
Simp system

In his previous life, after he got cheated on by his girlfriend. Elmer watched a lot of Sigma male videos on Y-tube and concluded that all girls were evil. It was only right for him to be cold in front of girls, as that was the only way one could get some action, according to these sigma y-tubers. "If one wants to succeed in life then he must focus on his goals and ignore holes!" His philosophy for life became to ignore girls and focus on himself. However, his life ended shortly after a truck decided to give him a goodbye kiss at very high speed. Reincarnating he became a sect disciple and got the Simp System. "What do you mean I have to simp for girls?!" "I am a Sigma Male, girls should approach me first!" [Mission - Give Master Lucie flowers for the next ten days straight.] [Reward- 500 exp points.] [Faliure- 100 years of death] "What do you mean I can only become powerful if I simp for girls?!" Thus his journey began in this new life trying to avoid girls as much as he could, but still ending up in bed with them. ........... Tags - Smut, Harem.

strange_demon · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Red Bamboo Peak

"Missions? How can I get missions? I don't see a tab for it."

Elmer asked as he glanced over his system panel again to see if he had a missions tab, however, he was unable to find any.

[Missions are randomly assigned to the host, depending on the situation he is in. And only after competing or failing the current mission can host unlock the next mission.]

[With the completion of each mission comes good reward however Failure brings punishment with it.]

Elmer read through the last panel and raised his brows.

"What kind of punishment?"

[Host will know when the time comes.]

Elmer nodded and dismissed the system panel. "Guess, this system is useless to me till I get a mission."

He decided not to rely on the system too much and increase his strength on his own.

Moving towards the small table, Elmer sat in front of it and skimmed through the books placed on it.

There were only three books on the table.

Two of them were his skills, Rawring Panda Slash and Panda Paws. The last one was his cultivation technique manual, Panda Calm.

All three of the books reached level three, which was the maximum level for these techniques.

As an outer sect disciple of the Red Panda sect, one only gets access to level one of these techniques, however, inner disciples like him could get full copies of these techniques.

One has to reach the QI transformation stage to become an Inner sect disciple in the red panda sect.

Cultivation Levels were divided into three main realms and Nine Sub Realms.

Three main realms were Qi Realm, Core Realm, and Spirit Realm.

Qi realm was the most basic and divided into three sub-realms, which were Qi application, Qi condensation, and Qi Transformation.

In the Qi application realm, one learns how to absorb Qi from his surrounding and apply Qi in the Basic Techniques.

At Qi Condensation Realm, one learned how to condense Qi in his dantian as Qi wisps. Achieving this realm is also mandatory for becoming an outer sect disciple at Red Panda sect.

And finally came the Qi Transformation realm, where Qi wisps transform into Qi Streams in one's dantian, this was the realm requirement to become an Inner Sect disciple at Red Panda Sect.

Above Qi Realm were the Core and Spirit Realms which were also divided into three sub-realms each.

Elmer stood up and moved outside of his small sect dorm, to wash his face.

Cultivators at his level usually don't need to wash their bodies as they could clean themselves up with their Qi. However, Elmer was still not accommodated in this new world and would feel awkward if he did not at least wash his face.

Walking outside he found himself in a wooden corridor, this was the inner dorm building of Red Panda Sect.

It was a wooden pagoda, with ten floors. Each floor contained Twenty rooms, assigned to individual inner sect disciples.

This pagoda was one of the four buildings for the inner sect, it was located on Red Bamboo Peak.

The Red Panda sect had a total of eight peaks, four for inner disciples, one for Core Disciples, one for Outer Disciples, and the last two peaks were for Sect Elders and Sect leader.

Elmer currently stayed on Red Bamboo Peak which was run by Elder Rania Olovaris. She was an Origin Core realm cultivator. And ice Queen of the sect.

Core realms were also divided into three sub-realms, first one was Golden Core, where one forms a Golden Core from his Transformed Qi.

The second one was Life Core, it was said that a Life Core expert can sense the life force around them and could even absorb life force to boost their cultivation.

And the last one is Origin Core, which was the strongest Core Sub-Realm, Experts in this realm could fly even without the use of a flying sword and could move mountains and Drain Rivers.

Elder Rania was one such expert, she was on par with sect leader and is the strongest Peak Elder of all four Inner peaks.

One has to remember that the Golden Core realm of the marital artist is the requirement to become a Core Disciple.

And to become an Elder one need to be in the Life Core realm.

An Origin Core realm expert could already form and run their sect. However, Elder Raina decided to stay in this sect instead as an elder.