
Shadow Beaster

In a world where Beasters, individuals bonded with powerful Spirit Beasts, hold sway, Eldon once a skilled assassin in a world of shadows and deceit, now awakens in the innocent form of a young boy bearing the same name. All Eldon desires now is peace and quiet, a respite from the chaos and bloodshed that defined his former existence.

Gyobu · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Swamp 1

Within the Spirit Crystal, Eldon found himself surrounded by a dark swamp, the stagnant water reaching up to his knees. The air was thick with the stench of decay, and an eerie silence hung over the place. Suddenly, a faint sound came from his left side. He quickly stood up, clutching his blade, and scanned the murky surroundings. A large shadow darted to the other side of the swamp, and Eldon swiftly turned to face it.

"Who's there?" he called out, his voice steady but wary.

The shadow darted again, this time closer, circling him like a predator playing with its prey.. Eldon could feel his heartbeat quicken as he strained his senses to track the shadow's movements. Without warning, the shadow lunged at him. Eldon raised his blade just in time, but the force shattered it into fragments.

Stumbling back, he faced the creature—a giant rat, its body covered in dark, matted fur. Its eyes glowed a sinister red, filled with malice and cunning. Sharp, yellowed teeth protruded from its snout, ready to bite into anything. Large, twisted horns sprouted from its head, giving it a devilish appearance. Its long, whip-like tail moved with a life of its own.

"Who are you?" Eldon spoke out, his voice betraying his terror. He knew he couldn't win this fight.

The creature let out a low, menacing growl before speaking. "I am the Lord of the World Below."

Eldon racked his brain, trying to recall where he had heard that name before. "Rat?" he said tentatively.

"Impudent mortal!" The creature's eyes blazed with fiery wrath. "A mere insect dares to call me a rat!"

"You're my spirit?" Eldon questioned, confusion evident in his voice. "Why do you look like that?"

"This form," the creature hissed, "is my true essence. It is beyond your feeble human understanding."

"Why are you attacking me?" Eldon pleaded, desperation seeping into his voice.

"I bow to no human!" the creature snarled. "Skaven!" it called, and from the darkness, an army of formidable rats emerged, their eyes gleaming with predatory hunger.

Eldon found himself cornered by the skavens, the malevolent rat-creatures closing in from all sides. Panic surged through him, but he fought to keep his mind clear. He had no weapon, and using his abilities was out of the question. He had to rely on his wits and the training he had honed in his past life.

"Stay calm, Eldon," he whispered to himself. "Think."

As the skavens advanced, Eldon remembered the mist technique he was taught in the Assassin Sect. It was risky, but it was his only chance. He took a deep breath and began to form the signs with his hands. The air around him shimmered, and once again, a thick mist enveloped him.

The skavens lunged at where he had been standing, but Eldon was already on the move, slipping through the fog like a phantom. He navigated the murky swamp with practiced ease, his senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

The Lord of the World Below roared in frustration. "Spread out! Find him!"

Eldon crouched behind a twisted tree, catching his breath. He needed a plan, and fast. a white screen appeared before Eldon, disrupting the tension-filled atmosphere.

Quest: Kill five Skavens

Objective: Sync with your Spirit Beast at a deeper level.

Reward: Unlock a new skill

With the urgency of his situation pressing in, Eldon focused his mind on the task at hand. He had to defeat these creatures to survive and to unlock the new skill that might give him a fighting chance against the Lord of the World Below. But first, he needed to outsmart the skavens and turn the tide of the battle in his favor.

Eldon's eyes darted around the swamp, searching for any advantage he could exploit. Then, an idea sparked in his mind. He remembered a tactic from his past life, a strategy he had used to outmaneuver his enemies in the deadliest of situations.

Eldon began to lure the skavens into a trap. He moved swiftly and silently, drawing them deeper into the swamp with careful precision. The skavens, driven by their primal instincts, followed eagerly, unaware of the danger that lurked ahead.

Finally, when the timing was just right, Eldon sprung his trap. With a sudden burst of speed and agility, he ambushed the skavens from all sides, catching them off guard and throwing them into disarray. One by one, the skavens fell before him, their bodies sinking into the murky depths of the swamp.

The system appeared once more, a white screen materializing in front of him, displaying information in clear, concise text.

Name: Eldon Grey

Spirit Beast: Rat

Level: Prime Beast


Strength: 10++

Stamina: 18++

Agility: 30+++

Intelligence: 30++

Awareness: 20++

Next to the stats, a "Skill Tree" tab beckoned him. It listed several skills:

1. Snatch

2. Summon

3. Adapt Level 1

4. Shadow 1

5. Locked

6. Locked

7. Locked

Eldon was shocked by how much his stats had increased. He had no time to waste. Focusing on survival, he selected Shadow 1 from the skill tree. The white screen changed, showing the description of the ability:

Shadow 1: becoming the shadow of an enemy using their attacks and skills against them, increasing Agility, Stamina, and Awareness by 20-fold, but only for 20 seconds.

Eldon's eyes widened in disbelief. This new skill was beyond anything he had imagined. It was not just a mere enhancement of his abilities; it was a game-changer, a tool that could turn the tide of any battle in his favor.

With this skill, he could outmaneuver even the most formidable foes, using their own strength against them. But he knew he had to be cautious and strategic in its use.

Eldon's senses sharpened as he felt a familiar, ominous presence approaching swiftly. He could almost taste the dark aura on the air, a clear sign of the Lord of the World Below, his spirit beast, drawing near. Despite the danger, excitement coursed through him.

Just fulfilling a promise HAHAHA 4 more to go

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