
Chapter 10

As Terry opens up his eyes, he rubs his eyes and gets out of bed. Yesterday was a hectic day for him. With his parents coming over, he cannot help but open his special booze cabinet—a cabinet filled with rather expensive alcohol from another country.

The result is a hangover. Not as bad as the previous one, but it was still a nasty hangover.

As Terry gets down, he sees his mother preparing some breakfast. Simple fried rice and eggs on top. While Terry can cook decent food, he misses his mother's homemade food. After taking some water, Terry sits on the chair and waits for his food to come.


"Yeah. We really shouldn't drink that much. You should stop us, mom."

"I know, but I decide not to."

Terry's mother, Judith, decides to let her husband and son have some bonding time together. It is not like her husband, Laban, is an alcoholic. He only drinks when there is something to celebrate or when his day is really tough and yesterday is a day worth celebrating.

Her son is a billionaire and that is something worth celebrating.

"Where is father?"

"Still asleep. He continues to drink when you decide to take some sleep."

She and her husband decide to have a night conversation with each other. They talk about how they are proud of their son and glad that he is successful in whatever he is doing. They are afraid that Terry will be failing in whatever he is doing, but after seeing him succeed with their own eyes, Judith and Laban can release a sigh of relief.

"Really? I guess I now know the reason why there is another pair of bottles laying on the ground."

"Oh, leave him be. He is just excited to see how successful you are. Anyway, here is your food. I will check on your father and try to wake him up."


Terry takes the spoon and scoops some of the rice with it. However, before he could put it inside his mouth, a blue panel appeared in front of him.


|Your daily Sign-In is available. Do you want to sign in?|


Without being bothered by it, Terry pressed the Y button with his left hand, and his right hand put the rice inside his mouth.


|You get 'Siren Song' ability!|

[Siren Song]

[Your voice becomes something that only a Siren can produce. Your voice can convey your feelings to the listener. Anger? Sadness? Or even Confusion? You can convey them. As long as you want it, you can use this ability to capture people's attention. Not only that, your natural voice sounds pleasant to people's ears. NOTE! This is not an active ability. You need to command it mentally so it can be activated. The passive ability is that it makes your voice more pleasant to hear but does not have the same hypnotic effect.]

Terry looked at the ability for a few seconds before nodding his head. He already has a plan on how to use this ability. Terry is already planning how he can use this ability to do his own voice acting for his animation.

He is also planning to try to sing. Terry knows that he is not a great singer, but he wants to try it anyway. Maybe he can become a great singer with this new ability. He did not want to become a well-known singer, but he wanted to entertain the viewer when he drew something in front of the camera.

Terry snaps from his thoughts when he hears his mother coming from upstairs with his father rubbing his head because of the hangover. With a sigh, Terry's father decides to sit opposite him while his mother takes some fried rice from the wok.

"So Terry. What do you want to do today?"

Terry looked at his mother before saying.

"Nothing. I need to wait for some equipment I just bought a few days ago. They should arrive today, and I want to be here when they arrive."

"Oh? Really? Then can we borrow your car for a moment? I want to go to your aunty's house."

"Sure. The key is next to the tv in the living room."

"Thank you, dear."

"No problem, mom."

~Eight hours later~

True to Terry's word, the package he is waiting for arrives a few hours after his parents go to his aunty's home. It was the filming equipment and also the drawing equipment he ordered. After putting them together inside his bedroom, Terry is ready to do his first stream.

It took another three hours to put them all together and test it if it was working as intended. With them working as he wants it to be, Terry presses the start stream button.

Just like other newbie streamers, Terry did not get any viewers, but Terry decided to keep drawing something as if he had a thousand viewers. He explains the reason why he does what he does and explains the easiest way to draw the picture inside his mind.

Timothy, a British man who lives in New York, America, takes his phone and searches for something to help him sleep. He opens a Twitch streaming site on his phone and gets to the Art section.

This is what he always does before he goes to sleep. Search for some art streams and fall asleep watching them. After browsing for a few seconds, Timothy decided to click the stream by Terry-Sios with the title 'Drawing Journey of Enlightenment.'

However, as he clicks the video, he is greeted by engaging storytelling instead of boring people trying to explain what they are drawing. No. Instead of a monotonous drawing stream, Terry decided to create a storyline for his drawing.

With his otherworldly drawing skill and his Siren Song, what he is doing now gathers many kinds of people. All of them have one thing in their mind. What Terry is doing is unique, and they like it.

Timothy is one of a few dozen people that enjoy what Terry is doing. Instead of getting some sleep, he decides to watch Terry draw and tell him a story about the art he is making.

"With a mighty roar, the dragon descended from the sky!"

Timothy's mind already pictured an eastern dragon descending from the sky with its jaw wide open and ready to face the man who decided to challenge it. When Terry decides to imitate the dragon's roar, his viewer shudders a little as they can feel as if they are in front of the massive dragon.

For five hours, they enjoyed the story Terry told them. It was a story of the revenge of a man who almost lost everything he had and challenged the mightiest species on the planet to obtain the forbidden herbs. The story of a desperate father who wants to cure his daughter's illness. It was a story of a father who successfully cured his daughter's illness in exchange for his left arms after battling the dragon.

In the span of five hours, Terry could draw three paintings and even create a story from them. He got three thousand viewers—a massive view for a new streamer that did not get raided by a bigger streamer.

After uploading the streaming video to Youtube, Terry decided to stop for the day. He did not know that he would slowly get more famous from just a few videos on his channel.

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Fangrovecreators' thoughts