
Chapter 19

~Xavior's POV

"FUCK!!" I scream as I come to the stop street. That bitch, Amber, had some nerve. How dare she spoil the one thing that's going good in my life. "FUCK!" I hit the steering wheel angrily.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Kyle's number. On the third ring, he picks up. "Hey bro whats up?" he asks exhausted. "I need you to get Amber's father, Richard, and bring him to my house. I'm gonna need a word with him"

"As you wish boss, is there a certain reason why you need to speak with him?" Kyle ask genuinely curious. "Well that dog, Amber, ruined a fucking good night. And I'm gonna loose my shit if I don't have my hands around her neck." I shout angrily as I approach the house.

"Whoa whoa dude, you need to calm down. If Amber's blood is on your hands, it will cause alot of problems in business and your relationship." Kyle tells me, I get what he says so I take steady breathes to calm myself down.

I approach the main gate while Kyle speaks over the phone." Xavior, word is that Richard isn't at home, and by the looks of it, hasn't been home in quite some time. " Kyle says over the phone.

There must be men by his house by now. I crease my brows in confusion. "That's weird. Why would he want to dissappear? Any way, I'll speak to you when I have more information on that boy that broke in." I end the call and make my way into the house.

I head straight to the basement, where I keep my prisoners. I greet the guards and head towards the cell that holds the intruder.

He seems to be sleeping, I walk into the cell and creep up on him. I shake him violently and he screams in fear.

I grab a chair and place it in front of him. He looks around the room and sits up straight. He looks weak, since he hasn't slept good and we haven't given him something to eat "Are you ready to talk yet?" I ask him patiently.

He weakly lifts his head and looks up at me with pain in his eyes. "Look sir, I didn't even want to be in this situation, but he said if I talk, my family dies. Sir I only have my baby sister and my parents, that's all I have that I can call family." He chokes on his words and sobs quietly.

He could be lying to you, he just wants to escape." Now why would I want to believe a man who almost killed my wife, and knocked out one of my guards?"

" The only option you have is to tell me the truth then I give you my word, I will look into your situation and help this so called family that is in trouble."

But If you lie, I'll kill you and your family will never hear from you again. Do I make myself clear? "

He doesn't answer, but instead looks down. I have to admit, I respect his loyalty, but it's starting to work on my nerves. I whistle loud enough to call one of my guards.

When he reaches me I speak to him in Italian." portami una bottiglia d'acqua, un bicchierino e un po 'di corda." ( bring me a bottle of water, a shot glass and some rope.)

The guard nods his head and gets me the supplies. Two minutes later he arrives with all my goods. " I want you to tie up our guest please. " the guard does what he is told and the intruder does not fight back because he is too weak.

I take the shot glass and the bottled water from the guard and face the man whose hands are tied up to the wall. "Let's play a game. For every piece of information you share with me, I give you a shot of water. You look a bit dehydrated."

He let's out a defeated sigh and nods. I smirk knowing I got him to finally talk. "Okay, let's start of easy, what is your name?" he hesitates but speaks after a few seconds. " I'm Daniel"

I pour a shot of water and bring it to his lips. He gulps it down desperately. I ask him sickly "Should we stop for today and continue next week or do you want to continue?" I ask smirking already knowing his answer.

"Please, let's continue." he says. "Okay then, who is this he that you are referring to?" His eyes widen in fear and it takes a minute for him to speak. "It's Knight, Jackson Knight sir." my blood boils in anger. I pour Daniel two shots of water.

"Why did he send you here?" Daniel shifts around to find a comfortable position. "He didn't order me to hurt anyone, I was sent to take videos of the layout of the house, probably to find openings in your home to attack you when you least expect it."

He says truthfully. I shake my head, this means that bitch knows where I live. It could be too dangerous to keep Victoria here, she's probably safer in her own home with the guards I secretly sent to watch her.

" Okay, this question is a bit more tricky and if you can answer this one, I will bring you a bed to sleep on and a meal every day at noon. When you keep up the honesty and cause me no trouble, I'll increase the amount of times you eat a day."

Daniel nods his head gratefully. It's not like me to treat my prisoners so kindly, but he could be used as an asset later." I need you to tell me where Jackson is located at? " I hand over the bottle of water to Daniel and cut his ropes. He gulps down the water and speaks

"He lives two hours west from here. But I don't think he lives there anymore as he has seen that I have been captured since it was a live footage video camera." He says, he has a point, but if I attack his home he'd think twice than to bother me.

I lock up the cell and call one of the guards to bring a mattress to the cell, the guard nods and leaves. I make my way up to my house and call the head of security to my office. When we are both seated, I explain to him the situation and how Jackson knows our location.

We spend an hour discussing strategy on how the house will be secured as well as the plan on when we are attacking Jackson's home.

When all changes has been made, I head to my room to rest as it has been a very long day. I hop in the shower to wash off all the events of the day. The hot water releases some tension in my muscles. Oh how amazing it would be if Victoria was in here giving me a massage. I think as I remember our fight.

I miss her so fucking much. I turn off the faucet and step out of the shower. I do my necessary routine and climb into bed hugging the pillow close to me as I pretend it's actually Victoria that I am holding.

