
Shadow Symbiote

Wayne never bothered to amount to anything, for he saw his fate was already sealed. Being born in a world with heroes and villains with powers that can topple armies. He was one of the few left in the world that was powerless. His family only hope for a powered desecrated as his sister was born normal. Wayne's father was one of the top 10 heroes, but the day he learned his two children were powerless he abandoned them, leaving them to live in the slums in hopes of surviving. What is Wayne able to do, when his family gets torn from him? How would he get his revenge? If he gets strong enough, would be the worlds savior or destroyer?

Lonely_Art · Fantasy
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71 Chs


Wayne's thoughts hurried as for what he wanted most in the world right now is to kill one of these bastards. His adrenaline was still going at a high rate for his anger never waned for one second.

He got up ready to do whatever he could to save his mother from the same fate as his sister.

The 4 men attention now on Wayne with smirks on their face as if their night has gotten even better.

Wayne ran towards the fat green haired man and at the same time the green haired man aimed his gauntlet on the floor towards Wayne and let out what looked like a sonic blast.

Wayne saw this coming so he jumped covering his eyes in the debris and rolled on the floor, when he landed going underneath the mans legs he delivered a blow to his manhood in hopes he couldn't ever use it again.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" the fat man exclaimed dropping to his knees trying to catch his breath, the other men laughed hysterically as the rubber man coiled around Wayne restricting his movements.

"Aha ha ha, how did you let that happen, I could've seen that coming." the man with the mohawk announced as he was looking to have the time of their lives.

"Look kid, I haven't laughed like that in a while so I'll let you off but your mom here, she wasn't very nice at first. So I promised her I'll kill her after killing your sister."

A tiny ball of flame appeared in the mans palm, as a few seconds it stayed the same size but looked more fierce.

Wayne still being constricted can only spew out words of hate.

"i'll fucking kill you!"

"You fucks are going to be begging for life!"

"I....swear...." with the constriction the rubber man was putting on Wayne, his oxygen escaped him faster than he wanted and ended up passing out mid-rant.

"hmm, if the kid had some actual power his threats would actually have some meaning." the man with the mohawk mumbled as he sent the tiny flame through the mothers forehead, killing her in one blow.

the other members looked in disappointment as they were waiting their lustful turn.

"Come on boss did you have to do that so soon." the rubber man announced seeing the woman hanging lifeless on the tree.

"Our fun is done for the night. Well find some women in the next town." the man with the mohawk said glaring at everyone to say his word final.


The next morning Wayne woke up hazy trying to remember why he was outside.

Then as the thought came, he looked to where his mother was and she was still there tied to the tree lifeless.


"Mom no, please no. Please I need you." he sobbed as he untied the body down and just hugged her in guilt as he was unable not just save her but his sister.

He then called the only person he could trust for he didn't want this information to spread around the slums yet for he wanted time to grieve.

When Zeak reached Wayne after the phone call he looked in shock as Wayne was still clutching his mom on the floor looking departed.

Zeak stood there silently waiting on Wayne to notice him for he didn't want to say the wrong thing.

"hey Zeak thanks for coming, i just want to give my mom a proper burial and... and.. I didn't know who else to call." Wayne said with tears rolling down his face.

Zeak felt for his friend and wanted to do anything to help him but he had to be sure Wayne wanted this.

"Hey bro, when we're done with this we're going to go in the lab and i probably have a gift to give you."

Wayne looked up in a confused expression because Zeak never offers anything.

"Alright bro that sounds like a deal." Wayne said with a pained smile.

After Wayne finally released his mom, he grabbed his sister and left Zeak to carry his mom, since powered people are naturally stronger than the average human. A six year old powered is as strong as a full developed man, so this task wasn't too much for Zeak.

They walked in silence avoiding the main crown and walked through bushes until they reached his hut. he took them to their backyard where his mother garden is and they laid them both down outside.

"My mother always loved coming out here and staring at her garden in admiration and here is where i will rest her body." Wayne said with a cold tone no longer containing emotion in his words.

With Zeaks help him and Wayne was able to finish before midday. Wayne sang a song that his mother always used to sing to him when he was younger. and stood in silence as he wanted to hope that they were in a better place.

With his affairs done, Wayne and Zeak went to the decked out bus just a bit outside the city.

"what you're about to see should never be said out loud, understand?"

"of course bro" Wayne said with curiousness

Zeak put his hand on the hood of the bus and the front opened like it was opening its mouth to engulf us with a staircase leading to a light source down.

Wayne only guess was this was the lab that Zeak made most of his inventions in.

Zeak lead the way down the stairs and at the bottom of the staircase, Wayne had to squint for his eyes had to adjust to the light coming from the lab.

His eyes bulged as for what he was seeing he couldn't believe it. it was a all white room with lighted tiles and 3 work benches were visible. you couldn't tell just how big the place was cause with Wayne's eyesight distance he still didn't see no end.

"Bro all this stuff looks amazing" Wayne murmured as he went to the nearest wall to look at all the random weapons and equipment.

Zeak said nothing and continued walking toward sthe back of the lab. Wayne didnt want to get lost and followed after him.

When walking further in all he could see was cages full of dead animals, from rats to donkeys. they were all unmoving in their cages.

Wayne took a big gulp and wondered what the hell has Zeak been doing here.

"Alright, so I don't need you tell me what happened about last night, for i can make my own observation but for this next part i need your consent." Zeak said without turning to face Wayne.

"What is this about? if its something that special bro I don't need it especially knowing i wont be able to pay you back." Wayne said out of confusement and worry.

"Its okay, my goal here today is to make you strong. strong enough to possibly take down anybody with powers."

With those words trailing from Zeke, Waynes got cold and knew that he wanted this more than his own life.

"Just tell me what I have to do."

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