
She Is Alpha

A supposedly dead Alpha's daughter on a revenge mission must fight the flames of her childhood love, the Alpha of the Pack she seeks to destroy and her once true love.

Favour_Nnadede_7970 · History
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3 Chs

Chapter Three

In the bustling market square, the atmosphere was filled with life. Surrounding the square, low wooden structures with gently curved roofs formed the market stalls that were adorned with colorful banners and awnings.

The air was filled with the melodic calls of vendors hawking their wares. Sellers of fabrics, spices, and pottery each had their unique cries mingling with the chatter of haggling customers. The clatter of wooden carts and the clinking of coins being exchanged created a constant backdrop of noise.

The market overflowed with a kaleidoscope of goods. Vibrant silk fabrics hung from lines, swaying gently in the breeze. Spice merchants displayed colorful spices and herbs in woven baskets.

A variety of aromas wafted from street food vendors, filling the air with mouthwatering scents. The market square was paved with worn cobbled stones leading through a maze of stalls.

In one corner, a small group of musicians played traditional instruments, and nearby, a street performer enthralled a crowd with a masked dance.

Men and women donned garments in rich shades of blues, reds, and greens that spoke of their ranks in society and personal style.

"Please, where's the Alpha's palace?" Xin Aera asked a girl. The little girl pointed in a direction for her.

She stood in front of the palace gates watching the bustling activities. The yard looked large from the outside. Over twenty acres of land made up the palace alone. The buildings were neatly painted and the roofs held the shapes of flying birds.

The air around was cool and refreshing and the rustling of the wind as it blew over trunks of trees was a pleasant music to the ears, a reminder of her ruined childhood.

Xin Aera took a deep breath and then joined the long line in front of the registrar. After waiting in line for so long, she was assigned a number and followed the people before her. They were led to an open space in the center of the palace where they sat on the ground in rows of seven and numerous columns.

When they had all taken a seat, a woman stepped up in front. She had short white hair and several frown lines that spoke of her strict, unsmiling nature. She wore a green long-sleeved short top paired with a full skirt and red flower shoes. With an aura of strictness and discipline, one could easily tell she held a position in the palace.

"Attention everyone!" The woman's voice rang out like bells, instantly drawing everyone's attention. "I am headmaid Kim and today's recruitment will be handled by me." The slight raising of the shoulder with pride didn't go unnoticed by Xin Aera. "At the end of the process, only five of you will be accepted, so I hope you all will do a good job. May the best win!"

Just as she was stepping off the podium, a few maids in uniform long-sleeved short tops, full skirts, and flower shoes began distributing wide sheets of papers.

According to Xin Han Mei's spy from BloodHound Pack, becoming a servant at Bloodhound Pack's palace required passing the entrance exam. The top five best performances would be chosen for recruitment. According to him, the exam wasn't a simple one to pass. BloodHound Pack had one of the best team of scholars in the entire kingdom, so their examinations were expected to drip sweat and blood from one's face, but looking at the familiar teachings from her childhood, Xin Aera couldn't help but scoff.

Best Team of Scholars indeed!

Before the last question paper was delivered to the last row, she had already finished and handed in her answer sheet to the head maid who looked stunned. Then she noticed a hint of mockery flash through the woman's eyes as though saying "This is the great BloodHound Pack, you think you can easily answer the questions set by a team of well-versed scholars?"

She scoffed as she snatched the answer sheet from Xin Aera, but the moment she glanced at it, she seemed to have seen something beyond her. Her mouth fell open in shock and she glanced between the girl in front of her, and the booklet in her hands before her eyes suddenly went back to being indifferent. Everyone stared in Xin Aera's direction with shock-filled eyes, but she ignored them. In terms of education, the Alpha of Blue Sea Pack could not be found lacking.


After an hour, the time elapsed. The handmaid called the results from the lowest scores to the top and when I didn't hear my name on the top four list, I smiled with satisfaction. As expected, I ranked first. Every other person left but the rest of us five were asked to follow head maid Kim. We did so and were led to the maid's quarters, in the corner of the estate's single-story hanok-style building. We got changed into our maid's uniform, all five of us, and received orders from the head maid Kim.

Headmaid Kim cast her gaze upon each of us, but her eyes lingered on me for a moment, suspicion evident in her scrutiny. She cleared her throat and began addressing us with authority.

"Five of you have passed the test and will now serve in the palace court. In Bloodhound, we value diligence and uphold the highest standards of behavior. Any transgressions, such as theft or... spying," her words held a pointed emphasis, and her gaze met mine, causing me to lower my eyes, "will be met with execution."

Her stern declaration sent a wave of anger surging from within me.

Executed? Just the way their previous Alpha executed every member of my pack?

My fingers balled into fists, but I held myself back, forcing my emotions to stabilize. "Just you wait and watch how I destroy your pack from the inside!" I thought to myself.

Just then, a fellow maid, her footsteps hushed, approached Headmaid Kim. She leaned in and whispered something into her ear. As the words reached her, Headmaid Kim's eyes brightened with excitement, and she nodded with enthusiasm.

Without delay, Headmaid Kim hurried out of the maid's quarters. Instinctively, we, the group of maids, fell in line behind her, our heads bowed as a sign of respect. As we followed, our footsteps soft against the wooden floorboard, we couldn't help but overhear Headmaid Kim's animated greeting.

"Young Master He, you're here!"

At the mere mention of that familiar name, Xin Aera felt a jolt of electricity course through her. Her hands instinctively balled into fists as she stole a furtive glance in the person's direction, then her eyes turned cold.