
Shattered Ascendance

In the midst of a world where magic and danger intertwine, Seraphina Montclair, a young heiress to a formidable lineage, embarks on a life-altering journey. Raised in the shadows by her family's legacy, she yearns for something more, something beyond the confines of her privileged upbringing. And so, with a heart eager for adventure and freedom, she steps forward into a destiny that will test her courage in ways she never imagined. But it is not just the physical trials that Seraphina faces. Along her perilous path, she encounters a soul who, in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, becomes a beacon of solace and healing. This unexpected ally, with compassion in their eyes and a touch that mends even the deepest wounds, finds a way to piece together the fragments of Seraphina's broken heart.

Burningnova13 · ファンタジー
29 Chs

Nurturing the Light

I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. The cheers were like a whirlwind of energy, lifting me up and carrying me forward. With a joyful laugh, I sprinted toward my daddy and mommy, my heart practically skipping with happiness. I was going to give them the biggest hug ever and share this amazing moment together.

But just as I was about to leap into their arms, everything happened so fast. I saw them move, and my mind barely registered what was going on. It was like they were dancing, a quick and graceful shuffle to the side, and suddenly the space where they had been empty.

My outstretched arms found nothing to hold onto, and I stumbled forward, my momentum sending me crashing to the ground. The impact jolted through me, and I let out a surprised yelp as I landed on my hands and knees, my eyes wide and my heart still racing, but now from shock instead of excitement.

"Daddy? Mommy?" I looked up at them, my eyes wide and a little watery from the unexpected tumble. Confusion swirled in my mind as I tried to process what had just happened. Why did they move away? Did I do something wrong?

My daddy rushed forward; concern etched on his face as he reached out to help me up. "Seraphina, are you okay? I'm so sorry, we didn't mean to—"

I blinked, totally confused. Why did they move? What was going on? They were saying something, their voices all worried and rushed, but it was like they were speaking a different language. My brain felt all fuzzy, and their words bounced around like ping-pong balls.

My eyes dropped to the ground, and my confusion turned into surprise. Whoa, what were those? Cracks, like the ones you see in Mommy's favorite cookies, but on the ground. It was like the earth was drawing a picture with wiggly lines, and I realized with a thump in my chest that I was the one who did it.

A gentle cough from one of the Council elders drew my attention. I turned to face him, my eyes wide and curious, eager to learn what he had to say.

"Ahem," the elder began, his voice carrying a weight of wisdom and experience. "Young Seraphina, it is clear that you possess a remarkable connection to the divine. However, with great power comes great responsibility."

I blinked, taking in his words. Great power? Was he talking about the glowing symbol on my chest? It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like a cozy blanket.

He continued, his eyes kind but serious. "What you experienced just now was a surge of energy, a manifestation of the divine power within you. But, my dear, it is important to learn how to control and harness this energy."

I tilted my head, a frown tugging at my lips. "Control? Like steering a horse or catching butterflies?"

The elder chuckled softly, his wrinkled face breaking into a warm smile. "In a way, yes. You see, if you let this energy run wild, it could lead to unintended consequences. We don't want any more cracks on our beautiful square, do we?"

I shook my head vigorously, my hair bouncing around like wild springs. "No, no more cracks!"

He nodded in approval. "Exactly. To prevent that, you need to learn how to gather and focus this energy. Think of it like gathering all the petals of a flower into your hand. You need to bring them together to create something beautiful."

I furrowed my brow, trying to understand. "So, I need to gather the energy, so it doesn't make any more cracks?"

The elder smiled, his eyes twinkling. "Exactly, young one. With practice and guidance, you can learn to channel this energy and use it in a controlled manner."

My mommy and daddy nodded in agreement, their expressions a mix of encouragement and support. I could feel their confidence in me, like a warm hug. I took a deep breath, feeling a surge of determination. "Okay, I'll learn! I'll practice and gather the energy, so there won't be any more cracks."

The elder's smile widened. "That's the spirit, young one. Now, let us begin your training, step by step."

As the elder continued to guide me through the steps of controlling the energy, I focused on his words with all my might. It was like trying to catch fireflies in the dark—tricky, but exciting. With each instruction, I felt a little spark of understanding light up inside me. Gathering the energy wasn't so different from gathering my toys after playtime. I imagined each wiggly strand of energy as a little puzzle piece, and I slowly started fitting them together in my mind.

And then, something amazing happened. The glowing symbol on my chest, which had been shining like a mini sun, began to dim down. It was like the lights going out after a big show, and I was the one turning off the switches.

I held my breath, my hands hovering over the energy like a cozy blanket. I remembered how mommy used to cover me with a blanket when I was little, singing a soft lullaby until I fell asleep.

