
Shokugeki: The Demon Chef [Completed]

What if Soma and Erina meet during their childhood and they become friends. How does their childhood friendship influence the plot of Shokugeki no Soma? To find out follow the story of "The Demon Chef" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may find this fanfic in fanfiction.net. You can say I was sort of co-author for this fanfic. We (Me and Kira) have written this fanfic and another one-shot 'Sorina'. You can find that in fanfiction.net So, you guys don't worry about copyright issues. I will be uploading it in WN whilst improvising its grammar. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover pic doesn't belong to me. I found it on Google Images. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- And finally, have fun reading the fanfic and don't forget to RATE and POWER it.

Im_Groot · アニメ·コミックス
68 Chs

The Hell Camp - 3

The crowd was flooding like crazy as they all tried every student's dish

Erina presented her dish as her Egg Benedict was being eaten like wildfire

"Amazing!" "Delicious!" "Unbelievable!"

All the crowds praised her dish as Erina easily completed her task

"Nakiri Erina! 300 servings completed!" Dojima Gin announced out on the mic as Erina untied her hair from her headband

"I'm sorry, everyone. I ran out of ingredients," Erina apologizes to her customer as her kitchen station was empty of ingredients and eggs

"Takumi Aldini! 200 servings completed!" "Tadokoro Megumi! 200 servings completed!"

Dojima announced out as Takumi and Megumi finished their task.

"I finished! How is it, Yukihira?" Takumi looks at his rival's station and his eyes widen in shock.

"Soma-kun? What are you doing?!" Megumi exclaimed to what she sees of her red-headed friend

Erina puts away her plates before looking at Soma's station and she looks surprised

Soma was sitting on a chair and was playing around an egg on the top of his head.

"What are you doing?" Erina asked with a sweatdrop on her head.

"Balancing this egg on my head," Soma replied as he spread out his hands a bit to balance his head

"Seriously, what are you doing?" Erina asked him, "if you don't serve 200 dishes, you won't be able to pass nor be able to stay at Totsuki!"

"Oh, you completed 300 dishes, right? Congrats, I knew you could do it fast," Soma said, completely going off-topic

"Don't change the topic! Are you planning on getting expelled?!" Erina exclaimed at Soma who just takes the egg off of his head and places it down on the counter

"No, I'm not," Soma replied as he stands up from his seat and puts on his headband, "not until I have you with me, that is."

Erina felt her heart flutter yet again as Soma gives her a soft smile before he tilts his head to the sides as they made a cracking sound.

"Now that I'm fully awake…" Soma rolled his shoulders around before taking the egg and beat it into a bowl filled with lots of eggs, "Let's heat things up, shall we?"

Soma turned on all the stove in his station as the flames heat all the pans.

He then started knocking a bowl with a ladle as some customer's attention was caught by it.

Soma grins as he started pouring many mixed eggs into the pans as they all get heat up.

He then covers them all with lids as he then takes some tomatoes and threw them into the air

Soma swings his knives so fast that the tomatoes turned into mince in the air.

"Wow! So cool!" some of the kids admired the act as some customers got pulled into Soma's station.

The minced up tomatoes fell into a bowl as Soma spins the bowl in his hand before throwing in some seasonings and spices into it.

A timer beeped as Soma threw the bowl up and pressed it.

He takes the lids off the pans and flips every single omelet in them as they all landed on the settled-out plates near his station.

The bowl came falling back into Soma's hands as Soma scoops out some tomato sauce and poured them out on the omelets

"Ten servings of Omelette Souffles, done!" Soma announced as he continues to repeat his actions

All of his customers marveled at the amazing cooking scene as Soma did so many tricks to gather the crowds while serving his dish.

"Amazing…" Megumi praised as she had never seen such a scene

"Yukihira…you're amazing," Takumi praised his rival as he was too pulled to the amazing cooking show.

Dojima Gin watches from the monitor room as he smiled at the screen that showed Soma.

"Live Cooking….so he knows how to do it, huh?" Gin said while crossing his arms over his chest and closed his eyes, "It looks like your son will do just fine in Totsuki, Joichiro."

Erina watches as Soma cook so many Omelettes Souffles and at such a fast pace that she started seeing so many Somas working on the station.

The timer was nearing 1 minute as the time to serve the 200-dish assignment was nearly up.

"I won't allow myself to be expelled from Totsuki, Erina," Soma said as he held out a plate and an Omelette came falling on it as Soma pours the Tomato sauce on it as the dish shines to Erina "if I did, I will never forgive myself"

Soma handed the dish to Erina who takes it in her hand

"Leaving my best friend here while I'm elsewhere…..that's not an option," Soma smiled to Erina as she takes a bite out of the dish and instantly smiled so joyfully to the delectable flavor

Dojima grins as he takes the mic and takes a deep breath.

"YUKIHIRA SOMA! 500 SERVINGS COMPLETED!" He announced rather proudly as Soma was sweating hard and breathing rather heavily, "Happy to Serve!" Soma said with a tired smile but was satisfied with his win

Erina's plate was the 500th plate and she was happy to have his dish.

"Was it good, Erina?" Soma asked Erina who nodded while blushing a bit

He smiled at Erina before the soft yet warm atmosphere was broken by the same white-haired girl from last night.

"Wow! You finished 500 servings! That's amazing," she exclaimed while having a surprised face "I never thought that you would be able to pull off the circus act!"

"Huh?" Soma said as the girl was kinda rude

"Hey, Alice! Why are you here!?" Erina exclaimed to the albino girl as if she knew her

"You know her?" Soma asked Erina who nodded

"Wha? You didn't introduce me to him, Erina? Rude!" the girl said before smiling, "my name is Nakiri Alice, Erina's cousin and the one who will stand on top of Totsuki."

Soma looks deadpanned before tilting his head to the side, "Huh?"

Hello guys!

Alice is here!

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