip with his mother but he just pulled the chain into the ball of nothingness that was close to his hand. It was like a black hole, except without pulling light in. It just pulled din objects. Take the crushing ability of Aaron's Boundless Gravitational Manipulation or Boundless Telekinesis. It's essentially just that, but in an enclosed space, and it fully destroys the objects pulled in.

"Damn. I really thought I could pull you in with that. You would have made such a useful bargaining tool." Aaron mused, as Steven smirked, but in a disapproving way. "What has become of you, Aaron?!" Elise yelled at him, which just caused him to smile.

"You know, it's always been my goal to do something like this. I regained my memories, and I knew what my true intentions were once I did. I came here to rule. To be a demon lord but in real life. I think I've done quite the successful job, but all good things must come to an end. I know what I'm capable of, and I will tell you now, I could kill you all right this second. I won't though, and you want to know why? I want to enjoy this moment. The sheer ecstasy that comes when killing someone sends endorphins through a person's body. It makes them feel alive.

"Humans were born to enjoy taking what isn't theirs. They believe everything belongs to them. Just like the satisfaction you get when proving someone wrong. You take back your correctness, and they are forced to receive wrongfulness, and vice-versa. It's a beautiful thing, the human personality is. It's also a curse. Those curses that it brings are what you people would call 'Humanity's Sins'. All it is is human personalities showing their true identities, and bringing out what they truly desire. Anger, Lust, Sloth...all of them. That is what makes up a human, and what causes people to become menaces. I'm ridding this world of the menaces, those being YOU. All of YOU are the problem here. It doesn't matter if I die here, or if I die later. I've culled off half of the population and forcing people to show their true personalities. Mass panic, homicide, arson. All of those will be going on right this second, all because of human personality. Face it. Humans are flawed." Aaron ranted, giving out many reasons he wanted people to die. A perfect example, at least to him, was Jacob Highland-Sidener. The person he decapitated while he was at school. He had been consumed by both anger and fear, turning himself into a vicious person who hunted Aaron down out of fear. He was also cocky, meaning that he thought he could get away with it.

"What...? What do you mean by that?! What does that have to do with you killing everyone?!" Steven yelled out, confused as to what Aaron meant by all that. Sloth? Anger? Lust? What did that have to do with anything?

"Oh, I forgot to mention. The person standing in front of you is no ordinary child. It's a god. I've been a god since BIRTH. Why do you think I had no Ki, yet everybody else in the publicly available recorded history of this planet had? Did you not think that something was up? How I had instantly gained a variety of powers? How I became the corrupted monster you see before you? IDIOTS!" Aaron yelled back before he began laughing at them. All this time they thought he was probably just 'special'. Now that they knew he was a god, it made things all the more interesting.

He did forget about Crystet during this time, but he saw something moving in the corner of his eye. He avoided a quick punch to the face by ducking and throwing a punch into the attacker's chest. Crystet stumbled backwards, as he didn't expect Aaron to be so well-versed in evasive manoeuvres. Steven and Elise were just left speechless by this new revelation. Their child was a god? Were they sure he just wasn't having some insane power trip?

"Crystet, you think it would be wise to try to attack me when I just revealed my status as a god? You REALLY must have lost brain cells in your transformation into a corrupted being." Aaron said with a smile, as he delivered a quick kick to Crystet's face, sending him a little bit across the room. While his parents were contemplating what the hell was going on, he decided now would be a good time to use up the spare 'Level Points' he had. He had 378, so He decided the best course of action would be to place them all in strength.

[Attack: 327]

Is Now

[Attack: 705]

"Now, it's time to see how strong you guys are! It's time to see if you are the most powerful people I know, or if I AM!" Aaron yelled out, as he rushed towards his parents with a smile on his face. His hand was wide open, as a blue ball charged in it, releasing a cyan glow in his black, corrupted palm.

[11:56 PM]

Oh yeah I'm just gonna leave the link to the discord I run in the comments, so you can chat with me if you want lol

ShadowAmeratsucreators' thoughts