
Shadow Beaster

In a world where Beasters, individuals bonded with powerful Spirit Beasts, hold sway, Eldon once a skilled assassin in a world of shadows and deceit, now awakens in the innocent form of a young boy bearing the same name. All Eldon desires now is peace and quiet, a respite from the chaos and bloodshed that defined his former existence.

MR_Ello · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Swamp 2

The Lord of the World Below stood before him, its form imposing and menacing. Eldon knew he had to act fast. He activated Shadow 1, merging with the creature's shadow and gaining access to its abilities.

The white screen appeared before Eldon again.

Quest: Defeat The Chaos God known as The Horned Rat

Objective: Sync with your Spirit Beast at a deeper level.

Reward: Unlock 2 new skill

Looking at the white screen, Eldon scoffed. "The Chaos god, huh?" he thought to himself, his eyes narrowing with determination. The air around him crackled with the remnants of his previous battle, the energy of the Lord of the World Below still lingering in his veins.

Before him stood the Horned Rat, a creature of chaos and malevolence, its eyes glinting with a savage intelligence. It was surprised by Eldon's abilities, but it charged in anyway, driven by an insatiable hunger for destruction.

The Horned Rat swung its spear, the weapon a blur of deadly motion. But Eldon moved with a grace and speed that made the monstrous rat appear sluggish. He dodged the attack effortlessly, his body weaving through the air with an almost supernatural agility. The Horned Rat snarled in frustration, its tail whipping around in a vicious arc. Yet again, Eldon evaded the strike, his movements fluid and precise. It was as if time had slowed for his enemy, each attack telegraphed and easily avoided.

Their dance continued, a deadly ballet of predator and prey. Eldon counted the seconds in his head, aware that his heightened abilities had a time limit. Five seconds left before the enhancement lifted. He knew he had to end it now.

Summoning his shadow's power, Eldon manifested a spear identical to the one the Horned Rat wielded. The weapon felt cool and solid in his hand, an extension of his will. With a swift motion, he swung the spear, aiming for the Horned Rat's chest. The creature hissed and tried to back away, but Eldon's strike was true, the spearhead cutting a deep gash across its torso.

The Horned Rat staggered, its red eyes wide with pain and rage. Eldon didn't give it a chance to recover. He activated his other ability, Snatch, reaching out with an invisible hand to grasp the creature's spirit energy. The Horned Rat's strength waned as its life force was siphoned away, leaving it weak and vulnerable.

Seeing his opening, Eldon charged. His movements were a blur, a lethal streak of black and silver. He struck the Horned Rat in the stomach, driving the spear deep into its flesh. The creature let out a choked cry, its body convulsing as it fell to its knees. With one final, powerful thrust, Eldon finished it, the Horned Rat collapsing in a heap of fur and blood.

The white screen reappeared before Eldon, the text shimmering with an ethereal glow.

Quest Complete: Defeat The Chaos God known as The Horned Rat

Objective: Sync with your Spirit Beast at a deeper level.

Reward: Unlock 2 new skills

Just then, a flood of memories flew into Eldon's mind, overwhelming him with their intensity. He staggered, clutching his head as the images and sensations bombarded his consciousness. The white screen in front of him flickered and dissolved, replaced by a whirlwind of scenes from a life he had never lived but felt deeply connected to.

He saw the sprawling underground cities of the Skavens, the intricate tunnels and chambers teeming with life. The horned rats scurried about, their society a complex web of hierarchy and survival. Eldon felt the pride and power of the Horned Rat, revered as the Lord of the World Below, a god to his people.

The Skavens had thrived for centuries, hidden from the surface world, their existence shrouded in mystery and fear. Eldon felt the collective heartbeat of their civilization, a rhythm that pulsed with unity and purpose. But then came the humans, with their greed and ruthlessness. They invaded the Skavens' realm, driven by a lust for power and conquest. Eldon saw the battles, the bloodshed, and the relentless extermination of his people.

The memories of the Horned Rat's last stand surged through him. Eldon felt the sharp pain of betrayal as the humans unleashed their devastating weapons. The Horned Rat fought valiantly, his eight hearts pumping furiously as he battled the invaders. But even a god could be overwhelmed. A fatal strike pierced his eighth heart, the life force draining from him as he fell.

Eldon gasped, the weight of the memories nearly crushing him. He realized now why he hated humans so deeply. The Horned Rat's rage and sorrow had become his own, their destinies intertwined through the spirit bond.

As the memories faded, Eldon found himself kneeling beside the fallen form of the Horned Rat. The creature's eyes, once filled with malice and cunning, now looked at him with a strange mixture of gratitude and understanding.

The white screen reappeared, and this time Eldon read the new text with a sense of clarity and purpose.

Quest Complete: Achieve Adapt Level 2

Objective: Sync with your Spirit Beast at a deeper level.

Reward: Unlock new skill

Eldon didn't know what to feel. He had unlocked three new skills, a monumental achievement in itself. But the memories of the Horned Rat haunted him, a cruel reminder of the similarity between their fates. Both had been used, betrayed, and nearly destroyed by humans. As the five seconds of heightened power concluded, the skill Shadow 1 dissipated, and Eldon collapsed into unconsciousness.


Derek and Kane sprinted through the twisting corridors of the labyrinth, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. The mysterious creature's relentless pursuit echoed behind them, its heavy footsteps a constant reminder of the danger they faced. Their minds raced, trying to make sense of the chaos around them.

They turned a corner sharply and stumbled upon a grim sight—a massive wolf crushed beneath a boulder. Its lifeless eyes stared blankly at the ceiling, its body mangled and twisted. Derek and Kane exchanged a quick glance, the same question in their minds: What could have caused this?

The creature's guttural roar snapped them back to reality. They had no time to investigate. With renewed urgency, they continued their desperate flight.

Just fulfilling a promise HAHAHA 3 more to go

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