
Shadows Of Frost

Frosthold’s history is marked by its storied battles with the Obsidian Empire, always emerging victorious against overwhelming odds. However, as the 17th birthday of Prince Jovian arrives, it heralds the start of a devastating conflict that puts Frosthold’s legendary defenses to the ultimate test. As the empire’s forces breach the kingdom’s defenses, Jovian and his sister Selene are forced to flee their crumbling home. Navigating through a hostile world, they must not only survive but also forge a path to reclaim their kingdom and restore its lost glory.

CREATORX · Fantasy
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45 Chs

5 years ago (9)

The greatest battles are not fought with blade or bow, but with will. Control is an illusion, a fleeting thing we chase in the dark. Those who seek to dominate often find themselves trapped by the very thing they seek to possess. Only those who respect the storm can ride its winds without falling.

Wisdoms of the koh'rakhs


5 years ago (9)

The moment I bolted from the stables, the cold air fresh air hit my face, but I didn't stop to savor it. My eyes darted around, scanning around and beyond the settlement for the colt. There, in the distance, a blur of brown fur and muscle galloped across the uneven land. The colt. So fast, I thought, impressed despite myself.