
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · その他
40 Chs

Arrows (Part I)

Spoiler: AN | I have been reading some Arrow fanfic on Webnovel recently with SI as Oliver's brother. I found it pretty interesting and wanted to also try my hands at it.

My name was… It doesn't matter anymore. I had a life I wanted to keep but I wasn't given a choice so I wanted to choose for myself in this new life.

I was born as Lucas Jones "Luke" Queen, twin brother of Oliver Queen son of billionaires. It was a level up from my last life but it was hard for me to get close to this new family. I always had this problem with new people but kids tend to grow on me. Oliver did.

The next few years I spent planning my life. Should I go to Lian Yu? Or seek others way to power? Gotham and Metropolis existing opened some others alleys besides 5 years in hell. A nice little boon about this reboot is that I got perfect memory. Helped me in writing my own end to One Piece. I'm thinking about sharing my ideas with the world later on.

I took on sports and martial arts. When Speedy was 1 year old, I tried archery. I didn't seem to have any great talent in that. Oliver started growing a little far from then on. Me being way better than him in school weighting on him. But the obvious bias of our parents toward him helped to keep our relationship. I could make myself close to those two. We're too similar; being utterly selfish besides for our little group of close ones but fortunately for me they weren't reciprocating my feelings.

Seeing that I wasn't winning any cup in archery anytime soon, I started searching for a more suitable disciplinary. Malcolm Merlyn invited my in one of his fencing classes and I discovered my talent for swordplay. I soon chose to learn katana wielding, being a huge otaku in my last life.

Robert hired a Japanese master for me but after 3 years I understood I would learn how to survive the island like that. He wasn't teaching me how to kill in spite of my incessant asking. I started to participate in survival campaign with the military and such to diversify my survival skills and try different guns.

At 18, I vied for creating an entertainment division and started One Piece production between others. As the days are coming closer, I was entertaining more and more the idea of just staying cosy in Starling City and wait for Oliver to come back. I could even get him to let me in his team if I wanted. I nevertheless started honing my swimming skills.

The D day came. I still got on the Queen Gambit with my trusty katana. When Oliver tried to take Sarah Lance, one punch to his kidney and my guards taking the girl home solved the problem. Oliver then tried to stay but I didn't allow it either. I'm sure he'll hate me a while for this.

After our shipwreck, I quickly convened with Oliver and Robert and Robert had his suicide episode. It was twice a hard to get to the island alive as our meager resources finished twice faster than they would have for Oliver only. In hindsight I should have prepared more dry food and water.

We still got to Lian Yu thanks to my lucky stars but I was the one that got shot by the crazy general. He shot me three times for some unknown reasons. Oliver tried to flee but I refused. Yao Fei brought us food and I explained to Oliver how he should start acting for us to survive this trial. He then went to hunt with Yao Fei while I stayed to recuperate. He then got caught.

I made some diversions while Yao Fei went to save Ollie. I officially killed my first few men. Killing didn't seem as complicated as I thought. I was self scaring myself too much.

Soon things went on and Yao Fei was caught. I got us some disguise and we went undercover separately. Oliver luck got him caught while I still maintained my disguise. When Yao Fei send him to Slade, I got rid of my new friends and found him. Slade was a chill dude. We both liked swords and after trying to kill each other we became good friends. He accepted to train Oliver and help me update my skills and learn new ones. Instead of going for the plane, I convinced him to go save Yao Fei and Shado. It wasn't easy but after we cleared the landing area he accepted to give it a chance.

Who said good planning wouldn't work? It worked fine. We rescued both Shado and Yao Fei. And we were all in one piece. Get it? One Piece? For Slade, it was love at first sight, unrequited as it was. We missed our plane though but I wanted it that way.

We then slowly dealt with the mercenaries first and then Mirakuru junkies. Got me a nice pack of the miracle drug. I finally got decent with a bow but Oliver quickly showed his talent for archery. Shado was a great teacher and Oliver was a touching student. Things that should have happened, happened. I was a little jealous that only Oliver was getting pussy all these months but he always seemed better with girls than me. Anyway, I was a little like their guardian angel. It was always good to keep some friends.

I decided to stop babysitting Oliver and let him live through his own adventures. I did let him serve as decoy and befriend Anatoly Knyazev and suffer a little but overall I covered him too much and I still needed the Green Arrow. I convinced Yao Fei, Slade, some of the freighter prisoners and even Shado to go with me and work for my cause. They will help me create Legion, that would one day rival even surpass the League. Oliver went his own way. I let him a way to join me in the direst cases. He used it sometimes to get Legion help.

