
Shattered Ascendance

In the midst of a world where magic and danger intertwine, Seraphina Montclair, a young heiress to a formidable lineage, embarks on a life-altering journey. Raised in the shadows by her family's legacy, she yearns for something more, something beyond the confines of her privileged upbringing. And so, with a heart eager for adventure and freedom, she steps forward into a destiny that will test her courage in ways she never imagined. But it is not just the physical trials that Seraphina faces. Along her perilous path, she encounters a soul who, in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, becomes a beacon of solace and healing. This unexpected ally, with compassion in their eyes and a touch that mends even the deepest wounds, finds a way to piece together the fragments of Seraphina's broken heart.

Burningnova13 · ファンタジー
29 Chs

A Mysterious Companion

After a week of exploring the hunting grounds, I started to miss home. As much as I enjoyed hunting and the excitement of testing my new abilities, there was an emptiness that only my parents could fill. Plus, I couldn't deny that I missed our cozy estate, the familiar warmth of our family dinners, and even the sound of Daddy's lectures.

One sunny morning, as the golden rays of the sun filtered through the leaves, I made up my mind. It was time to return home. With a spirited expression, I packed up my campsite, extinguished the campfire, and shouldered my adventurer's gear.

"Liam," I called out to my newfound companion, who was sharpening his dagger nearby. "I think it's time we head back."

He looked up at me, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "Already? I thought you were having a blast out here."

I grinned and nodded. "Oh, I definitely was! But you know, I miss my parents, and I've got this nagging feeling that Daddy's been worried sick about me." I didn't want to admit it, but the truth was, I was eager to show off my new skills to them too.

Liam chuckled and stood up, sheathing his dagger. "Well, I can't argue with that. Let's pack up and make our way back."

As we walked through the forest, retracing our steps, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, I was proud of how far I'd come in just a week. I had faced monsters, became stronger, and even made a new friend. On the other hand, I was excited to share my adventures with Mommy and Daddy.

As we finally emerged from the forest and caught sight of the familiar estate in the distance, a sense of warmth enveloped me. It was good to be back. The sight of the grand mansion, the sprawling gardens, and the pond with its graceful lily pads all felt like a comforting embrace.

"Daddy! Mommy!" I called out as we approached the main entrance. And sure enough, there they were, rushing out to greet me. Daddy's stern expression was quickly replaced by relief, and Mommy's eyes were filled with a mix of worry and affection.

"Seraphina, you're back!" Daddy exclaimed, sounding relieved.

Mommy enveloped me in a tight hug, her embrace like a soothing balm. "Oh, my dear, we were so worried about you. Don't you know what taking it slow means?"

I hugged her back just as tightly, feeling the weight of their love and concern. "I'm sorry, Mommy, Daddy. I missed you both."

Daddy ruffled my hair, a fond smile tugging at his lips. "Well, it's good to have you back, little warrior. But next time, at least take someone with you."

I chuckled and nodded. "I promise, Daddy. No more disappearing on my own." As we walked back into the estate, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me. The past week had been filled with excitement, growth, and new experiences, but there was truly no place like home. If I was being honest being in the hunting grounds wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be, sure I got to smack some furries, but... it kinda grew a little stale.

A mischievous grin tugged at the corners of my lips. I couldn't resist sharing the little prank I had pulled during our journey back. So I shared with them the fun times I had with little Liam.

Daddy raised an eyebrow, exchanging a puzzled glance with Mommy. "Liam? Who's Liam?"

I blinked, suddenly realizing that Liam was nowhere to be seen. He had been right behind us just moments ago. "Wait, where did he go?" I turned around, scanning the area, but there was no sign of my fellow adventurer.

Daddy's expression shifted from confusion to concern. "Seraphina, what are you talking about? Did you travel with someone else?"

I bit my lip, feeling a mix of embarrassment and worry. "Um, yeah. Liam was with me the whole time I was exploring the hunting grounds. He's an adventurer."

Daddy's eyes narrowed, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "Seraphina, are you sure about this? I didn't see anyone else with you when we greeted you."

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Had I imagined Liam's presence? No, that couldn't be right. He had been there, talking to me, sharing my journey. But as I looked around, the truth became clear – Liam was nowhere to be found.

"I swear, Daddy, he was right here!" I protested, my voice tinged with frustration. "He was watching over me, and we even talked on the way back."

Mommy placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, her expression understanding. "It's okay, sweetheart. We believe you. Maybe Liam went off somewhere else for a moment."

Daddy sighed, his concern evident. "We'll look into it. But for now, let's get you inside and settled."

"Liam..." I muttered his name, feeling a strange mix of confusion and concern within me. It was all so perplexing, and I wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation. Trying to gather my thoughts, I turned to Daddy with a question that had been forming in my mind.

"Daddy... does that mean you trusted me to come back safely on my own?" The idea that Liam might not have been sent by Daddy made me realize that I had ventured into the hunting grounds without anyone watching over me.

