
Chapter 9

Terry's parents look at their son with a shocked expression.

"T-Twenty billion?!? Are you sure?"

"Ma'am, I'm sitting next to mister Terry's lawyer when the document gets passed to me. I saw the number myself. It was more than twenty billion rupiahs. There are a few hundred million, but I did not see the number for long. I think it was seven hundred million more."

Terry's dad looked at his son with a proud expression. He is the only person in their family that did not get to force Terry to work in a company. He still wants Terry to work outside because he does not want his son to become a loner, but he will not force his son to do it.

The only reason he came here is to see his son's progress and see if his decision is the correct one or if his wife's decision is the correct one.

"T-Terry… How do you get this much money? Is this from this trading thing?"

"Haaaaa… Yes, mother. I got the money from trading stocks and cryptocurrency."

"B-but how? I don't think that trading cannot make you more than twenty billion rupiahs."

"Here, let me give you an example. One Bitcoin is around eight hundred seventy million rupiahs, and right now, I have around one hundred and fifty of them in my wallet."

Terry's mother quickly calculates the amount of money her son has and unconsciously drops her jaw.

"That is only in Bitcoin alone. I still have a few more coins other than bitcoin. Some of them are already blooming and increasing in price. I buy them before they get popular and get them when they are at a lower price. That is a reason why I got into a part-time job in my college year. Not only that, but I also have stock in Microsoft, Apple and Google. That is the overseas stock. I also have-"

"Stop. I understand. I'm wrong. Haaaaa"

She looks at her son in a new light. In her ignorance of technology and the internet, she thought that her son was good for nothing man who wasted his degree. How wrong she was. Even in her prime day, she cannot produce twenty billion rupiahs from her work.

But here, her son was able to spend twenty billion to buy a company like it was nothing.

"I'm really sorry for doubting you, my son. I did not trust you to be able to feed yourself. I'm too overbearing for you and even make you run away from home. What makes matters worse, I have thought that you do some criminal activity to be able to afford this house and car. What a terrible mother I must be."

She sighs in disappointment. Not disappointed in her son. No. She was disappointed in herself. She caused a crack between a family member. She still remembers how she compared Terry to his older brother and said how proud she was when his brother got a job.

She begins to remember her words to her second son and begins to regret them. The more she remembers, the more she knows that she has been a terrible mother to him.

"Haaaaa. You must hate me, huh?"

Terry looked at her mother with a shocked expression. He never hated his family. He did not like her overbearingness, but he did not hate his mother. He still loves her. Hell, after a few days alone in the capital city, he already forgot about it.

"What are you talking about? I never hate you. I don't like how you keep comparing me to my big brother, but I never hate you."

"Then why do you run away from home?"

"I just need some time alone. I am also already an adult and want to experience something new. Medan city is a great city, but Jakarta is different. Not only is this city closer to all the businesses I have, but the internet here is also faster."

That is true. Other than getting away from his parents, Terry decides to go to Jakarta for their internet speed.



Terry's mom looked at her son for a second before sighing. She should have known. Her son is a lazy person. He is smart, but he is lazy.

"I see. Once again, I'm sorry for doubting you."

"Don't worry about it, mom."

"Thank you."

Terry hugs his mom for a moment before looking at Daniel and saying.

"I'm sorry for taking your time, Daniel."

"It's okay, sir. I'm just glad that the misunderstanding has been cleared."

"Thank you. Is there anything that you want to talk about?"

Daniel hesitates to do it for a second before saying.

"Sir, I want to ask you to fire the girlfriend and our current CFO. She spent the company money as if it was her own money. Because the previous owner let her be, we are losing a large amount of money."

"Do that. I give you the full authority to fire her and punish her as you see fit."

"Understood. I also want to ask about creating a new bank account for the company. I fear that women will continue to take money from our company if we do not change it."

"Very well. I will create two new accounts. The first one is for our fund to buy the material needed and the pay for our worker and the second will be the one used for the rest of the money. Is this enough?"

"That will be perfect, sir. One should be enough, though. We can use your personal bank account to send the rest of the money."

"...Fair enough. Anything else?"

"At the moment? Nothing, sir."


Terry gets up from the couch and extends his hand where Daniel takes it before shaking it.

"I will leave the company to you, Daniel. If you need anything, please let me know."

"Of course, sir. I will not let you down."

A minute later, Terry sees Daniel drive away from his home. After seeing Daniel drive away, Terry gets inside the house and sits next to his mom.

"So, what do you want to do now?"

"Do you know some places to visit? I think I would like to take a holiday while we are here."

"I don't really know, but we can go around Jakarta tomorrow. For now, you guys can take the other bedroom."

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