

Baiken closed her shoulder and sighed "I need to wrap my head around this" "Yes, and you have all the time in the world, now it's our turn" Diana said making Baiken look up "You wonder why we took you? Right?" "Yes, I was perfectly capable of handling myself" "And that's why we took you, you are, in essence a deadly woman, capable of killing men with firearms, using nothing but a sword" "I am aware of my capabilities" "If you somehow managed to side with Yuna, then it would have been very complicated, we saw you still had the capacity to be guided in the right direction, so we intervened" "Even if I just told you I'm capable?" "Yes, listen to me closely, the world you entered are not run by the sword and bounty hunting, there are laws protecting life, and all humans have the right to it" "All? But some deserve to die?" "No one deserves to die, only fate decides that" "Then my sword will be his fate" "No Baiken!" Diana said loudly "You're clearly not in the right mindset to live among people in normal society, you can't just fix your problems with your sword" "Kurochi-nomai! Where is it anyway!?" Baiken said not taking Diana seriously. "Kuro, chi, no what!?" Zander asked. "My katana!?" "It's safe, here on the plane, but you can't get it if you can't agree to leave your lifestyle of violence behind" Diana said. "It's there to protect me! It's my protector! Are you saying I don't even have the right to protect myself!?" "You do! But cutting down anyone who barely looks at you isn't considered self-defense" "I've been disrespected everywhere I go! Betrayed! I need my sword close! It's all I have! It's all that never back stabbed me or ever disrespected me" "Get your mind off that now!" Diana said sternly "I took you, because I want to help you Baiken, I see great potential in you, all you need is to be shown the right path" Baiken blackly stared at her "I was, on the right path, my own path" "A path that would have lead to your death! A twenty year old woman! Beautiful and elegant! Dead in her own pool of blood somewhere in a dark ally way!" "Then if that was my fate, then so be it" "Aah!" Diana stood up rubbing her hair "You stubborn little child!" "I was forced out of childhood at the age of fourteen" Baiken said slowly. Somehow the three with her figured that out and went silent, but Zander turned to her. "Sussa... Who did this to you? Who turned you into this... This..." "Akuma?" Baiken asked. "What the hell is an Akuma?" "It means demon, in my native tongue" Diana sat in front of her again "Listen to me, I can see clearly you have not been treated fairly" "Yes, since the age of seven I've learned noting but fighting with a sword and pleasuring a man, my mother barely taught me to read and write, I can cook some what..." "Shh" Diana said holding hef finger up, but this made Baiken glare at her "I will treat you like my daughter" "I have a mother!" "You will learn what it is to be young! You will learn what joy is!" "I know joy, I find it through sex" "Enough!" Diana shouted, she was properly angry now and to all rights Zander and Hammond never saw her this furious, but Baiken wasn't phased, she still had that glare on her face. "You ar not a thing Baiken! You are a human being" "I am aware of that! You say its wrong for me to find pleasure in..." "Yes!" "Why!? My body! My choice!" "There are other things out there that can bring you joy Baiken!" "Yes I know, like cutting down a brothel skank that ratted me out!" Diana stood up and reached over to Zander, to his dismay he saw her draw his dart gun "Diana!?" She shot Baiken in her leg making her bounce in her seat. "This! I know this..." She felt woozy "What foul ninjitsu... Is this..." Baiken said but fainted. "Bloody hell Dame Smith!" Hammond said. "Oh shutup Hammond! This girl clearly needs therapy!" "I..." Hammond chose his words and sighed "I noticed" [Rated 18 for violence, the sex in this story is not explicit]

SaberTrueno86 · ファンタジー
41 Chs

Never saved a life before

With the pain in her body Diana walked to the burnt men, she sighed seeing they were charred beyond recognition. She took out her phone, got the dialer up and pressed one, holding it in long until it said 'Panic'

Baiken was in the wreck of or he Aston searching around "You looking for your katana?" Diana asked.

"Yes, you think it fell out during our roll?"

"No, it's in the trunk"

Baiken came up "Trunk?"

Diana walked around and grabbed the back lever, it was stuck but with a few hard pulls she got it open.

"Here..." Diana said taking it out and holding it over, Baiken got a smile and reached but halted.

"Are you sure?"

Diana drew the sword back and embraced Baiken "Thank you, little Baiken"


"You saved me"

"I, never saved a life before?" Baiken said with true honesty.

"How does it feel?"

"It feels, good" she said and looked up at Diana's face, she was teared up "Are you sad?"

"Tears of joy..."

Baiken felt her cheeks warm up "You cry when you're happy sometimes?"

"You never cried so happy you where?"

