
Twisted Tactics

After Emily's talk with Azazel, he had politely walked her back to her cabin, stopping to chat with her father about upcoming Brotherhood meetings and the like. His smile was dazzling, and the manner which he held himself seemed to bring respect from all of the members.

Her mother came and sat across from her at the porch table, leaning forward to speak with her as if gossiping, "So! You've been spending the day with Jared hm??" Her mothers face was lit up as she grabbed her daughters hand excitedly and whispered, "Sooo tell me what happened, he's really cute isn't he?? And such a great guy to be with if you decide you like him, hes head of the 2nd Division Brotherhood Unit, you know? But he's eighteen, so next year he will move up to the 1st division. Do you think he likes you?" Her mothers onslaught of words was making Emily's head spin and her cheeks flush pink.

"Its not...really like that, mom. I mean,", She thought for a moment and sighed. Her mother took this opportunity to cut in,

" I think you like him, and I think its wonderful!" She turned and saw him approaching the two of them and she ceased her gossip.

He walked to her and smiled, bowing as he took her hand, "The lovely Mrs. Clark, always a pleasure. I see where Emily gets her looks from," He kissed her hand and placed it back down before continuing, "I would like to ask your permission to take your daughter to an event tomorrow. It is in town, so we will have to leave campgrounds, but I assure you she will be on good hands. There is an orchestral performance at city hall and I think she would very much enjoy it. May she attend with me?"

Her mother flashes her an excited expression before turning her attention back to Azazel (who she believed to be Jared), "She can absolutely go with you! It will be her pleasure, I'm sure. Such a gentleman, Emily! You are so very lucky." She patted her daughters back making Emily blush in embarrassment.

He thanked Lorraine and told Emily he would pick her up in the morning before turning and walking away. Emily watched him leave, a dull ache in her chest seeing him go. What would happen tomorrow? Was he taking her to a public event...to kill someone? Or was the orchestra story a lie? She was starting to realize how difficult it was to read him, he seemed to change his mask around others and she wasn't sure which one was real and which was show. Regardless, she was committed to going now, so there wasn't a lot she could do about it. Her mother would never let her cancel with how excited she had been over the whole ordeal. Whatever he had planned, she supposed she would just have to discover tomorrow.

As the sun descended out of the sky and the moon began to show itself, the campground became boisterous with party-goers. Fourth of July was a huge event here with drinks happening at nearly every house and members just traveling around to each to mingle before moving on to another. There was a dance at the pavilion at the top of the hill, and the pool was normally full of laughing, intoxicated teenagers. At midnight there would be a huge fireworks display.

Emily decided to have a walk around the camp to try and find something to do. She began up the hill, passing the pool on her left. She heard splashing and laughing from a few girls and looked over to see...was it Jared, or Azazel? It was too dark to tell, and she wished she hadn't seen at all. He was leaned against the edge of the pool, a girl in each arm, telling some story to them with a proud smile on his face. They were stroking his chest and laying kisses on his neck, and Emily swore he suddenly looked directly at her and grinned.

She turned away quickly and continued up to the dance, trying to toss the image from her mind as tears began to swell, her mind questioned silently, "That must have been Jared...Az wouldn't do that me..right? Do I even know?? He's a demon after all..he said he loved me but does he even have any moral standards for loyalty? " She shook her head and scolded herself, "No, no...it must have been Jared..."

She sat up at a table overlooking the dancefloor, her mind still turning. She tilted her head to look off the balcony and spotter him walking up the hill now with the two girls. Emily rolled her eyes as he led one of them to the drinks and then pulled one into him to lead to the floor. She was still in her bikini, skin glistening when the moon hit her, and he had left his shirt off to press against her. The girl was poorly feigning drunk, leaning heavily into him making him hold her tighter. Emily's face flushed red and he looked up at the balcony to her. As his eyes met hers, he dipped the girl down smoothly and leaned down to kiss her.

Emily turned away, but her anger had diminished. This time she had seen his eyes. The good news was, it wasnt Azazel doing the philandering. The bad news...well, she hadn't really considered the consequences of loving someone who wasn't always in charge of his body. And it seemed Jared was well aware of ways to torture her for attachment to Az. She was going to have to help Az get himself back...she had to separate them, and then he would be hers.

Emily stood and walked to the edge of the balcony, gazing up at the stars thoughtfully. She wasn't sure how she felt about tomorrow, her emotions were mixed and tangled in her stomach. Her heart seemed to soar for Az, and even when she felt intimidated by his...well, demonic actions and traits, she was drawn to him. She imagined it was what an addiction would feel like. She closed her eyes and found herself remembering the first night he came out, she was terrified pinned beneath him...the way he had scratched her had left a sting that sent surges of pleasurable pain up her spine.

She bit her lip at the memory of his breath trailing up her neck, and his deep kiss pressed to her lips. As she opened her eyes, the fire works lit up the sky, and she saw Jared below, locked in a kiss with the girl. Emily shook her head and descended the balcony to head back to her cabin, the thoughts of tomorrow flooding back to her.