
shadow master in marvel

The story is about shadow master's journey through different movie world .it's about his arrogance as the ruler of shadows and about his journey from a mortal to the attainment of his title as the shadow monarch . Its not shameful to backstab people as the world only works on one rule " kill or be killed" witness the birth of this legend . Disclaimer: the cover does not belong to me . If the owner wants it removed please contact me and I will remove it at the earliest thank you

Conan1412 · 映画
17 Chs

chapter 14 shocking discovery

"Erskine get me those cubes that you are using to store energy" said Sam .He was excited to check his theory

soon a soldier brought a cube and Sam started

channelling a single type of energy in it out of the thousands of options he had .

Erskine was shocked to see this and had a lot of questions but put them on hold and waited for Sam to finish filling the cube .

After he was done the cube was stored in a box that prevents energy from leaking just to be safe .

Knowing that Erskine had question Sam took the initiative to answer even before he asked

"my body produces some type of energies, but they have not been useful till now. And when I read your report I realised that this energy may have caused the mutation in my gene "

Erskine nodded in understanding, and then asked "how many types can you produce "

"5 types "

Sam lied he did not want to reveal the full extent of his power .

Erskine nodded for a second, and then said "what if we combined them ..they may have different effects based on that "

Sam was surprised, he never thought about this

what Erskine said may be even true for his own power 'Oh so it's like that,I don't have thousands of energies at my disposal but some basic once which my combine in my body in pure form and result in different energies .And when the body is modified like at the time, when the super soldier serum is used to enhance the body on a genetic level it causes the cells to mutate resulting in the person becoming a mutant as his body is able to control that energy '

"so, you mean to say a lot of combinations can be made with it "Sam acted to be surprised.

"Yes with just 5 different energies, and the serum to create the perfect state we can grant people extraordinary powers.totally we can have 5×4×3×2 combinations that's 120 different powers"

Erskine was right now exploding with excitement.

Sam decided to wait some more days before returning to earth to see the results .

During this time, he was used as a slave by his own team of scientists to get a reserve of the 5 kinds of energies. This happened because he told Erskine that he will be leaving for 40-50 years .Erskine had a mountain of questions but Sam ignored them and made him ,zola ,head of security incharge while he was gone.

15 days later the Erakine's excitement was gone while he was reading the reports on the tests performed on the blood samples of 1000 soldiers . He was standing in front of Sam and gave the report

"the test show that we cannot simply give anyone super powers as only people with certain affinity to that energy can gain the power.out of the human trial we conducted if they are exposed to an energy which they do not have affinity to will result in a gene collapse, and they will die in some days."

Sam was shocked 'And there goes my dream of having a mutant army '

"other than that it is seen that a person can handle multiple powers based on their body constitution.so a soldier who body has been reforced 3 times can be given three powers but that is just a in theory as it is hard to find people with affinity to multiple energies out of the once we have ."

'Stop ,stop you are just a destroyer of other people's dreams , can't you give a single good news' thought Sam

"but out of all this there is one energy that nearly everyone has affinity to ."

said Erskine closing the file

'finally something good and why is this the last thing in your report '

"Do you know the chinese concept of life force which is also called chi "

asked Erskine

"yes I am familiar with it .so you mean to say as everybody has life force in them this energy allowed all of them to get a power related to it "

"You are half correct and half wrong .chi is not an energy that will give you a new power it does not cause mutation in your cells but it gives you basic control of your life force .the elite soldier with 3 times enhanced body was given this power and was able to channel it to his fingers for a very short time, and they glowed golden for a second . Test show that his arms can deflect bullets and punch hole through steel in that state, but it's hard to control and a normal person will not even have enough life force to use this power. It is speculated that training can be used to enhance their control ."

He nodded at Erskine and said " enhance all the elite soldier and make them practice control over chi and ready the pod I want the power of chi "

Erskine nodded and left .