
Chapter 3

3rd Person POV

Camille put red lipstick on her friend's lips then she finally released her as well. They have been in front of the mirror for almost two hours.

Jade stared into the mirror behind her. She blinked multiple times. After all, she felt she saw someone else was in front of her because she looked different because of the lack of make-up.

"Oh, you're beautiful! You look, nice Sis, you're just this idiot who doesn't know how to fix it!" no brakes Camille said.

Jade looked sharply at Camille. "I don't know if I will believe what you say," she said.

She refers to its insult to her. Who would be happy if you were insulted even if you were told you were nice.

He just laughed at her and took the bottle of perfume. She immediately guessed what it would do. "I do not like that!" She says.

But the witch didn't listen to him no matter what he stopped her from doing. The perfume was sprayed on him. She just frowned when the smell of perfume entered her nose.

She doesn’t like perfumes.

"Hays! You're naughty, you know I don't want to have perfume on my body," she said annoyed

She prefers her natural scent over the perfume no matter how fragrant it is to other people because she was dizzy from the smell of any perfume.

"It's okay Jade at least you have experience," Camille said, smirking.

She frowned at Camille and put the heels on her feet. "So what? Let's go?" Camille asked.

This is the night they are going to a birthday party that Camille is going to. For her, it is not normal for someone to go to a party at night but that is the time of the birthday party so she can do nothing.

Her witch friend led her downstairs. She is here at Camille's house because here are the things she will use at the party because there are no cosmetics in her house.

They were greeted by Mommy Tina, her Friend’s only Mommy, nothing else.

It is kind, especially when you are kind to her Daughter, that is why when she is here it cooks delicious food. So she also wonders why her friend has an attitude and not only that because she also doesn't know how to cook no matter what she and Mommy Tina teach. She doesn't know if this is her Mommy Tina's Son.

"Are you leaving? Girls?" smiling Mommy Tina asked them.

Camille clung to her arm like a snake. "Yes Mommy," Camille said, softly.

“Be careful on the road, especially at the party because there is alcohol there. And Jade, stopped your friend from drinking because I don't trust her so that's why I want you to be with her at the party she's going to." Mommy Tina said.

"Mommy, it's like I'm not your child, it's like you don't want to trust me."

She looked sharply at her Daughter. “I don’t trust you because you’re a witch." Camille just frowned because of her Mother.

Her face was wrinkled. That's why her witch friend wanted to take her with her, not because she had someone with her at the party, but because Mommy Tina doesn’t want to allow it.

"Yes Mommy, I will take care of your rebuke Daughter, you can hope that even a drop of wine she will not taste." Jade smiled rawly at Mommy Tina.

Mommy Tina seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at what she said. "Thank God, oh go ahead, you might be late at the party," Mommy said with a smile.

Before leaving they did not forget to kiss their Mommy Tina on the cheek then Camille pulled her Friend in the car.

Jade fastened her seatbelt and leaned back comfortably in her seat. "You probably won't do what you told Mommy right? You will support me in what I want to happen, right?" Camille asked nervously.

She just smiled at her friend and didn't bother to answer so her dear friend was even more nervous. "Jade!" seems to be crying Camille said.

"Remember Camille, your life depends on me now so get organized." She was threatening Camille so Camille almost choked as she couldn't help but laugh.

"Your invitation card, please? " A woman asked for the invitation card and Camille immediately gave it to her.

The woman smiled broadly at the two of them. "You can come in now, have fun at the party, don't forget to wish him a happy birthday," the woman said cheerfully.

"Thank you!" Camille excitedly pulled her inside when the woman let go of the red rope that seemed to be blocking their entry inside.

"Ouch! You drag me! You thought I was only wearing rubber shoes? Do you see that? My foot is going to hurt because of you." She complains to Camille.

It just mocked her with her smile. "Come on Witch, I'm holding your ace," she said.

“Ugh! Jade! You’re killing the fun again."

She rolled her eyes at Camille.

"Haven't we already talked about this? So don't report me to Mommy, please." Its eyes are pleading.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

They have a deal that Camille can drink but she can't get drunk.

They sat in an empty chair with a round table. Of course, her friend won't lose her charm for a while. Some men come here for her friend. As she was just quietly to one side and rolling her eyes all over the place.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you very much for attending. Tonight, we are gathered here to celebrate the gift of life, most especially the gift of life that He has given to Andrew Valento, who is celebrating his birthday today." Everyone stopped what they were doing and everyone looked at the stage when suddenly someone spoke from there.

She put down the juice she was drinking and also looked at the stage. Her Friend's flirtation and her flirtation also stopped tonight.

"Good evening my dear Friend." The woman on the stage spoke while smiling.

"Good evening Miss. Sunshine!" A man said to the female emcee.

Then the two-faced everyone below the stage at the same time.

"Good evening everyone!" smiling simultaneously greeting the two.

"Our celebrant today is the very handsome Miss Sunshine."

The woman was surprised by what her partner said and put her free hand in her mouth.


"Yes, partner, let us welcome our Mr. Valento, the Celebrant is wearing a beautiful tuxedo today."

"Once again, let us welcome our star for the night, Mr. Andrew Valento!" Simultaneously the applause of the people coincided with the release of a man from the backstage

He was a very tall man, he had a very handsome face and his eyes seemed dangerous. She just realized that she seemed to be drowning in the man when she and his eyes met.

It's so perfect, that's all she can say apart from its very beautiful body that even with thick clothing it was bruised in the gym.

At that time it was as if the people in the place where they were also had disappeared and they seemed to be the only ones left in her imagination.