
Chapter 18

~Xavior's POV

I watch her stare out of the car's window as we drive through the city. I'm planning on taking her to my uncle's restaurant that is the best in town. We drive in a comfortable silence and it almost brings a sense of peace to my soul.

Being in the mafia has brought lots of disruptions and chaos into my life. This new feeling is almost too much to handle, but in a good way. She brings me peace in a world of disaster.

I'm the first to speak. "What are you thinking about so hard, love?" she awakens from her thoughts and turns to me while giving me the most breath taking smile I have ever seen.

"I'm just thinking of my finals and life after I graduate since I'll have to look for work soon." she says which leaves an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. Why does she want to work when I can give her everything?

"You can work with us, in the hospital I mean, that way you won't have to stress about finding a job" I explain to her. She looks deep in thought and says " I'll think about it."

We make it to the restaurant and I turn off the ignition. I get out of the car and make my way over to Victoria's side to open the door for her. She places her tiny hand in mine and gets out of the car making sure she pulls down her dress.

We walk hand in hand to the restaurant, I bend down to whisper in her ear. " Did I mention how absolutely gorgeous you look tonight, Victoria." she blushes intensely causing me to smirk.

"I think you have mentioned it ones" she ends off with a light giggle. I take my hand out of hers and slide my arm around her waist pulling her impossibly close to me.

"Is this your family's restaurant?" Victoria asks as we make our way to the door.

I open the door to see that the place is almost packed with customers. "Yes love, this is my uncle's restaurant. He built it from scratch because he wanted to be a chef, not a mafia member" I explain to her as I see my uncle Ricardo make his way over to us.

"Ebbene ciao, da molto tempo non ci vediamo Xavior. E guarda che stasera hai portato un bel Tesoro" (Well hello there, long time no see Xavior. And look you've brought quite the treasure tonight) my uncle greets in an enthusiastic manner.

Victoria laughs while shaking my uncles hand. "Hi there, nice to meet you. I'm Victoria". My uncle smiles and kisses her hand. Ricardo really looks well after himself, his built frame tucked under a tight fitted suit, his dark gray hair slicked back making him look much younger than he actually is. Since he barley has wrinkles, it contributes to his good looking looks.

"Hey, stop eyeing my woman, she's mine." I end off chuckling. Ricardo lifts his hand in surrender and takes a step back. He breaks the silence by pointing to an area near the window.

"Right this way to your seat fine sir and beautiful young lady." he says with a wink earning both victoria and I to laugh. We walk to our seats which is right next to the window, so that we have a view of the beautiful lights outside.

A waitress comes to our table and takes our order.

~~some time later~~

~Victoria's POV

We finish our meal which was absolutely amazing. Xavior and I got to know each other, like the basics such as birthdays, likes and dislikes. It was filled with laughs and me choking multiple times on my drink since Xavior was quite the joker.

"Victoria I want to show you something" Xavior takes my hand and helps me up from the table. He walks to what looks like the outside entrance of the restaurant.

Not a single person is out here, and I don't know why since it is so beautiful, a garden like view, fairy lights hanging from the tree, it is almost magical. I turn to Xavior to find him already looking at me with his hands in his pocket. Dear Lord he looks really good in that suit.

Xavior steps closer to me and extends his hand out. I take it graciously and

He pulls me towards his chest. Out of no where, Always and forever by Luther Vandross starts to play around us, probably coming from the hidden speakers. Xavior starts moving from side to side and I follow with his movements reminding me of the dance we shared in his home.

"You're quite the romantic Mr Clark" I smile enjoying the moment. We break apart and Xavior moves down to take off my heels. I am confused, but say nothing

When my heels are off we walk over to the mini garden. The feeling of the soft grass grazing under my feet as we dance under the moonlight is absolutely astounding.

The way we stare into each others eyes so deeply. Any one would've thought that this man has been my lover for years and years, but it has only been a few days.

Xavior twirls me around causing me to break into a fit of giggles. He pulls me back and starts singing to the lyrics. He stares deeply into my eyes while singing so beautifully, it is almost if he wrote the song for me.

My heart swells at the gesture as he spins me again and dips me down. As the song is coming to an end, Xavior holds me tightly to his chest, since I'm familiar with the song we both end up singing the ending of the song while staring deeply into each other's eyes.

As the song fades away, Xavior stares down at my lips and back to my eyes. Feeling confident, I bring Xavior's neck towards me and close my eyes to lay a gentle peck on his lips. Before the kiss could go any further, I hear someone clearing their throat.

We pull apart to see Mr Ricardo, Xavior's uncle, smiling while holding a video camera. Xavior stomps his foot like a small child throwing a tantrum. "Damn it uncle I wanted a longer kiss" Xavior pouts, I laugh at his childish behavior. I make my way over to the patio where my shoes lie.

Ricardo, makes his way inside saying that he'll send Xavior the video. As I'm walking to the door I feel a hard slap on my butt. I gasp loudly at the sudden shock. I turn around to yell at him, but he grabs me by my waist and pulls me to his chest. He slides his hands down to my bottom, lightly squeezing it.

