
Shadow Symbiote

(DROPPED NOVEL) Wayne never bothered to amount to anything, for he saw his fate was already sealed. Being born in a world with heroes and villains with powers that can topple armies. He was one of the few left in the world that was powerless. His family only hope for a powered desecrated as his sister was born normal. Wayne's father was one of the top 10 heroes, but the day he learned his two children were powerless he abandoned them, leaving them to live in the slums in hopes of surviving. What is Wayne able to do, when his family gets torn from him? How would he get his revenge? If he gets strong enough, would be the worlds savior or destroyer?

Lonely_Art · ファンタジー
71 Chs


"Wayne how many times I have to tell you not to touch my stuff"

"Oh my bad bro, it's just you make cool shit every day, can't you just make something for me. you know, since we're buddies and all." Wayne said while looking around the shop fighting his urge to touch anything.

Wayne was with his closest friend Zeak, in a makeshift city in America, or whatever is left of it. Everywhere around the world had been affected by the multitude of meteorites that landed on earth.

Nothing changed from the initial impact but from what rumors are going around, they slowed down during it's entrance into our atmosphere. A few hours after its contact with earth every country had an occurrence of natural disasters that lasted a week. Decimating city's throughout the world.

Soon after tales of people with super-human powers started populating everywhere. Powered people soon populated 3/4 of the world. At first, things were euphoric as people were able to fly, teleport, lift crater ships with ease doing things that were merely dreams before.

All this power inevitably lead to war as people with power congregated in groups with one faction wanting a free world and another a world ruled by supers. The war lasted for 5 gruesome years, the leaders of each faction got together and finally came to an agreement essentially giving each faction half of earth.

The 'Apalions' were easily persuaded into the deal when the mention of half of the remaining humans was theirs. The group that's main purpose was to live a free life were named the '7th Circle' they had to make a crucial decision for if the war was to go on, they would be no more humans to remind them who they once were and what they were fighting for.

Now 20 years later there seems to be peace as people lived their lives how they wanted in hopes of a quiet life and happiness, but we all know true happiness is nearly impossible to obtain.

Wayne lived his life as a disappointment to his father Roy Hendrickson but the public know him as 'Abyssal'. with Wayne being normal, Roy wanted a child with powers so that he could carry on his legacy in the future. The Gods of fate laughed at Roy's turmoil as his second child was also normal. Wayne's mother tried her best to please him in any way possible for Roy wasn't only their father but their security, for he was one of the top 10 heroes in the 7th Circle.

Wayne was still too young to understand why Roy was exactly upset his mother only mentioned that he didn't want them. So by the age of 6, Roy gave his mother money to live and made her vow to not contact him or say who the children belong to. Wayne's mother was stricken with fear that she had to move to the slums for she only heard bad things about that place.

That was a few years ago and now Wayne was 17 years of age trying with no options for him but to be a gardener or mechanic, for it's the only occupation that'll keep your dignity to some degree.

"I know we're bros and all but my work is temperamental, some of this stuff can kill you with the wrong press of the button," Zeke said with a smirk.

"But bro you could live in New Dawn city with your powers why are you here in this decked-out school bus?"

"I've told you before it's not as cool as here."

"Alright, Alright well I got to meet Mom and Reyna before it gets dark."

Wayne ran through the slums which resemble the Favilla of old Brazil. He got to his home in no time looking inside the house to notice that he beat his mom and little sister.

"That's fine I'll get started on dinner" Wayne mumbled to himself.

His definition of getting dinner started was putting all the ingredients out and his mom and sister would actually cook the food. When he finished he sat on a bucket for a chair and went to a forum to see what was the latest news.

He scrolled for an insurmountable time and he noticed it was dark out, he jolted up knowing his mom and sister hasn't come home yet.

"I hope they are alright. I hope they are alright. I hope they are alright." Wayne kept mumbling as he ran out the door and headed in the direction they were supposed to come from.

He ran and ran but he didn't see them in the makeshift path or anything. Now he was panicking.

In a world full of supers, anything wrong cant is good.

now he was jumping into bushes or anything to see anything he scanned for 5 minutes and saw a drag throughout the bushes.

He didn't want to believe it was his mom and sister but it was his only solid clue.

He followed the trail and streams of tears started falling down his face as he saw his sister's shoe, being just sad it quickly turned into pure anger. he vowed to kill whoever touched his family.

The path traveled along for another couple of minutes till he heard muffling sounds ahead.

"Fuck bro, how long are you going to take I'm getting soft here."

"Give me a fucking minute, this bitch is worth every second."

Wayne stared in shock as he saw his mother tied to a tree being degraded by 4 men with eagerness in their eyes.

Wayne was going to jump in fist swinging but he saw the clothing and knew this is a rag-tag team set of supes that harass towns and do whatever they wanted. since their actions didn't need a response from the higher-ups."

"Fucking shit why did it have to be them," Wayne said with a plethora of emotions on his face, he boiling with anger because of how weak he was, he couldn't do anything.

After his shock he noticed he still didn't see his sister, he scanned a bit harder, and then he saw her, laying on the ground motionless.

"These fucking dogs need to be put down." Wayne was ready to die if it meant taking down at least one of these dogs with him. He crept slowly around to get closer for the element of surprise.

As he got close enough behind one member who had his pants down awaiting his turn. Wayne jumped out kicking the back of the knee watching the super falter to his knees.

"Whoa, what the fuck!" one of the thugs exclaimed.

With Waynes, Mother departed eyes coming to life in fear as she saw her son.

Wayne grabbed the man by the neck as he was on his knees and squeezed with all his might in hopes of depriving this of the air he desperately needed. The man activated his power and contorted his body like he was made of rubber.

Wayne didn't give up and ran swinging at the next member. As he was mid-swing a pulse impacted his body making him fly to a tree breaking t\his ribs.

"Hey look, this must be the big bro that this bitch wouldn't shut up about." A fat man with an overhanging belly and a gauntlet on one hand showing he was the one to attack him.

"I'll kill you!" Wayne said with all his might as his min was pure rage.

"Oh you think you can hurt us?" a man with a red mohawk and sleeveless jacket asked.

"Come show us that your whore of a mom birthed a man today."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

New to writing so i wanted to try my hand at it, be kind :)

Lonely_Artcreators' thoughts