
Silent Hacker

Maya is not your typical hacker. Ten years ago, her only living family was killed in cold blood. The killers make her take the fall but after ten years in prison, she's become stronger. Now, she hunts the very monsters that hunt others. She's untraceable until she runs into Alec, the Underworld's notorious leader who doesn't seem to be quite human. Things aren't as they seem though, as Maya is pulled into a twisted fate. Maya now has to run from the Underworld boss who wants her as his own and a mysterious hacker who seems to have it out for her. What could possibly go wrong, right? EVERYTHING. I do not own the cover, the picture used is from Pinterest. Wanna talk? Find me on Discord! Blissfullrage#3336 ___________________________________ Would like to donate? Cash App $Blissfullrage

Blissfullrage · ファンタジー
336 Chs

Going After The Head


"Malco... his name is Dr. Malco." The man says swaying. I lift my head and level him with a cold look. The man shudders "And where would I find this Malco?" I ask but the man started shaking his head. "I don't know! I really don't! Everyone began moving around and panicking when the lights went out.."

I look at the swaying man one last time before turning around and walking to the door. "Wait! Wait... didn't you say that you would... end me quickly? You can't just leave like this after giving me your word!" He sways again and loses his grip on the guts he held causing them to fall out yet again.

I pause and turn to look at the man with disgust "I have kept my word... would you like me to come back and continue playing?" The man's face loses what little hope he was holding onto as he realizes what I mean. He starts trying to pull his insides back inside again as he starts screaming.

He's completely lost it and won't live for much longer. I make my way out of the room and head to the next. One after the other, I kill everyone... room after room but I still find no Malco... I turn back when I see a red dot running away from another direction.

I stalk the halls in search of the one last red dot and come across the man who gave me Malco's name. He had managed to drag himself out of the room and made it halfway to the elevator before dying. I look at the gory path he left and shake my head... definitely not bringing the children this way.

I walk past the dead man and continue to follow the red dot... it was moving mighty fast and it seemed to always go in the opposite direction I was going. I pause and frown when the red dot stops as well. "Well, well... looks like someone has eyes on us," I say with a smirk and Chip becomes angry.

"I apologize, Maya, he seems to be watching us... I didn't sense him at all." My smile grows "It's alright Chip, I want you to mirror the image he sees... I want him to come straight to me himself." Chip beeps and after a few moments, he says "Done" I roll my shoulders one last time and start walking to the red dot.

My smile grows when I see the dot head straight to me this time and when I come around the corner I'm met with a very startled man. He stumbles to a stop and sneers at me. "Malco?" I ask in a cold voice and the man narrows his eyes before saying "And who the hell are you?"

I give him a sneer of my own as I say "The one who will get justice for all the children you've harmed..." I say in a low voice. I watch his thick eyebrows shoot up to his nonexistent hairline and he says "You're Silent?" I stare at him with dead eyes and his light up.

"That's right! It's you! Hahahaha... they thought Silent was a man! Hahaha, this is just too rich... a woman... never mind that. Look, I know what you do and all that but if you let me go I will give you the names of the people who are hunting you down." He grows more confident as time grows causing me a headache.

"Malco, right? What kind of name is Malco... but back to what you offer. I know who hunts me... you have nothing I want except your life." I spin the dual curved blades and the red light flashes against the cold edges.

His confidence slowly seeps away as he tries to bargain for his pathetic life. "I can give you names... addresses... anything. I can give you anything you want." I grind my teeth as I say "Then shut up and give me your life." I throw one of the blades and it pins his foot to the floor.

The man screams like a banshee and I cringe at the noise. I reach out and punch him in the throat to make it stop. "We haven't even started... don't make me rip your throat out..." I say as he clutches his throat coughing violently. He looks at me with teary eyes filled with fear. Good.

I pull my blade out of his foot and he struggles to scream again. I grab the small screen he held and smash it against the wall. I grab his collar and drag him to the very room he uses to cut open the children. When he sees the table and connects the dots he begins to fight against me.

"You fucking whore! You have no idea who you're messing with. Release me immediately!" He tries to break away as I kick one of his knee caps, shattering it completely. He starts screaming like a banshee again and I grit my teeth as I slam him against the table.