
She Is Alpha

A supposedly dead Alpha's daughter on a revenge mission must fight the flames of her childhood love, the Alpha of the Pack she seeks to destroy and her once true love.

Favour_Nnadede_7970 · 歴史
3 Chs

Infiltrating Bloodhound

After Xin Han Mei left to prepare the medicine for her, she decided to take a walk around the pack. The record keeping room was just close by, so she strolled in first.

She trailed her fingers on the long shelves of more than a million birth records of werewolves, both the ones that were there during her birth and the ones that came before.

Every werewolf that ever lived in their pack had one. It was a file where one's birth was being recorded, along with the circumstances or events that played out during the time.

She pulled out one of the files that had her name on it, and flipped through its pages slowly, reading word for word through each line.

It was her first time reading it on her own and that too, after her parent's demise. Her dad used to often read it to her. And… the fact that he had written her own birth record himself! He wasn't a birth recorder, he was the Alpha of their pack, a position that naturally came with so much workload. He had so much to worry about but he had loved her so much so that he couldn't let anyone else write it. She was his blessing. After seven years of childlessness, the moon goddess had blessed them with her so he was naturally so excited he wanted to do everything for the child himself.

Xin trailed her fingers across each line of the write-up. It was written with a strong and beautiful penmanship. Her father was a highly educated man so he naturally had a very fine writing. Recalling the past, Xin Aera's pupils stung, and tears threatened at the back of her eyes as memories of her father's promises flashed into her mind.

"Once you clock eighteen, I'll be here to train you into one of the most powerful Fencers in all of the Fourlands.

"I'd always be by your side. You're daddy's little princess, daddy will take care of you."

Her heart broke at each memory, it broke so much, she couldn't hold back her tears, she let them fall freely for the first time in many years.

It was her first time crying since she grew to understand the event fourteen years ago. She clutched tightly onto her chest, as she felt the pain, as sharp as a sword, piercing through her heart. Her grip went weak, and her birth file slipped off her hand. Something fell off it, clattering onto the jagged marble floor.

She sniffed back her tears and wiped her blurry eyes with the back of her palm. Then she bent to pick up the familiar object, an emerald jade bracelet with a golden symbol on the edge.

Fourteen years ago, it was a symbol of the affection a particular someone and her had shared. A gift he had given her. A thank you for being in his young life, a promise to walk the future together. She used to always wear it everywhere she went.

Fourteen years ago, she would have cried so much for misplacing this little object. As a matter of fact, she had cried when she misplaced it two nights before losing her home to the father of the boy she liked.

She stared at the intricate jade item that used to mean so much to her. It was an emerald jade bracelet with particles of shiny crystals inside. It had a brother pair. Naturally, it was made for lovers, a couple pair. She had one and the other party kept the other. She wondered if the other party still had his. She glared at the fine object, and a million emotions welled up in her heart. Pain, anger, and fury.

Fourteen years ago, if anyone had told her that she'd be going against that person, she'd never have ever believed it.

But at this moment, avenging her parent's death was all that mattered to her. She wouldn't have anything to do with the son of the man that destroyed everything she ever loved and held dear.

She slipped the object into her pocket and picked up her birth record. She shut it closed and put it back into its former position. Another file immediately caught her attention. It had no name like every other record did. Just a date.

12_ 05_ 1880

It was the same date of the massacre, fourteen years ago. She frowned in confusion.

From the stories she'd heard, every birth recording werewolf had died, no one made it out.

If they had all died that night just as she had been told, then who recorded the event from that night?

She pulled out the file, and slowly began to flip through its pages.

"I, Maxwell…"

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps started behind her, and the waft of familiar 'banchan,' a combination of root, herbs, and spices made her shut the book. She instinctively put it back into the shelf and pulled out her own file again. It was an action she had done reflexly, without premeditation and after that, she couldn't help but frown, not understanding why she had acted as though she was suddenly been faced with danger. The man walking in was her uncle. A man she had known all her life. The one who had raised her. She trusted him, he wasn't capable of hurting her in any way.

"You're here," hearing Xin Han Mei's voice from behind her. She turned to face him. His face seemed to be etched with surprise, and his eyes lingered on the birth record in her hand.

"Yes, I am!" She answered, reflexively rubbing her thumb on her name inscribed boldly on the file. Xin Han Mei's eyes softened.

"Reading that alone must hurt!" He said. Aera looked away.


With the map Xin Han Mei had provided, XIN Aera set out on her journey at once. It had been too long since she was away, and the anticipation of stepping into the unknown was both exhilarating and daunting.

As she walked further, her steps took her away from the familiarity of Blue Sea Pack's territory. The air felt different in these parts, but as she continued, a heaviness slowly began to settle over her, an inexplicable weakness that seemed to drain the very essence of her being.

The portion was taking its toll. She could feel her powers waning, the energy that had fueled her determination now slipping through her fingers like grains of sand. Every step became a struggle, as though the weight of her own body was multiplied by tenfolds.

Despite the frustration and discomfort, she pressed on. This weakness, this vulnerability, was a necessary sacrifice in her quest for vengeance.

