
Let The Killing Begin


"I want everything locked down Chip... how long?" I ask now pacing back and forth in the room of dead children. "That's not a simple task Maya.." I cut him off and say "I didn't ask if it was simple or not Chip... I asked you how long."

Chip was quiet for a few moments before saying "I can have the whole building locked down in five minutes... but know that once that happens... they will know that you are here." I smile darkly and say "Don't keep me waiting too long." Chip beeps and begins working.

These people were truly monsters and I was going to give them a taste of their own medicine. "Make sure no calls make it in or out of this place... No Internet connection to the outside world... got it?" Chip beeps again and continues working as I take out my wicked curved blades.

After several minutes the lights go out and I hear a collection of clicks as all the doors in the building unlock. I pull my black mask up and make my way out of the room. As I step into the hallway I say "Let it begin..." I hear the power kick back on as the doors began locking again as everything was bathed in a dark red light. Chip was now in control...

Chip brought the map back up showing me where they all were. Two people were now heading in my direction... My smile grows as I turn around to meet them head-on as they turn the corner. The two men come to a stop at the sight of me and one says "Who the hell are you? This is a restricted building!"

I look at the men with cold eyes as I slowly walk to them. The other man reaches out pushing the other man back but before he could say anything I was there and sliced his throat. Blood sprayed out all over me and the other man. The other man took off running as he screamed for help.

I step on the man struggling for his last breath and go after the other one. "Chip," I say in a low voice. Chip beeps and I hear the man scream as he pounds on a door. "Open the door! There's an intruder!!!" I sneak up on the man and grab him by his hair and as Chip opens the door I slice the mans throat covering the woman standing on the other side.

She screams and stumbles back, falling in the process. I push the man forward and walk over him as I step into the room. The woman covered in the blood continues to scramble backward as I take in the other man in the room. "Don't fucking move or I'll shoot you!" The man yells holding out a handgun.

I smirk and lift my hands spinning the blades around to rest against the backs of my hands so he can't see them... especially in this dark red light. The man sneers and slowly takes a step forward "Who the hell are you and how did you get down here?" "Hmmm... who am I? I guess you can call me Justice." I shift to my right grabbing the fire extinguisher and throwing it at the man.

The man shoots and I spin to his side as the fire extinguisher explodes covering everything in white. I was already behind the much larger man and avoided the white powdery substance. I take my blades and cut the tendons in his legs.

He cries out and drops to his knees. I twist the gun out of his hand, shooting the woman in the head before I unclip the gun and take it apart. I toss the gun in front of the man as he tries to crawl out the door. "And where do you think you're going?" I ask stepping on his back.

He cries out in pain "I don't know what you want! Tell me and I'll do anything!" He breaks into sobs and I look at him in disgust. "Tell me... how many children begged you... and how many children did you show mercy to?" I say in a low voice and I feel the man freeze.

"Exactly..." I kick the man over and he screams again as I dig both of my blades into his abdomen. I don't go too deep and I make sure not to hit anything vital as I slice outward allowing his insides to fall out. I step back as the man screams in panic and pain.

He tries, again and again, to scoop his insides up but continues to fail. He begins to go in shock... "Tell me who's in charge and I will end you quickly," I say deathly calm as I clean my blades off on the woman's white doctor coat... well it wasn't really white anymore.

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