
Chapter 6: The Asteroid

Arkea led Marcus to a ancient, sacred site deep in the forest, where a massive stone structure stood. The structure was covered in intricate carvings, depicting the history of the pack and their shape-shifting ancestors.

Arkea pointed to a specific carving, showing a massive asteroid hurtling towards the Earth. "This is the Great Destroyer," she said. "It will bring an end to our world, unless we can find a way to stop it."

Marcus was stunned. He had heard of the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, but he had never thought he would be living in that time, facing that very threat.

Arkea explained that the pack had been trying to find a way to stop the asteroid, but their efforts had been in vain. They needed Marcus's shape-shifting abilities to help them come up with a new plan.

Marcus was determined to help. He transformed into an eagle, soaring high into the sky to get a better view of the asteroid's trajectory. He transformed into a triceratops, using its strength to move massive boulders and create a barrier. And he transformed into a velociraptor, using its agility to dodge the asteroid's fragments as they began to rain down on the Earth.

But despite their efforts, the asteroid was too massive, too powerful. It was clear that they needed a new plan, and fast...