If she still had her energy, she'd have long arrived at BloodHound Pack a long time ago. Being a mere human was frustrating. She glanced at the energy-restraining necklace around her neck and mentally resisted the urge to pull it off and shift into her wolf form.

Finally arriving at the borderlands, she saw two men riding on horseback.

'Lucky them!' she sighed and continued on her way, ignoring them.

"Hey, you there!" She heard a voice from behind her. She looked across her shoulder to see one of the men reining in his horse to approach her.

She stopped in her tracks, and turned to the man. He was wearing a "Can I help you?" She replied cautiously.

He exchanged a glance with the other man before turning his attention back to her. "How dare you walk past the Alpha first?"

Despite the unease settling over her, she held her ground and met his gaze with an arrogant glare. It was a risky move, but one that she hoped would mask her vulnerability and maintain the illusion of confidence. She couldn't falter, especially not in this weak state.

The ginger-haired man looking to be in his late twenties or early thirties stared at her, surprise etching on his handsome face. And then, as if sensing her unwavering will, the man on the second horse ordered him to stop. He rode his horse toward her until he was towering in front of her.

She stared at him. Amidst a backdrop of lush, rolling hills, a young man sat confidently atop his majestic horse. His handsome face was framed by his jet-black hair, neatly combed and fastened with a gat, which added an air of sophistication to his appearance.

His clear, almond-shaped eyes, framed by long, dark lashes, sparkled with intelligence and a hint of mischief. High cheekbones added a touch of angularity to his visage, while a well-defined jawline accentuated his masculinity. A slightly upturned nose and a pair of full, expressive lips completed his striking countenance.

Dressed in traditional attire, he wore a jeogori, a that accentuated his youthful and athletic figure. The jeogori was adorned with intricate embroidery, depicting motifs of nature and the seasons, adding a touch of elegance to his outfit. Beneath the jeogori, a pristine white robe, flowed gracefully down to the stirrups of his horse.

His wide-legged pants, were comfortably draped over the saddle, while a long, flowing overcoat, billowed gently in the breeze as he sat tall and proud in the saddle.

As he gently guided his horse with a masterful touch, he looked confident and elegant.

His black and white eyes were sharp as he stared down at her, exuding an intimidating aura. He seemed like one who was used to having his way in every situation.

"Call me Alpha," he suddenly declared, his words authoritative.

She scoffed at his command. She didn't know who he was, but she wasn't about to bow in reverence to him. She looked right back at him with a determination that matched his, and spat the words, "Sorry, but you're not my Alpha."

Her words hung there, a challenge wrapped in a bold statement. They looked surprised, exchanging glances like they didn't know what to do with her daring response.

Before they could react, she turned and kept walking, acting like they didn't matter. Her heart was racing, and she was filled with adrenaline. She was in her weakest state, and if these men decided to attack her, she wouldn't stand a chance. She knew she was taking a risk, but she didn't want to show any sign of weakness.

As she walked, she could hear their whispering and the sound of their horses' hooves behind her. But she ignored them and kept her focus on her goal: getting into the BloodHound Pack. She had no plans to let anyone intimidate her, no matter their title or status.

After walking all morning, Xin Aera arrived at the territorial gates of BloodHound Pack, an iron cage-like gate with sharp bristles designed to keep intruders away and tall fences meant to secure the Pack's privacy from outside prying eyes. Two fencers stood on each side of the gate, laying guard. As she approached the walls, she halted at one of the guard's orders.

His sharp gaze, scrutinizing, swept over her from head to foot as he asked, "Who are you, are you a spy?"

She tensed up. How could they already find out? She was at a loss. She glanced at the sword on the guard's waist, momentarily thinking of the best way to get herself out of this situation. If she was found out, she'd likely get killed on the spot. His eyes narrowed at her when she didn't respond immediately. He took two steps toward her, causing her to step back a few times. In a normal situation, he wouldn't dare come close to her with her aura. But her Alpha and Fencer powers had both been put on the wrap, she was powerless for now, so she had to act accordingly…

"I ask again, are you…?" The first guard was saying when the second one suddenly cut in.

"A spy?" His tone had a hint of mockery to it, as though he was saying, 'Come on, man, a spy, really?"

The first guard turned toward him, "What?"

"How can a cute woman like her be a spy?" He said, shaking his head.

'Cute!' She thought to herself. If only this guard knew who she was and what she was capable of doing. She could snap both their necks in the twinkling of an eye if she had her powers at the moment.

"She's probably here for the maid's recruitment. Get out of the way for her to get through."

The first guard stared at her, and after a few minutes, he made way for her to get through. But, she hadn't taken any more than two steps when he suddenly stopped her, his eyes fixed on her neck, making her nervous.

"What's that on your neck?" He asked. She glanced down at her neck. The wind had shifted her hair from where she had tucked it to hide the neckband, and the necklace was exposed. She opened her mouth to speak, but the second guard intervened.

"What now, are you trying to be a pervert looking at a woman's neck? Should I remind you that you have a girlfriend?"

The first guard turned abruptly to the second one, "What, Pervert! Who do you call a pervert?"

Seeing them quarreling, she took her chance. She walked through the gates and was welcomed into a whole new world.