Daddy gave me a warm smile, his eyes reflecting a mixture of pride and reassurance. "Yes, Seraphina. Your training and the blessing you received have given you the strength and capability to handle yourself. While I'll always worry about you, I believe in your abilities."

Mommy chimed in, her voice gentle and encouraging. "You've shown tremendous growth, and we know you're responsible enough to make the right decisions."

"Thank you, Daddy, Mommy," I said with a grateful smile. "I promise to keep getting stronger and make you proud." But i don't think you should trust me that much... well, at least they won't scold me this time?

I sat on the table while smiling, it feels good to be back. I absentmindedly twirled a spoon between my fingers as the maids went about setting the table and serving the food. It was a simple, soothing motion that kept my hands occupied while I eagerly awaited the meal. But then, Daddy's words suddenly cut through the air like a lightning bolt, snapping me out of my daze.

"Seraphina, your mother and I think it's time for you to start learning," Daddy announced, his voice carrying a weight of seriousness that made me look up in surprise. I blinked, trying to process his words. Learning? Reading books? It was like a whole new world was being presented to me.

I exchanged a glance with Mommy, who offered me an encouraging smile. I could tell she was trying to convey her belief in me, but I also sensed a hint of apprehension in her eyes – as if she was unsure how I would react to this new idea.

Learning? Reading? I mean, I had heard of these things before, but they had always seemed like grown-up stuff. And lectures? Wasn't that what the old council members did when they gathered to talk about important stuff? It all felt so... strange.

I set the spoon down, my fingers feeling suddenly clumsy. "Um, learning? Like, from books and stuff?" I asked, my voice betraying a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

Daddy nodded, his expression gentle. "Yes, exactly. We believe that expanding your knowledge and understanding of the world will be beneficial for you in the long run."

I bit my lip, thinking it over. It sounded important, and I didn't want to disappoint them. But the idea of sitting down with a book and reading – like, really reading – seemed a bit daunting. "But... I'm not sure I'm any good at that." I admitted, feeling a little embarrassed.

Mommy reached over to give my hand a reassuring squeeze. "Sweetie, it's okay to start from scratch. Everyone learns at their own pace. Besides, we'll be here to help and guide you."

Daddy chimed in again, his tone encouraging. "And remember, learning can be an adventure in itself. You'll be exploring new worlds, gaining insights, and developing new skills."

I looked between them, their words starting to sink in. Maybe learning wasn't as scary as it seemed. Maybe it was a way for me to grow even stronger, just in a different way. And if Mommy and Daddy believed in me, then maybe I could believe in myself too.

With a determined nod, I finally smiled. "Okay, I'll give it a try. But you have to promise to be patient with me, okay?"

Daddy's grin was infectious, and Mommy's eyes sparkled with pride. "Of course, Seraphina. We're here for you every step of the way."

A sudden memory flashed before me, like a scene from a forgotten dream. I furrowed my brow, trying to piece it together. Was I around four years old when this happened? The curiosity tugged at me until I couldn't resist asking.

"Daddy... did I ever bite a weird man wearing a dress?" I blurted out, the memory feeling both distant and oddly clear at the same time. It was like a puzzle piece that had been hiding in the back of my mind, waiting to be discovered.

Daddy's eyes widened in surprise, and then a hearty chuckle escaped his lips. "Ah, I see you've remembered that, huh?" He exchanged a knowing glance with Mommy, who had a playful glint in her eyes.

"Yeah, you were quite the feisty little one back then." Mommy added, a fond smile on her face.

I felt a mix of embarrassment and intrigue. "I... did that?"

Daddy nodded, his expression amused. "Yes, you did. It was during a gathering of scholars and council members. We brought you along, and you were... well, you were being yourself."

I leaned in, eager to hear more about this forgotten escapade. "What happened?"

Daddy's voice took on a storytelling tone. "You were running around, exploring everything with wide eyes. And then, you came across a scholar who was dressed in robes that you found a bit unusual."

I tilted my head, trying to recall the details. "Unusual how?"

Mommy chimed in, her voice gentle. "The scholar was wearing long robes and had a beard. You were fascinated by the robes, but when he tried to talk to you, you got a bit scared."

Daddy's grin widened. "And what did you do, Seraphina?"

A sheepish smile tugged at my lips. "I... I bit him." Both Mommy and Daddy burst into laughter, and I couldn't help but join in.

"It seems you were quite the spirited child," Daddy remarked, his laughter subsiding. "But hey, at least you made a memorable impression."

I shrugged playfully. "Well, he shouldn't have worn such weird clothes if he didn't want me to bite him."

Daddy ruffled my hair affectionately. "You always have been pretty wild, huh?." with that out of the way I turned my attention to something more important and tasty.

I gazed hungrily at the spread of delicious, cooked food laid out before me. It had been quite a while since I had the pleasure of eating a well-prepared meal like this. My stomach rumbled in anticipation, and I couldn't help but offer a silent thank you to the heavens for the feast before me. With eager determination, I reached out to grab a piece of delicious pork, my fingers nearly grazing the treat.