I found the Orb of Horus and took the grimoire. I hoped to learn magic from it. I spent the following years establishing Legion all over the World. I managed to learn some basic magic tricks in those years, have some running in with heroes like Batsy, with more villains, the League included. I also got some nifty artifacts.

Now Legion is strong and I'm ready to take on this version of the DC world.

I went back on the island some days after Ollie. And when he made his fire show to be discovered by the fishing ship, I convened with him to his astonishment. I berated him for not telling me he wanted to return as it would have been weird for me to return later alone. He conceded and we were both brought back to Starling. It was good talking with Speedy again.

Quentin Lance didn't bother me since both his daughters were alive. I soon became CEO of the entertainment department at Queen Consolidated and got close to Felicity Smoak. I was a huge fan. The One Piece stock I left was getting close to an end and I should write the follow up. Plus I went for Dragon Ball and Caribbean Pirates.

Walter disappeared and I had to step up as the CEO of Queen Consolidated. My secret is delegating. Moira's been sulking but I couldn't get myself to pity her. She made her choices.

Anyway, I had to deal with Thea Vertigo episode by telling her some truths mostly and helping Oliver in his crusade. The crazy dealer was effectively dealt with with my help. I got Ghost as a cap name. I liked it pretty enough.

Oliver got stupidly shot by Moira but as I had a well equipped headquarter and everything went way smoother when I appeared in front of Diggle and Felicity. Oliver still refused to see reality in face but I had other things to do besides getting him out of denial. I just told him Malcolm and Moira were from the group that wrote the list. He still went to save Malcolm this time around but as he didn't tell Tommy to reconcile with him, Malcolm died from curare. Moira and Frank stopped the undertaking. I took over Unidac Industries just to make sure. Ollie miraculously managed to save Walter. I think I saved the Glades just with a few words. I think I'm a hero. I'm dealing with all those psychos still. No need for more megalomaniacs with plans; I alone am enough.

With STARLabs help, that I bought by the way, I perfected Mirakuru and it had some nice perks. Five long years but I did it, we did it. My own Super Soldier Serum. My Legion and I got a handy boost. I now think Legion can thoroughly beat any Assassins of the the League. They are all super trained and the most loyal ones that form the core of Legion already has access to the speed force. 3x2(9YZ)4A=? worked. I'll try my damn best to stop Flash birth. I officially became the first wealth of Starling by far having swallowed Malcolm, Frank and their little groups assets. Some died in unfortunate circumstances but I'll do good of their wealth. I own most of the city now. I hope to be on LexCorp and Wayne Enterprises level one of these days. Got a new girlfriend, Isabel Rochev. Nice bitch. She came close to me to get revenge on Robert. I found it cute.

After much deliberations, I used the simplest way to stop the apparition to stop Flash and his gang apparition. First no Barry Allen, no Flash. No Reverse Flash ever. No time shenanigans for me.I just send someone to deal with him. Second, I wouldn't be stupid enough to let the reactors explode and give away power to random people. Having already owned STAR Labs, I decided to remove Harrison Wells mistakes just before the launching and in less than one month I had a replica in my headquarter at Wakanda and in one year I had a power giving system. Yeah no imagination.

It was so fast because I started the project as soon as it started at STAR Labs and that through the years Legion acquired a new talent, Felicia Rachel Kuttler, twin sister of Felicity Smoak. She wandered in one of Legion bases and was caught. She chooses to join the cause on the alternative. When I learned of her existence, I first thought she was a reincarnator but having studied all her life she didn't show any sign of it. Not much of a super genius as a kid, neither weird when trying to pass as a normal child. She had never shown any sign of knowing something she shouldn't. She just stayed with her father instead of her mother and thus became a criminal and was finally caught by legion trying to get an artifact. What made me lower my guards was when I used a truth spell on her, she still showed no sign of another life. Normally I would still kill her by precaution but I liked the idea of having my own Felicity. Plus I was biased for women.

Anyway, she ran the project and we managed to create meta-humans in a partially controlled way. We couldn't control what power was gotten by whom but we could make someone absolutely get a power. All powers were listed and monitored. I got telekinesis and telepathy. The later made me drop my last guard around Felicia who became my right hand woman. She became my Invisible Girl all powers included.

Now, this world is mine to conquer.


Spoiler: No Part II | No more ideas