
Behind Brotherhood Walls

The next morning, Emily woke early after having trouble sleeping all night, nervous about whatever today was going to reveal to her. She had never seen anyone die, and she had been attempting to wrap her head around how someone would die via soul removal, but she couldn't grasp it. Truthfully (like most people) she didn't really understand what a soul was to begin with, so she wasn't sure how exactly you took one.

"Well," she thought to herself, "I guess I can consider myself the lucky girl who gets to find out...I mean, its just like a book, right? Adventure and mystery....totally fine. It will be FINE. " she tried to get comfortable with the idea, but still felt a bit like she was in a bad dream, but somehow lead by a demon that made her heart melt.

When a knock struck her cabin door she started up quickly in alarm, fixing stray strands or her hair nervously before running to opening the door.

Azazels metallic eyes looked her up and down, a satisfied grin playing on his lips. Emily's mother had given her a smooth, elegant dress that hugged her body, defining her curves perfectly. It was a design called Midnight Blue, that was a dark blue at the top with gorgeous subtle sparkles, like the night sky. As the dress moved down, the blue faded lighter. Her hair was in a loose bun, curls left hanging down the sides. He found her to be beyond beautiful, and he quickly stole a kiss before her mother could come out to say goodbye.

Az bowed to Lorraine, his black suit giving him the look of a proper gentleman. He thanked her for allowing him the time with Emily, and after enthusiastic goodbyes from her, the two of them descended the porch to get into the car.

Once they had driven out of the campgrounds, Az relaxed his posture and swiftly lit a cigarette, taking a deep inhale as he rolled down the window to blow it out. He teasingly held the cigarette out to Emily as an offer, knowing she had no interest. He shrugged and took another puff before speaking in swirls of smoke, "So our little adventure today is going to show you a lot of things. Secrets well hidden by those around the camp, and it's going to change the way you view all of those people and that place," He turned to look at her, eyebrows raises in question, "Still want to do this? There's no going back, Em."

Emily stared out the window and watched as the trees passed. She wasn't sure she wanted to do this, no, she had a whole list of doubts. But she didn't want to show weakness, she wanted Az to know she welcomed his life and accepted him, even if she didn't understand his ways. She wanted to learn for him.

They drove up to an old stone building, men and women all finely dressed were entering the front through an archway wrapped in rose bushes that climbed up each side. Az parked the car and Emily slowly stepped out, looking around curiously. It seemed they had gone to a theatre of sorts, as Az had said, but she noticed that many of the guests entering wore the Brotherhood sigil. She glanced over at Az and, as if reading her mind, he spoke,

"The Brotherhood owns this place, and many like it. But we won't find what we're after through there," he nodded towards the entry and grabbed something from the car before coming to stand beside Emily. Here, put this on." He handed her a masquerade mask, pure white with gold trim and bordered in red jewels. She looked down at it in her hands questioningly and he explained further, "I'm well known here, my reputation keeps me safe. But I dont need anyone suspicious of you. Put it on." His voice was firm and she obeyed.

He placed his hand on her back and led her around the building to a hidden entry. He knocked three times on a stone, and a doorway opened for them. A woman stood in the candle lit entryway, red laced lingerie cupping her breasts and tracing her hips. She wore a black robe over it, hanging open loosely and hiding none of her features. When she saw Az her lips stretched to a smile and she spoke in a sultry voice,

"Have you come for work again, Jared baby? Or perhaps just a good time? The girls have missed you," She took his hand and stroked it, giving him a thirsty look before he pulled his hand back abruptly.

"Work, Vixen. I heard I could find James here tonight?" He walked past her into the room and Emily followed nervously, fidgeting with her mask. She looked around, taking everythin in. Doors lined the corridor, each with a name on it. She heard one click open and turned to see a naked women letting a man out of the room. Her hair was disheveled and her makeup running, but she thanked him and told him to visit again.

Her heart sunk as she realized they were in a brothel. Az had said he was well known here...what exactly had she agreed to come to? Was this some sick joke to him? Humiliating her with all these women?

"James is with Lily, you can find them in the back," She pointed and smiled to him, "She will be thankful to be rid of that one. We are grateful for what you do for us Jared".

He thanked her politely, kissing her hand, and led Emily down the hall to where Lily's room was. He glanced at Emily as if making sure she was still alright, which she didn't seem to be with her pale expression, and then opened the door.

Inside the room, a large man leaned over Lily with his back to the door, her clothes torn and bruises around her neck. She was sobbing as he placed drunken, wet kisses on her and forced his hands all over her soft features. He hadn't heard the door amidst his excitement and continued tugging forcefully at the girls clothes as he groped her and tried to push himself onto her.

As she struggled, she caught sight of the two at the door and her eyes lit up with relief. Noticing her sudden change in expression, the big man turned to see the disruption. "What the hell do you want, this rooms taken! Leave me to enjoy the service I've paid for!" The man had a disgusting smile planted on his face and with all the sweat along his brow, Emily felt he compared well to a pig.

Azazel strode over to the man, his eyes filled with a hate that made the man step back cautiously. "Hey man, what do you want!?" As Azazel continued towards him, the man backed against the wall and began to panic, "I-I... I didnt do anything! Did my wife send you?? I'll pay you anything!"

Calmly, Az placed himself in front of James, his cold, steely eyes judging him harshly with their penetrating stare. He shook his head, "James, James, James....I know plenty of wrong you've done. Women you've hurt, men you've betrayed...." his voice became deep and menacing as he spoke the last, "selling children to the Brotherhood."

James stared back at him, eyes wide with fear and understanding, he glanced behind Az at the door, planning to run, but Az was too quick and he had the man lifted by his throat and pinned against the wall in a matter of seconds. Beside them, Lily grabbed her robe and ran from the room, thanking Az on the way out.

Az continued, his words coming as a growl now, "The Brotherhood holds many dark secrets, James, and I work very hard to end them, you see? I don't appreciate scumbags like you spreading more trash among us. Your time is up and your punishment begins now!" As he shouted this, he pressed one hand against the mans chest and Emily saw the mans head toss back in agonizing pain. He let out a shrill cry as a dull light began to emerge from his chest and wrap itself around Azazels arm. His eyes were hungry, eager to have his meal and as he lifted the man one final time the stream of light began to be absorbed into his own chest, the man kicking now in an attempt to escape. But it was too late.

Az dropped him too the ground and turned,grinning wickedly. Emily looked at the man slouched to the floor, his eyes had turned full white and they stared blankly at her, making her shiver. There was more to this than Emily was aware of, she realized. There was something about the Brotherhood Az was fighting against, and it seemed the members were not exactly what they seemed either.