"No, I never even got sad enough to cry... I only cried sometimes when I was in pain... But then when I got accustomed to pain not even then"

"So you don't cry anymore?"

Baiken shrugged "No"

Diana held the sword so she could look at it "It's beautiful"

"Thanks, that was the sword that killed my father"

Diana blinked.

"And Yuna was the one who wielded it"

"Yuna did? Why do you have it now?"

"I traded my father's sword for this one, having his sword drew his enemies of old in on me, it was too reknown"

"Oh..." Diana looked at it "I want to give it to you because I trust you'll keep it in its scubbard"

"And if we get another 'Tail' what then?"

"Then I give you permission to cut it off"

Baiken smiled, she bowed gracefully taking the katana with both hands "I will follow your lead"

"Good girl, oh, and about the fire breathing thing?"


"Don't do that again ok? Its easier to explain a man beheaded, than explaining how a man got burned to a crisp with no fuel source"

"Fuel source?"

"Just don't dragons breath anyone ok?"

"Ok then"

"And keep it secret, normal society are not accustomed to magic"

"Its not magic, its ninjitsu"

"Ninjitsu hey..." Diana's attention got taken to cars that came to a screeching halt against the road, blue lights accompanied them.

"More tails!?" Baiken said holding her hand on the sword.

"No no, relax, its the backup"

Diana walked through the brush and met the officers, as well as Zander and Hamilton who naturally came when they saw Diana pressed her panic.

"Dame Smith?" Hamilton asked.

"She's a total loss" Diana said stepping towards a paramedic.

"Who's a total loss?" Baiken asked.

"The Aston" Diana said wincing at a swab the paramedic gave her bleeding forehead.

"Its name is Aston Martin... Thats a male name why say 'She's' a total loss?"

"Its how we address pretty cars sussa" Zander said one side.

"Bo... Boe, boeta!" She said making him laugh.

"You remembered"

"Yes, I'd like to know more respectful terms..." She said looking at Diana "Speaking of? I hear Hamilton always say 'Dame Smith' what does that mean?"

"That's also a term of respect, Diana has been knighted by the queen" Zander said.


"Yes, if I were to have been Knighted, I would be Sir Zander Scheepers, but since she's a woman, she's 'Dame Diana Martinique Smith' a Royal Knight of Britain"

Baiken looked at Diana with new eyes "I take it this is a honorable acheivment?"

"Yes it is" Diana said smiling with a wink.

"Back in Japan, there are no bigger honor than becoming a samurai" Baiken said looking at her sword "But women can't become one, its dishonorable"

Diana looked at Zander, who shrugged.

"You think I can be Knighted by your queen?" Baiken asked excited.

"Its, complicated. I'm not saying no, but there are certain achievements you need to have on order to become one"


"I stopped a major terrorist strike that was aimed at the royal family, that's how I got it"

"And you need to be of this..."

"Zander!" Diana cut him off.

"Sorry miss"

The paramedic nodded at her "You're ok mam"

"Come, let's go, I bet you the chief commander will be glad to see you" Zander said.

"Oh sod off Zander.

Diana sat in front next to Zander and Baiken behind, she could feel there was tension "Is everything ok?"

"Everything will be fine Baiken, we still need to check in with the commander" Diana said.

"Ok, but why did Zander say the commander will be happy to see you in a was that didn't feel right?"

Diana elbowed him "Ow!"

"Don't worry about it ok?"

They arrived at a very neat red stone brick building and also parked the car underground, Baiken's eyes as usual everywhere as they climbed up a staircase into the neat looking office space above.

Diana walked through a room almost at the back with Baiken close behind, she saw men and women at these tables they pass look up at them, she shyly looked down but somewhere heard Diana's name instead.

Two wood double doors with the writing 'Brief room' on each one was pushed aside so Diana could open, Zander remained outside.

"Baiken listen to me, sit here and stay quiet ok? No matter what you hear here, don't say a word"

"Ok?" Baken said taking a seat.

There was one large polished oak table in the middle of the room but all the chairs were drawn to the walls, it seemed to Baiken they used this table mostly standing.

The middle aged man with neat trim moustache came into the room and glanced at the two women "Miss Diana"

"Chief Wilkinson I..." Diana was cut of by a hand he held up.

"Not now, I'll ask questions first"

"Yes sir"

Baiken didn't like that!

"Tell me miss Diana, you went into covert operation for a year in Japan, only to come back empty handed?"

"Well sir you see?"

"No busts, no arrests, and the head of the Yakuza apparently dead?"

"Yes sir?"

"You withdrew the entire squad at the drop of a dime! Why?"

"It was to save this girl sir" Diana said holding a hand to Baiken.