
Shadows Of Frost

Frosthold’s history is marked by its storied battles with the Obsidian Empire, always emerging victorious against overwhelming odds. However, as the 17th birthday of Prince Jovian arrives, it heralds the start of a devastating conflict that puts Frosthold’s legendary defenses to the ultimate test. As the empire’s forces breach the kingdom’s defenses, Jovian and his sister Selene are forced to flee their crumbling home. Navigating through a hostile world, they must not only survive but also forge a path to reclaim their kingdom and restore its lost glory.

CREATORX · ファンタジー
45 Chs

5 years ago (8)

Nothing worthwhile comes easy.

Wisdoms of the koh'rakhs


5 years ago (8)

The stable master's panic was instant, his entire demeanor shifting as if I'd asked him to leap into the mouth of a waiting beast. His face drained of color, leaving him pale beneath the flickering torchlight, and his hands trembled slightly, though he tried to hide it by clutching the reins hanging by the stable door. His gaze darted nervously between me and the shadows in the far corner of the stable, where the colt I'd chosen was kept behind thick wooden gate.

I arched an eyebrow, shifting my weight as I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for him to explain. "Why not?" I asked, my voice deliberately calm, but there was a challenge behind it.

His throat bobbed as he swallowed, glancing at my father as if looking for support. None came.