With a gentle touch, I let my hands lower, like a mommy tucking in her baby. I sang a lullaby, my voice soft and sweet, just like mommy's. The words were a mix of humming and soft whispers, a melody that wrapped around the energy like a warm hug.

I could feel the energy responding to my song, calming down, like a wild pony being soothed by a gentle hand. It was amazing, like I was weaving a spell with my voice and my touch. And then, something magical happened. The energy, which had been all jumpy and wiggly, started to settle down. It snuggled under the blanket of my control, like a mischievous kitten finally curling up for a nap.

The glowing symbol on my chest faded away completely, like a shooting star disappearing into the night. I let out a sigh of relief and smiled. I did it! I actually did it!

The elder's applause and my parents' proud smiles filled the air, like a chorus of cheerleaders celebrating my victory. I felt like a hero who had just tamed a wild dragon, or in this case, a bunch of wiggly energy.

With a skip in my step and a heart full of joy, I looked at the elder. "I did it! I gathered the energy and sang it a lullaby, just like mommy does!"

He chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "Indeed, you did, Seraphina. You have shown great progress and control. Your journey has just begun, and I have no doubt that you will master this power."

I turned to my parents; my grin so big it felt like it could touch the sky. "Did you see, mommy, daddy? I did it!"

They nodded, their eyes shining with pride. "Yes, you did, our little warrior," my daddy said, ruffling my hair.

I tilted my head, my eyes wide with curiosity as I looked at the elder. "So... When do I get to start conquering dragons and saving countries?"

The elder chuckled, a warm and gentle sound that made me feel all cozy inside. "Ah, young Seraphina, conquering dragons and saving countries is a grand and noble goal indeed. But, my dear, it takes time and practice to become the legendary warrior you aspire to be."

I pouted a little, my dreams of daring adventures and epic battles feeling a bit deflated. "But I want to be a hero now."

He placed a hand on my shoulder, his touch reassuring. "And you shall, my child. But even heroes need training and guidance. You've just taken your first step, a significant one, towards harnessing your power. Now comes the part where you learn to wield it wisely."

My mommy chimed in; her voice gentle yet firm. "Just like you've practiced with your toy sword, you'll practice with this new power. And when the time is right, you'll be ready for those great adventures."

My daddy winked at me, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "And when you do conquer a dragon, make sure to save a scale for me as a souvenir."


I turned my gaze to the Elder, my two rays of sunshine—my beloved daughter and wife—playing nearby. The weight of responsibility settled heavily on my shoulders as I addressed the wise member of the Council. "Elder, your wisdom and guidance have always been invaluable to our family. As custodians of a legacy rooted in age-old traditions, it is my solemn duty to ensure the preservation and continuation of these customs."

The Elder, a venerable figure with a long, flowing beard, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the strength of our community lies in the steadfast embrace of our traditions."

I shook my head, my concerns running deeper than a mere affirmation of tradition. "It's not just that, Elder. My daughter possesses remarkable potential and intelligence, yet I can't help but worry about the weight of expectations thrust upon her. It has barely been an hour since her manifestation, and already people are hailing her as the chosen one." A frustrated sigh escaped my lips as I found myself rubbing my forehead in exasperation. Were these not incredibly heavy expectations to place upon the shoulders of a young child?

I continued; my worry evident in my voice. "I fear for her future, for the immense pressure that these prophecies may place upon her. And so, I come before you with a proposal, born out of a father's concern." Meeting the Elder's expectant gaze, I pressed on. "I request that my daughter be allowed to remain within the confines of the Montclair estate, receiving specialized training under careful guidance. This arrangement would continue until the time of her coming-of-age ceremony."

I uncrossed my arms and let out a resigned sigh. Under normal circumstances, such a request might be deemed excessive, even audacious. However, these were not normal circumstances, as evident by the unusually early manifestation of her powers. Typically, the sacred coming-of-age ceremony, a rite of passage, was conducted at the age of fifteen, not a mere eight years.

My gaze remained steady as I awaited the Elder's response, my heart torn between the weight of tradition and the desire to shield my daughter from the overwhelming expectations of the world.

"Arnold," the Elder began, his tone respectful yet intimate, "your concerns are not unwarranted. The path laid before your daughter is not an easy one, and the weight of expectations can be burdensome, even more so for one so young."

I nodded, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over me. It was a reassurance to know that my worries were being understood and taken into consideration.

He continued, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "Allowing her the time to grow and learn within the protective walls of your estate is a prudent decision. The early manifestation of her power sets her on a unique journey, and it is wise to provide her with the tools to navigate it successfully."

