
Shinsengumi Scenarios

An alternate male Okita, one that had been cast away after history deviated. "Eh!? So that's how you do it!" Due to learning another technique deviating history. Okita has been cast off as a counter guardian.

jewby_jube · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Chapter 14

"So this is what you were planning." I stared at the group, those that had their servant eliminated had all transferred them to Dokja. Seems like the previous two servants were to gouge my ability.


Dokja raised his hand "By my command seal, Saber, defeat Okita!"

"By my command seal again, defeat Okita!"

Magical energy surged within Lancelot. "EH!?" My eyes popped out as he used up all the other command seals apart from the last two.

By now, Lancelot's parameters were better than mine, his magical energy and resistance skyrocketed. His speed would be enough to match mine If I didn't have the other movement skills.

"Wait a minute!"

"How is this fair? Where are my command seals?"

[The constellations complain that you are already in another class even without command seals powering you.]


Lancelot's blade arrived in an instant as a small trickle of blood was drawn from waist. "Overload."

My eyes widened as the gash expanded until it covered my entire chest. *GUH* I leapt back to make sure I had enough distance to react. This was annoying, Overload was his phantasm, but thanks to his group donating all their command seals. You know officially have a noble phantasm spam. So If I get hit once more it's over.

"Damn, smart." Lancelot arrived in front of me in an absolute murderous glare. "Eh?" My form faded as I closed the distance between me and Dokja. Lancelot arrived just in time.

"This better not be a grudge about our ranking!"

A flare of frosty mana blew Lancelot back meters away as I disengaged.

Oh he was having a grudge about that. While it was a running joke in Chaldea, looks like he felt his king might be disappointed due to his rank.

"Everyone knows at this point. To become a prestigious saber class and to be ranked with five stars. You have to be able to shoot beams."

He climbed out of the crater with indignant fury. "I have sullied the name of my king, not once. But twice!"

"To be placed in a lower saber class ranking, to someone who has a similar face to my king and can not shoot sword beams."

"Do you know how it feels to disappoint your king?!"

I stared "You mean Artoria?" He lunged and with a burst of speed he arrived swinging the sword of the fae.

"Do not utter the King's name you look-a-like."

Multiple openings in the slits of his armour were shown to me. In the blink of an eye my sword thrust into each and every one that he failed to block.

He stepped back as blood seeped through the gaps.

"You are a swordsman without peer."

"However as a Knight of the Round I can not let my defeat to happen."

I smiled "I'll be honest, the reason this is getting difficult was due to the sudden increase in parameters catching me off-guard."

"I'll put everything into this one strike."

Lancelot got ready to block.

"And sword beams? Who needs those when you can just erase your opponent?"

At that moment I could see it. Fear in Lancelot's eyes. Fear just like in all the men I had ever killed or met in the battlefield. The fear that they would one day perish without leaving anything behind. Fear that they amounted to nothing.

"Limitless, infinite"

I had vanished and appeared right behind Lancelot. He turned until he realised that the texture of the world had been pierced. His side had been crushed and erased as the world knit itself back together.

"Three thrusts, an absolute sword."

In that instant dozen of thrusts came and pierced Lancelot making him look like a cheese slice.

The final thrust. I raised Norimune.

"Absolute Endless Thrust!"

An event saturation phenomenon was included as Lancelot had vanished, being crushed between the textures of reality and having his body erased bit by bit. A sure kill move created through transcending the Zenith.

Lancelot was no more, he vanished without accomplishing anything in the long run. The only evidence he had existed was the slash wound of my chest.

Dokja and the group stared at me "I did tell you that I was going to win." The grail soon presented itself to me. I had other plans.

I released the magical energy within the grail as a scent for all the current calamities to follow. [The constellation "Demon-like Judge of Fire" is asking if you are really going to do that.]

"I'm a heroic spirit, It's my duty to fight for the future of humanity. Even if they resent me for that."

Soon all of the calamities could be felt within the range of [Presence Detection] I quickly booked it. If I had to get rid of the calamities then it was simple. You got to get rid of it with something that'll volunteer for you.

The speed of those calamities were increasing. Soon they all stopped as I placed the grail down.


They all charged, each wanting hold of the grail.


I smiled "I remember Nobu's failed attempt at turning a grail into a bomb."

With that I pierced the grail as I made my wish.


White light blurred out my eyes as I vanished into the void. I no longer had blood and flesh. The void was empty as well.

My spirit origin felt warm, very warm. A flood of magical energy took place as it formed a grail as it merged with my spirit origin.

I'm guessing that was the famed Palingenesis.

A small screen of notice appeared

[Title gained: Grand Saber Candidate]

[Good Luck on your first mission]

[Okita Souji]

Huh? I felt a pull on my very soul as it was yanked through time space. Wonky colours and bright lights filled my eyes as I felt like puking udon noodles through my nose. Is this what Musashi feels when she world hops?

A hard concrete floor popped into my vision as I couldn't take it. Some Grand Candidate I turned out to be.