*The next day*

~Victoria's POV

I stretch my arms out to hug Xavior, but it's empty. I open my eyes to see that he is not here with me and that I am in my own home.

Disappointment floods my emotions, but I soon remember why I am alone. The events of last night plays through my head giving me a small headache.

I step into the bathroom and face the mirror. My eyes are blood red and puffy, I sigh as I think of a way to explain this to Jess when she realizes that I'm in her house. She was not here last night when Xavior and I were fighting. I woke up to hear her coming in but I had no energy to tell her that I'm staying the night. 

When I'm done in the bathroom, I slip on a bath robe and walk into the kitchen. There I see Jessica whipping up breakfast. I sit on the stool by the island table and speak. "Hey Jess, what you making?" Jess jumps in fear and screams a high pitch scream. I lift my hands up in surrender as I see her pointing a knife at me.

"Victoria what the fuck! You almost gave me a heart attack and I almost killed you!"

Jessica yells at me while placing her hand over her heart and takes deep breaths to calm her down.

She places the knife on the table and turns to me. "Victoria what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Xavior?"

I tell her everything about the events of last night and my studies. She remains quiet while I tell her, she shakes her head and turns back to her cooking.

"I knew that Amber chick was not out of the picture, but you did the right thing Victoria and you handled it well, so I'm proud of you." she says while dishing me a plate of food.

Bacon and pancakes filled my nose causing my stomach to grumble loudly. Jessica and I laugh like how we use to every night. I actually miss staying with her. I'll have to ask Xavior if I can spend some weekends with her.

She dishes her food and sits next to me as we begin to eat our food in silence. After we are done, Jessica lends me some of her clothes and helps me study until it was time to call it quits and head to bed.

I head into my bedroom and check my phone for any messages. I see that I have multiple texts and miss calls from Xavior. I quickly dial his number so that he doesn't have to worry about me. On the second ring he picks up.

"Baby? I've been trying to call you all day, why haven't you answered my messages or phoned me back? I was so worried. " Xavior says in a concerned voice.

I smile as I hear how worried he is about me. "Don't worry Xavior, I'm sorry that I missed your calls, I was studying all day and I never had the chance to check any of my messages." I explain to Xavior. I hear him breath out a sigh.

"Okay baby, I miss you so damn much. I just need you in my arms." he says and my smile widens.

I have missed him as well, an idea comes to mind and I say it out loud without even thinking.

"Why don't you come over and spend the night with me?" I immediately regret what I said, I'm supposed to be mad at him.

"I see someone has missed me as well." I can basically hear the smirk on his face. "I'll come over as soon as possible my love, see you soon baby."

He hangs up before I can say anything else. I lock my phone and head to Jessica's room to tell her what's going on. As I walk into her room I see her almost passed out. I tell her that Xavior is coming over to spend the night, she just hums in responds and goes back to sleep.

I silently laugh and cover her body with her blanket and walk out while closing the door behind me. A couple of minutes later, I hear a knock on the door. I'm actually nervous to see Xavior as we left things on a pretty awkward note.

I open the door to find Xavior in his pj's holding a small teddy bear and a bouquet of roses. He comes in and takes me in for a bone crushing hug. "I've missed you so much baby, you don't understand how crazy I was without you." he says sniffing my hair.

He picks me up and spins me around, I try to contain my giggles as I don't want to wake Jessica up. I lean upwards and stand on my tippy toes to kiss Xavior on the cheek.

He grunts and points to his mouth. He begins to pucker up his lips with his eyes closed. I walk away leaving him in the living room. I laugh as I see him opening his eyes to find me not where he expected me to be.

He looks around the room and spots me on my way to my room. He follows me and pushes me in my room and closes the door. He places the teddy and roses on my dresser and walks aggressively to where I'm standing.

He picks me up and my legs involuntarily wraps around his torso. He grips my butt and squeezes it. He then attacks my neck licking me, biting me. I moan in the process as I feel my panties becoming wet.

He throws me on the bed and climbs on top of me. He takes the back of my neck and brings it to his face and without warning, he starts kissing me as if he is a thirsty man drinking water for the first time.

We break apart and he looks me dead in the eye. "When I pucker my lips for you, it doesn't mean walk away, it means kiss me. That stunt you pulled won't happen again, do I make myself clear?"

My heart is beating so fast, it feels as if I'm about to pass out. "Y-yes I understand." I say out of breath.

Xavior pecks my lips and says "Good". A loud bang on my door causes me and Xavior to stop what we are doing. "You better keep it down in there, I'm trying to fucking sleep." I hear Jessica's voice on the other side of the door.

I apologize and push Xavior off me. We climb into bed and he pulls me into his embrace. I whisper " I'm still mad at you by the way" he pulls me even closer to me.

"I know baby I'm sorry again, but I am sorting out the situation right now, I'll make it up to you tomorrow, or... Do you want me to make it up to you now..." he says while moving his hands to my bottom region. I smack his hand away and he chuckles deeply.

He moves his hand to my back and starts drawing circles calming me and putting me in a deep slumber.