The Elder's words were both a reassurance and an acknowledgment of the path I wished to carve for my daughter. Tradition was crucial, but so was safeguarding her from the pressures of the world.

With a nod of deep gratitude, I spoke, my voice sincere. "Thank you, Elder, for your understanding and guidance. I believe that this choice is in the best interest of my daughter's well-being and her future as a guardian of our legacy."

The Elder offered a warm smile, his eyes reflecting the wisdom he had gathered over the years. "Arnold, the Council stands with you in this decision. We trust that you will provide the nurturing and training she requires to meet the challenges that lie ahead."

My hand twitched instinctively; a reflex honed through years of training. The unmistakable scent of bloodlust hung in the air, a sensation that pricked at my senses like a warning. I turned my gaze towards the Elder, and it was clear from his expression that he, too, had detected the unsettling undercurrent. Suppressing my initial response, I remained outwardly composed, my mind racing to pinpoint the source of this ominous energy.

Was it a threat directed towards me? No, something fell off. I shifted my focus, homing in on the unsettling sensation. It wasn't aimed at me—it was aimed at my daughter. My heart tightened in an instinctive surge of protective concern. My daughter, my precious Seraphina, was the target of this bloodlust.

I kept my features carefully neutral, my eyes scanning the cheerful crowd that had gathered for the momentous occasion. Smiles and anticipation painted the scene, but beneath that façade, danger lurked. My gaze narrowed as I settled on a particular spot, where a little girl stood. Our eyes met briefly, and I sensed her discomfort under my watchful scrutiny.

I remained vigilant; my senses attuned to any hint of danger. The sensation of bloodlust gradually receded, like a predator retreating into the shadows. For now, the threat had subsided, but my unease remained. I couldn't ignore the fact that someone had harbored ill intentions towards my daughter.

As the event continued and the festivities carried on, I kept a watchful eye, my protective instincts on high alert. I couldn't let my guard down, not when the safety of my family was at stake. Though the source of the bloodlust had faded, the underlying current of danger lingered.

I absently rubbed my chin, concern churning within me. As a father, I understood the delicate balance between protecting my daughter and allowing her to grow. The recent unsettling incident, though fleeting, had provided me with a reminder of the dangers that could lurk beyond our protective walls.

I watched Seraphina with a father's pride, her enthusiasm and innocence lighting up the moment. She was a beacon of potential, a reflection of our family's legacy, and yet she was still a child, vulnerable to the world's uncertainties.

My wife, the love of my life, caught my gaze, her eyes mirroring my own thoughts. We shared an unspoken understanding, a silent pact to shield our daughter from harm's way. We both knew the weight of tradition, the burden of expectations, but we also knew the importance of safeguarding our child's well-being.

I turned my attention back to the crowd, my fingers tapping a rhythm on my armrest. It wasn't about suffocating my daughter with worries; it was about granting her the time and space to grow and learn, free from the pressures that came with her newfound power and status.

The incident with the bloodlust was a validation, a stark affirmation of the concerns that had been nagging at the back of my mind. It reinforced my conviction to keep Seraphina close, within the secure confines of our estate. It wasn't about denying her the world; it was about ensuring she was prepared for it.

A part of me longed to see her spread her wings, to embark on daring adventures and rise to legendary heights. But for now, my foremost duty was to be her protector, her guide, and her shield against the shadows that sought to dim her light.

A whimsical thought suddenly flickered through my mind, conjuring an image of a younger Seraphina bounding through our estate like an energetic hunting hound. The memory brought a nostalgic smile to my lips as I remembered her chasing after pigs and chickens whenever her hunger got the best of her. The innocence and joy of those moments were etched into my heart.

The notion took root, and I found myself considering the idea more seriously. Perhaps it was time to create a special space for her, a private hunting ground within our estate. A place where she could channel her energy, indulge her adventurous spirit, and satisfy her curiosity for the world around her.

I turned to my wife, a spark of excitement in my eyes, and shared my newfound idea in a whisper. "My dear, what do you think of creating a private hunting ground for Seraphina? A place where she can explore, play, and perhaps indulge in her own little adventures."

Her eyes lit up, mirroring my enthusiasm, as she nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a wonderful idea. It would not only provide her with an outlet for her boundless energy but also keep her entertained and engaged."

I nodded in satisfaction, the concept taking shape in my mind. "Yes, and we could ensure that it's a safe environment, filled with various creatures for her to chase and explore. It would be her own little realm of discovery."

As the festivities continued, my thoughts were consumed by the vision of this private hunting ground—a sanctuary where our daughter could be herself, where her youthful spirit could roam freely without worry.