However, just as I was about to claim my prize, Daddy's gentle cough broke through my thoughts, and I followed the direction of his finger. My eyes widened as I realized I was about to reach for the food without using any utensils. Oops. I quickly retracted my hand, feeling a tad embarrassed.

"Remember, you are in civilization, not on the wilderness, Seraphina. " I looked around, slightly flustered, and spotted the cookware that was provided for us. Oh right, manners. Using utensils was probably a good idea. I picked up a fork and knife, my cheeks tinted with a faint blush, and elegantly cut a piece of the savory pork before bringing it to my plate.

Daddy's amused smile told me that he had caught my little mishap, and I playfully stuck my tongue out at him in response. He chuckled, and I couldn't help but join in. Hey, at least I managed to salvage the situation and avoid any further embarrassment. Time to savor the meal properly, with all the appropriate dining etiquette in place.

I sat on my bed, the echoes of our family dinner still resonating in my mind. The food had been delicious, and the warmth of the moment lingered even after we had finished. But now, as I found myself alone in my room, my thoughts turned back to Liam and his sudden appearance during my time in the hunting grounds.

"An adventurer, huh?" I mused aloud, my voice soft as if speaking to the very air around me. A strange feeling brushed against my senses, almost like a shift in the atmosphere. It was as if the words I had uttered had stirred something unseen, something lurking just beyond my perception.

"Liam, Liam, Liam..." I repeated his name, each repetition tinged with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. My eyes wandered around the room, expecting him to materialize before me. "Do you really think you can fool me?" I questioned, my voice carrying a hint of challenge.

There was no response, no immediate answer to my words. The room remained still, enveloped in silence. It seemed that my words had fallen on deaf ears, or perhaps Liam had retreated even further into the shadows. Frustration tugged at the corners of my mind, but I wasn't about to let this go so easily.

"Fine, play your little game," I muttered, my tone a mix of exasperation and determination. "But if you think you can hide forever, you've got another thing coming." My gaze settled on the window, the moon's gentle glow casting a soft light across the room. Liam might be elusive, but he couldn't escape my senses

With a resolute nod, I stood up from the bed and made my way to the window. I pushed it open, allowing the cool night air to rush in. "Liam, Who stalks a little girl?" I spoke into the darkness, my voice carrying a note of defiance. "If you've got something to say, say it. And if you don't, then it's time for you to leave."

Liam's emergence from the shadows brought with it an air of resignation, his defeated posture and expression confirming that my persistence had finally broken through his facade. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his response, a bemused smirk playing at the corners of my lips.

"What is this? did you fall in love for me that badly?" seeing his disgusted face my guess was a firm no.

He let out an exasperated sigh, clearly frustrated by my persistence. "You've got quite the imagination, huh?" he retorted, crossing his arms defensively. "Trust me, falling in love with you is the last thing on my mind."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his response, finding his visible discomfort amusing. "Oh, Liam, you wound me with your honesty," I replied, a teasing grin tugging at my lips. "So, what brings you out of hiding? Or did you just miss my sparkling company that much?" He could have left after all, I didn't open that window just for show.

Liam rolled his eyes, clearly unamused by my banter. "Look, Seraphina, it's not like I wanted to play hide-and-seek with you. I'm here because of... personal reasons."

"Personal reasons? You mean you're not here because my dad asked you to watch over me?" The revelation... Was underwhelming to be honest, Daddy and Mommy pretty much confirmed it, but still. "Then why did you lie to me about it?"

He shrugged, looking a little uncomfortable under my scrutiny. "Let's just say, I've got my own stuff to worry about." he replied evasively.

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his cryptic response. "Well, you've definitely piqued my curiosity, Liam. Guess I'll have to find out more about these 'personal reasons' of yours. Who knows, we might actually end up getting along."

Liam's expression shifted from annoyance to a mix of surprise and disbelief. He opened his mouth as if to protest, but then seemed to think better of it. "Just don't get any weird ideas, alright?" he grumbled, clearly not thrilled by the idea of us becoming friends.

I chuckled softly. "Don't worry, Liam. I won't make any promises I can't keep." With a wink, I turned away from the window, leaving Liam standing there in the moonlit room. "Don't forget to close the window on your way out, my servant." I muttered to Liam as i covered myself with a blanket.

Liam let out an exasperated sigh, clearly annoyed by my nonchalant dismissal. "Fine, whatever, princess." he muttered under his breath before turning to leave.

I yawned and stretched, already feeling the fatigue from the day catching up with me. "Thanks for the company, Liam. Try not to trip on your way out." I teased with a mischievous grin.

He shot me a glare over his shoulder before disappearing through the window, leaving me alone in my room. "Personal reasons, huh?" Despite the strange encounter, I was oddly excited about the prospect of getting to know Liam better. It seemed that my days were about to become a lot more interesting.