I gasp, but this time in pleasure. Xavior moves down to my neck and sucks on my sweet spot. He then moves to my earlobe and whispers. "We are finishing this at home" then walks off, leaving me flustered and breathless.

I catch up with Xavior who is probably walking with a smirk on his face. All of a sudden he stops in his tracks and stiffens. I look to where he's looking which is to the restaurant door. In walks a beautiful woman with a gorgeous silk white dress with two slits going up the side of her thighs.

She looks around the room as if she is looking for someone. When she spots Xavior she smirks and makes her way over to us.

Xavior grabs my hand and pulls me behind him. I'm so confused, what is going on? I think to myself as she stops in front of us.

She looks at me up and down and scoffs, I give her a dirty look to let her know that I won't back down from a fight. She turns to Xavior and her words shocks me. "Hi there baby, I've missed you so much. Did you miss me?"

I look at Xavior, waiting for him to explain to me why there is a woman calling him baby. "Amber, I don't have time for your bullshit. Get out of my way." oh so this is Amber... Xavior takes my hand and walks past her.

"How dare you Xavior" Amber begins, I turn around to see that she's crying. "How could you do this to me, to us. I have loved you as best as I could, even when you were cheating on me behind my back, I still stayed by your side because I loved you and I only wanted you to be happy." she ends of with her covering her face with her hands.

Anger builds inside me and I rip my hand out of Xavior's hold. How dare he treat her like that and expect me to believe him when he says he won't hurt me. Xavior is too shocked to comprehend what I'm doing, but I don't give him the chance to stop me.

I storm out of the restaurant feeling extremely embarrassed that I allowed myself to think that it could ever work between us when his world is always filled with girls. I hear him calling me to stop, but I don't listen, I don't want to speak to him right now.

I see a cab coming and I wave it for it to stop. When he does I hop in the car quickly so that Xavior cannot catch up with us.

I tell the cab driver to drop me at my home. When I'm home, I slam the door shut feeling so angry with myself. I go to my bedroom and strip out of my clothes. Once I'm on the bed, I cry for all the naive thinking that we could work.

Just as I am about to fall asleep I hear a frantic knock on the door. Damn it, who is knocking at my door at this time? I put on Jessica's sweats and a over sized t-shirt and answer the door.

I see Xavior standing there, before I could shut the door in his face, he pushes the door open and engulfs me in a bone crushing hug. "Please don't ever leave me like that again". When those words left Xavior's mouth, I started crying again.

"Baby please don't cry, let me explain please." I shake my head no. I am too tired to want to stay up and hear all about his drama. I have made plans to study and to get ready for my finals. I push him away and he looks confused and hurt.

" Xavior please leave, I'm really tired and I have a full day ahead of me tomorrow, I really cannot be distracted or stressed." he looks around the house then back at me

"Okay okay, I'll sleep on the couch, I don't have to sleep in your bed." I shake my head no. "No Xavior, I need some space, I need to focus, I've wasted alot of time and you being here is not going to help me." he looks down in disappointment, making me feel bad, but it needs to be done.

He let's go of me and takes a few steps back from where he was standing, he then looks me straight in the eyes ." Victoria, please hear the truth in my voice when I tell you that I have had no romantic relationship with Amber, I don't know why she has done what she did and I'm going to speak to her father about it because I have cut ties with her the moment I have found you. Please don't give up on me yet, I have and will always be loyal to you. Please remember that. "

He moves closer to me and places a kiss on my forehead." I will give you the space you need, but I will be back, you can't get rid of me that easily, my queen. " he ends off with a dry chuckle.

I smile soflty at him and watch his tall frame leave, I close the door behind him and get ready for bed. I am not sure if I should believe him or not. I let the darkness consume me and before I know it, I'm out.

~Unknown P. O. V

"Is it done? Did they believe you?" I ask Amber when she gets into the car. We drive off into the city back to my home. I sent her in to stir up some trouble to throw Xavior off his game. Now that he has more problems to deal with, it is the perfect time to strike.

" Yes, I made it believable that we were an intimate couple by crying, that bitch Victoria was so mad, she stormed out and left him in the restaurant" Amber begins to laugh. I laugh with her imagining Xavior's face when it happened

I look out of the window as I begin to think of the many ways that I'm going to bring Xavior and his dumbass throne down. I laugh at the thought of his blood on my hands. I look at Amber and motion for her to sit on my lap.

She does as she's told, just how I like it. I feel under her dress to find that she does not have her panty on. I smirk and begin to bite her neck, I flick my tongue over her sweet spot making her moan.

I unzip my pants and free my member that has been dying to come out. When she sees it, she licks her lips and positions her self over my dick. I slowly lower her down on my shaft. I slowly move her hips to the way I like it and I grunt in pleasure.

I make sure the driver can hear us, making him uncomfortable. I bounce Amber up and down making her scream in pleasure. I grip her tits that are bouncing with her and bite it through the thin dress she's wearing.

I finish up by cumming inside her. I take her off and tell her to lick up the mess that she's made. She nods and licks up the remaining juices off my member. She gets back up and sits on her seat, but then lies her head on my lap. I rub her back until she falls asleep, it is a damn shame that this pretty face is going to die when I'm done with her. I smirk while rubbing her face.