
Shokugeki: The Demon Chef [Completed]

What if Soma and Erina meet during their childhood and they become friends. How does their childhood friendship influence the plot of Shokugeki no Soma? To find out follow the story of "The Demon Chef" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may find this fanfic in fanfiction.net. You can say I was sort of co-author for this fanfic. We (Me and Kira) have written this fanfic and another one-shot 'Sorina'. You can find that in fanfiction.net So, you guys don't worry about copyright issues. I will be uploading it in WN whilst improvising its grammar. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover pic doesn't belong to me. I found it on Google Images. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- And finally, have fun reading the fanfic and don't forget to RATE and POWER it.

Im_Groot · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

The Hell Camp - 2

The two first day of the hellish camp passed by as the students entered the third day

"I wonder what are we going to do next?" Soma said nonchalantly while chewing on a piece of gum

"Man, Yukihira's stamina bar must be unlimited," Yuki said as the rest of the Polar Star residents were nearly collapsing

Soon Dojima Gin came on stage as he taps the mic in his hand.

"I've brought you all here tonight to inform you of tomorrow morning's first assignment." The man spoke out as Dojima continued on his explanation, "Your assignment will be to create a new breakfast dish fit to grace the tables for our Totsuki Resort Hotel Guests. The breakfast offering is the face of a hotel. It is a critically important meal in helping to start the day of every guest. We would like you to present a fresh and surprising dish that can decorate their breakfast table with invigorating delight and the main ingredient is an egg"

Murmurs started to spread as Soma looks at the egg.

"We will not restrict you to either Eastern on Western cuisine, but the dish must be servable buffet style. Judgment will begin tomorrow at six in the morning. Please have your dishes ready for tasting by then" Dojima said as the students panicked

"I wonder what I should make?" Soma said while rubbing his chin as in the background Marui and Yuki were already fainting

"Someone! Get a bucket of water!" Daigo shouted as Megumi came with a bucket of water in hand

Daigo grabs the bucket and splashed the water upon the two, in hopes in reviving them

"Hell…..this is hell…..help me…mama" Yuki muttered out before fainting again while for Marui, his soul was already flying out of his mouth

"More water!" Shoji shouted as Megumi came running back to get more water in the bucket

"You may use your time until morning as you see fit. We will open all the kitchens, so you may use them to practice your dish. Or, if you rather, you may return to rooms and sleep. I will see you all again at six in the morning. Dismissed!" Dojima spoke out before leaving

"Maybe I should make Furikake Chahan or maybe a Tamagodon!" Soma thought out loud before changing his mind, "maybe something more western…"

"Just you wait, Yukihira! Our real battle is going to come soon!" Takumi shouted out while pointing at Soma who was walking away with the Polar star residents

"HEAR ME WHEN I'M TALKING!" Takumi shouted while Isami laughed at his brother

As the group went to the kitchen, they pass by a white-haired girl and a black-haired man as both were going the opposite direction.

Soma turns to look at the two as they walk away. His eyes keen on them as he can see that they were no pushovers.

"This day just gets more interesting," Soma said with a grin.

Within the kitchen hall, nearly all the students were thinking hard on cooking, as some were writing recipes, some were making test dishes, and some had fallen asleep so fast.

Soon their attention was to Soma as the man was cooking so many eggs that he created 20 egg dishes in an instant

"Try it," Soma said as Megumi and the others tasted his dish and were sent into egglicious heaven.

"All of them are so good!" Megumi said as she took another bite of the dishes

"The seasonings, the texture, and the flavors, all of them are amazing!" Yuki commented as she can't believe he made such dishes

"Still, some are lacking a type of punch in them," Marui noted as he sampled another dish.

"the spices are mixed well but some are leaving a bitter aftertaste in the end," Ibusaki commented.

"But you'll sure be able to pass with some of these!" Daigo said with a grin

"Yeah! These rocks!" Shoji commented with a smile

"Still not enough," Soma said as he rubbed his chin before he gets an idea, "looks like a brainstorm is raging in my head."

Megumi and the others look at Soma as the man was cooking another egg dish.

After 3 minutes of waiting, Soma presented them with a new dish.

"Let's try this one," Soma said as everyone took a bite of the dish and were sent flying into heaven

"Incredible! This dish is like magic! It instantly dissolves into my mouth!" Ryoko stated as she took another bite and then another

"Delish!" Yuki shouted as she couldn't hold in the ecstasy of delight

"This is by far the best, Soma-kun!" Megumi complemented as she gives the man a big smile

"Then it's decided," Soma said as he takes off his headband, "you guys go and head in for the night. I'll go and clean the place up."

