
Chapter 4

3rd Person POV

"Even when have you never been happy with it? Why do you need to go back to the philippines? Huh? Not that I don't want you to come back there but this country makes you rich, so why do you still have to go back?" frowning, the old woman asked him.

Not to mention, he knew that she did not want to send him home to his country of birth because he was a child who was considered an adult and as a parent she did not want to lose the Son to her.

It was the old woman who helped him raise the money the old man had given him, so he was really very indebted to the old woman. But abroad, where he is far from her.

From his facing the large glass window the young man faced the old woman. The old woman sat on the sofa in his office and her two thighs overlapped while sipping the jasmine tea.

"Because I have to fix a few things in the Philippines before everything gets caught," he said with a serious tone.

He sips on a glass of wine. A drug created by chemical reaction in some foods, specially in fruits and grains.

“Is it because of the woman you met before? I see no reason for you to go to that country." Its face wrinkled but unable to complain.

He looked at the old woman and he knew that even if he didn't answer, the old woman already knew his answer.

The old woman sighed. "All right, do what you want to happen in your life but there is only one thing I want you to promise me. Promise me that when you come back here, a grandchild will meet me."

He breathed a sigh of relief when the old woman was ready to send him home to the Philippines

The man smiled at what the old woman said to him and nodded. If her wish came true he would probably be the happiest person in the world.

At the same time as the people, the young man got up from his seat bench and walked out of the plane. The steward greeted him but he ignored it and just continued on his descent.

Today is his birthday and also the day of the landing of the plane he was on in the Philippines.

It's afternoon in the Philippines and he just has the right time to get ready for his birthday.

"Mabuhay! Welcome back to the Philippines!" The smiling man greeted him as soon as he set foot on the ground

He ignored it and just passed it by but he felt it following him. "Boss, I heard that Miss is coming," the messenger said in the message on her cellphone when she took it from her pocket and checked her inbox when she felt her phone vibrate.

Not to himself, his red lips smiled and pocketed his cellphone. He wanted to jump now because he was so happy but he didn't want people to confuse him so he just accelerated his walk so that he could get to the venue of the birthday party quickly.

She didn't know why she couldn't forget the man she had seen last night. She wasn't sure but it seemed like it was dawn when she fell asleep.

Her eyes opened when her ear heard a series of knocks from her bedroom door.

Because the ceiling of her room was made of glass. Jade immediately saw how round, dark and swollen her two eyes were. She frowned badly and got up from her bed.

She automatically put on her black slippers and made sure her hair was not messy before Jade walked to the door. She opened it by turning the doorknob.

"How long did it take you to answer?" She was greeted by the stubborn and impatient Camille. It leaned against her door jamb while still yawning.

She ignored the complaint because it would only get worse if she noticed it.

“What do you need you witch? You look outside, it's early, oh, can't you see I'm sleeping?" She yawned while irritated.

At her house, her witch friend slept. That gave her a headache all night. Because it just didn't fulfill their agreement. Because Camille was really drunk and because Camille didn't want to scold her own mother, she told her that she would just sleep at her house.

"Someone is looking for you." The skin wrinkled on her forehead.

"Who is it?"

“Have you not made a case? Jade?" Camille asked.

She was even more confused. "I'm not like you," she said with a grin.

"You're mean to me, I don't seem to be your Friend ah."

"Who's looking for me? Does he want an autograph?" she asked jokingly.

It rolled its eyes at her.

"An attorney is looking for you so don't imagine. Maybe later you did something wrong," she said to her, looking scared.

"You fool, stupid, don't be like that. I don't remember that I did anything wrong. If I did something wrong, the police came here immediately, not the attorney, don't imagine because maybe later he wants to talk to me for your case," she said irritably

"Tss alright, hurry up, come down," Camille said.

She just nodded. "I'll just fix myself, it's embarrassing to face that I look like a blast," she said.

Jade didn't wait for her Friend to answer and immediately closed the door on her face.

She arranged herself and went to the living room where her guest was probably there. His prediction was not wrong A man who is old and she thinks that he is only the same age as her daddy if only her Father is alive sitting on her long sofa.

Her heart felt sad but she chose to smile when the man who was an attorney looked at her according to her Friend who was probably already in the kitchen because the stock of her food is there.

"Good morning Mr?"

"Tuason, good morning, Ms Jade," Mr. Tuason said seriously.

"Good morning, did you have breakfast before you came here?" she asked.

"I'm okay, Ms. Jade, I am here to talk to you and not for food."

She smiled and nodded her head and pointed to the garden she cared for for her Mother who loved plants and flowers. "You are too serious Mr. Tuason, let's talk in the garden so we can both breathe fresh air," she said smiling.

The old man agreed and followed him with a black attache case. They sat in the hut.

“Don’t you want anything? Coffee, tea or something?" she asked politely.

"Don't be Miss Jade, thank you so much because I won't be wandering around anymore because it's really very important that I came here."

She sat up well when she could hear the old man's seriousness. It seemed important that it went to her.