
Shinsengumi Scenarios

An alternate male Okita, one that had been cast away after history deviated. "Eh!? So that's how you do it!" Due to learning another technique deviating history. Okita has been cast off as a counter guardian.

jewby_jube · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 13

Avicebron faded into golden particles as I sighed looking at his master who was shaking with fear. A flash was all that was needed as he looked down at his missing hand. I crushed the hand in my grasp to make sure that he wouldn't end up participating in the war. "I'm sorry, but you've gotten yourself involved in a war that is beyond your capabilities. His body curled up as he held his bleeding stump in pain. His headphones had been crushed under his own weight as he desperately gasped for breath.

I threw a roll of bandages and disinfectant "Here, it's the most mercy I can show you."

[The constellations are questioning this extra scenario]

"One caster gone, a lot more to go."

[All the constellations within this channel are now watching over the Holy Grail War]

The one thing that was frustrating was the fact that I couldn't go into spirit form. I left the sobbing master behind as the door shut with a firm click leaving silence in the hallways.

[To all incarnations! All Casters have been eliminated!]

I would wait a bit to see If they are actively hunting each other. Kim Dokja would definitely be in this war. Plus apart from the seven kings, there would also be seven stragglers pulled in to fill as masters.

[An Assassin has been eliminated]

Huh, it seems that the people here are on a rampage to win the grail. I can't fault them considering that none of them have even been trained in the tactics of a holy grail war. In an instant I tilted my head to the side as a flash went by before exploding into the wall behind me.

[Presence Detection] [B]

A servant from roughly three kilometres away on the other side of that building. "Tch, an archer." Another one shot towards me as I side stepped the shot before deflecting three other arrows all fired simultaneously.

The arrows soon stopped firing as another beam of light in the distance shot towards the hiding archer. Soon beams were exchanged back and forth, Archer vs Archer. The shots seemed to be getting faster and faster. Wonder if they just forgot about me. Seems like both of them can't swallow the fact that the other is a match.

I'll take care of the other Caster first.

Presence Detection searched for the highest mana levels before I had a track. I could only hope that this was a Caster that was squishy. I arrived at the sewers, why was I not surprised.

Blood splatters and a huge stinking stench that one would find on a battlefield, yet no signs of battle. Meaning that this Caster was someone that would be dead the moment I would lay my eyes on him.

"Kekekeke, the lord has answered my prayers and stomped on them! My Jeanne has been trapped in a body not belonging to her!"

"Oh how sad!"

My face crunched up in disgust "Gilles de Rais, you disgust me."

In that instant I crossed the distance as Gilles found himself completely disintegrated. The matter that made up his body had been erased as a vacuum of the void crushed and erased him completely. An absolute sword at the pinnacle, able to erase matter and more.

[An Lancer class has been eliminated]

I really underestimated how far and desperate the people were willing to go for a wish. It just made my job easier.

Now the next one... Kagetora.

In a swift fashion I had appeared in front of her. "Okita-san. We meet again."

I made no attempt to communicate other than a greeting. "Let's get right to it shall we Kagetora?"

She grinned "Come at me!"

In an instant eight weapons were deployed around the battlefield. She was getting serious right off the bat huh. Guess we both want a quick finish.

Contrary to most beliefs, a fight between swordsmen and weapon users only lasts at most a few seconds. However for servants it was just a tad bit longer for those who were serious about fighting to the death.

My head swiftly tilted to the side as the spear missed my head by inches. Kagetora was a frightening opponent if you were anyone with a slightly lower agility. Her technique and skill against different types of opponents made her a heroic spirit to be feared.

I would have had a tough time if not for my recent spike in status and skills.

Norimune flashed multiple times as it clashed against Kagetora's numerous weapons. Everything went by in a flash while multiple prying eyes watched on. In an instant Kagetora's spear descended on me and pierced my spirit origin.

At least that's what it would have looked like had I not shifted into the Zenith realm. My form faded as I had perfect movement in any scenario.

She shifted her shorter blade to block only to be knocked off balance due to her lack of knowledge about by Mana Burst skill.

A wave of mana imbued with a frost effect knocked Kagetora off balance. In that instant.

"Lightless, Three Stage Thrust!"

She guarded, but the other two strikes pierced her spirit origin. An un-guardable blow.

Her form soon vanished before leaving me with a few words. "You're stronger huh? Treat me to some sake next time."

[All Lancer Class Servants have been eliminated]

[All Assassin Class Servants have been eliminated]

I whistled, I guess they are pushed to the extreme and greed really propels the war into a speedrun.

I sighed as I slightly slumped down a bit only to snatch an arrow mid air.

A notification popped up.

[An Archer Class has been defeated]

So that meant one archer proved they were superior.

"One Saber left, Two Berserkers left, Two Riders-"

[A Rider Class has been eliminated]

"Make that one rider left."

More arrows came raining down as I sped towards the source as soon as I could.

It was an old man with greyed hair.

"William Tell. Wonder who the other Archer was."

His eyes widened open as he couldn't move further away in time. His head left his body as his body faded away into golden sparkles.

If they don't glitter away, they're A-ok.

[A Berserker Class has been eliminated]

"I figured you would be the one to summon the other Saber Class Dokja."

He stared at me as he and his group walked out with the rest of the servants. Sangah came out with Medusa, Dokja with Lancelot, Lee Gilyoung with Asterios.

"So you were a servant."

I nodded as he gave me a solemn look. "We need the grail Okita-san."

Everyone else looked resigned. "My only job is to stop the grail from reaching completion. After this I'll use it to stop the calamities by myself."

Rider vanished only to reappear with her chain daggers about to hook my face.

"Reaching the Zenith, surpassing time and space."

"Absolute, Three Stage Thrust!"

Rider found herself cut into multiple pieces as she was erased from the world. Just like that, Rider had been defeated. Asterios and Lancelot both had recognised me as a dangerous threat. "Arondight Overload!" He swung at me while Asterios swung his gigantic axe.

This was troublesome. While I could simply move into the Zenith realm, having two objects pass through was a bit more troublesome. I would take the heavier hit but less dangerous. Asterios's axe collided with Norimune as I tilted my body back. The resulting momentum had been shifted to smack myself into the ground to dodge Arondight in time as well.

A distance had been made as I kicked back. Asterios had to disappear before his Noble Phantasm could be deployed.

"First step, swifter than sound. Second step, infinite suffering. Third step, a sword absolute!"

"Lightless, Three Stage Thrust!"

The space between me and Asterios had been shrunk as I arrived in front instantly. Asterios blocked but his spirit core had been shattered and pierced.

The blood that caked my face and clothes soon disappeared as well. The two eliminated masters flinched.

"Ready when you are Dokja."