Everyone nodded before they head off back to their bedroom.

Soma cleans up his kitchen as he puts the stove into the sink.

"Hmm, this is quite yummy," a feminine voice spoke as Soma turns to see that the same white-haired girl was at his table and was sampling the dish, he had just made

"And you are?" Soma asked as the girl just takes another bite of the dish before wiping a napkin to her lips

"You will find out soon?" the girl said as she turns to leave, "you'll be seeing me tomorrow, have a nice day."

"Have a nice day?" Soma repeated her words as he can feel something familiar about the girl

The girl walks away as she passes by a man who looks to be in Soma's height but with black hair and he had two marble balls in his hands and was rubbing them against each other in his hand

The two locked eyes as fire burns within both eyes

The stare continued before they break it off as the black-haired man walks away.

"Interesting….really interesting," Soma said with a smirk as he went back to cleaning his station

After resting up, all the students prepare themselves for the morning as everyone was prepped up for it.

Soma got into Hall E as he reached his station number.

"Of course, this is a big cooking station," Soma said while taking out his knives and got his ingredients delivered to him by staff, "now to prep it up."

Soma pulled up his sleeves before he stopped when Erina came in.

"Eh?" the two said before the two looks at each other's station number and sees that they were using the same station

Two seconds later, the two were prepping up together.

"Man, this is just really a big coincidence," Soma said with a grin as he cuts some tomatoes before throwing them into a bowl as he continued till he had at least 7 bowls filled with tomatoes

"Like we're tied to a string," Erina said with a smile as she places down many plates on her station and started to take our her carts of eggs, "hand me that whisk."

Soma took the whisk as he passed it to Erina who thanked him before she started whisking up some eggs in a metal bowl.

"Judging with the ingredients you have, and the utensils you are using, I can guess that what you are making is an Egg Benedict, eh?" Soma said as he looks at Erina preparing her dish

"Shouldn't you focus on prepping yours?" Erina asked Soma as she turns to look at his station and sees that he had already finished prepping a minute ago, 'so fast!'

"You were saying something?" Soma asked while sitting on a chair and leans his hand on the counter while watching Erina preparing her dish

Erina just sighs as she focuses on prepping her dish while being stared by Soma.

Soma continued watching Erina making her Egg Benedict as he watches her ever so graceful movement

"You know," Soma spoke out as Erina just focuses on her dish, "you look beautiful like that, you know."

Erina's cheeks instantly blushed hard to the unexpected compliment as she looks at Soma with an embarrassed look.

"wh-what's with that?! Suddenly complimenting me like that!" Erina stuttered while blushing

"Dunno," Soma said while shrugging his shoulders, "just feel like I should say it."

Before Erina could reply, Dojima made his announcement via the tv monitors in all of the Dining Halls.

"Is everyone ready to present your dishes? Good. Now I will explain the conditions for passing. First, Let me introduce the judges!" Dojima said into a mic. The next thing all of the Totsuki students knew, all the Dining Halls were filled with people, at least 1/3 of them were children.

Dōjima continued his explanation. "These are the families of the producers who partnered with Totsuki Resort Hotels to provide all of our ingredients. They are courageous enough to serve as our judges for this assignment every year. This year's theme of "Fresh and Surprising Eggs" has already been conveyed to them. We expect they will be the exacting judges they always are."

"Also joining us as judges today are the steps and service staff of the Totsuki Resort Hotels." Everyone easily recognized all of the head staff of Totsuki Hotels. Dojima continued with the announcement. "Now, there are two requirements for this assignment. First, whether or not our producers and staff find merit in your idea. And second, is having 200 servings of your dish eaten within the next two hours! Those who fulfilled both of these requirements will pass."

Every other student felt like they walk into the gates of hell yet again as some were still tired after a night of prepping their egg dish.

"Now then, ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy this breakfast and the fun of the moment…" Dōjima stated before finishing with, "Let the Judging Begin!"

With that, the cooking began.

Hey guys!

Sorry guys, I didn't add the Shinomiya arc because it was too much of a hassle after the previous long chapter.

But, I did add an interaction between him and Soma at the end of Hell Camp!

I hope you guys like it!

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