
Chapter 7: The Ancient Wisdom

As the asteroid drew closer, Marcus and the pack gathered at the sacred site once more. Arkea led them to a hidden chamber deep within the structure, where an ancient, glowing artifact lay on a pedestal.

"This is the Heart of the Earth," Arkea said. "It holds the wisdom of our ancestors, and the secrets of the natural world."

Marcus, feeling a strange connection to the artifact, reached out and touched it. Suddenly, visions flooded his mind: images of the Earth's ancient past, of the dinosaurs and their habitats, of the delicate balance of nature.

And then, a vision of the asteroid, and a solution to their problem. Marcus saw that the asteroid was not just a mindless rock, but a harbinger of change. It was a catalyst for the evolution of life on Earth.

With newfound understanding, Marcus shared his vision with the pack. Together, they devised a plan to harness the asteroid's energy, to use its impact to create a new era of life on Earth.

As the asteroid hurtled towards them, Marcus and the pack stood ready, their shape-shifting abilities at the forefront of their plan. They would face the Great Destroyer, and emerge victorious...