
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Others
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Uchiha Life Simulation (remastered)

Spoiler: AN | I was recently reading Uchiha's Life Simulator, a Chinese fanfic where the main character is reincarnated into an Uchiha kid in the same year as Sasuke and is trying to survive the Uchiha Massacre while bashing Itachi and all the likes. It's pretty good (as far as I've read) but I think the fact that he's not really living out the simulations makes it less impactful. So I want to re-imagine it at the "Mother of Learning" sauce (you should really read it). "Here we go!"

— Life 0 —

Uchiha Setsuna was my name in this new life. I was born on the Nine Tails incident eve. My new mother died due to the agitations, my father was killed by a stray attack when he wanted to help and my grand-father as my only remaining relative took me to the refuge. That's how my first day in my new shot at living ended.

In spite of my self hypnosis habit to make myself emotionally detached of everyone, I grew to like the old man that was killing himself to raise me as both father, mother and more. There were also our neighbor, a newly widowed mother and her cute baby. Knowing they were all fated to die in four years made me uncomfortable day in and day out.

All this anxiety did serve to something as I woke up one day from a particularly bad nightmare with one Tomoe Sharingan in both of my eyes. It did make me worry about my mental sanity but nothing I could do about that.

At 4 years old, my Chakra coils were officially opened by the clan and I started trained in the Interceptor fist, bukijutsu and hand seals like other kids. I quickly got good at everything proving that my early life yoga was useful.

Just before starting the academy, I got my second Tomoe marking the start of my long streak of sleepless nights. I was indeed tortured by constant visions of getting myself killed or witnessing the murder of the few ones I got attached to.

At the academy I was always second behind Sasuke as having good teachers and conditions was better than just pure "genius" and I didn't want to reveal my Sharingan. But thanks to my good results, my grand uncle, the First Elder of the Clan, leader of the radical faction decided to take me in and train me.

Weirdly enough, Ino and even Hinata seemed to be infatuated with me, as much as a 6 years old kid could be anyway. I wondered if courting one of them would grant me a ticket out of certain death but I didn't want to bet my life on that.

5 months before my 7th anniversary, I was like a ghost with deep bags under my eyes. I could take it anymore and decided to gamble. Firstly, I became the Yamanaka boyfriend even when my mind was screaming pedophilia. I thought the Ino-Shika-Cho families would gave me a better chance than the Uchiha hating Hyuga.

One month after that driven by anxiety, I went to the first elder Uchiha Yatsuo claiming to be the chosen one of the Uchiha on a mission. In fact, Uchiha Madara appeared to me in a dream and wanted me to save the Uchiha clan. He showed me a future in which Uchiha Itachi together with root ninjas and the Nine Tails incident responsable (that's claiming to be him) killed every Uchiha clansmen besides Uchiha Sasuke. I told him Itachi will awaken the legendary Mangekyo Sharingan after Shisui demise and that the only one who could have battled him, Fugaku, didn't move his little finger. I told him things I shouldn't know to prove my claim and to not let him investigate and get me killed sooner. My two Tomoe Sharingan did help to convince him.

I was out of idea and could only wait with deteriorating psyche the ultimate hour.

Two months later, Yatsuo informed of Shisui death and that he was ready to believe me. He allowed me to see the secret scroll of the clan and even the Stone Tablet which made me reveal some of my canon knowledge to fit my Uchiha Jesus role. The thing is that I now have thousands upon thousands jutsus imprinted in my mind but no time nor energy to learn.

Yatsuo started to prepare a secret ritual as last chance in case the worst was to happen. In the meanwhile, my chakra kept me alive as I'm pretty sure I should have died from lack of sleep way back on Earth.

The night of extermination came and I choose to participate in Yatsuo ritual instead of tempting my chance with my girlfriend clan.

When the massacre started, Yatsuo and two of his most trusted helped took me to a secret hideout under his house. There was a ritual prepared like the Jashin one but ten thousands time more complex. The ritual was called Daikoku: Saigo no chansu and existed in the clan since forever. As it name imply, it was the last chance of the Uchiha clan rumored to have been created by the founder of the clan that has never been used before. It was from this ritual that both Izanagi and Izanami were derived. There was only one problem, what it does was forgotten and it was said it could only be used once and that the user shouldn't ever let the number reach 0 or the soul would disappear.

Yatsuo wanted me to use the ritual as the chosen one. Yeah, lies could turn against you some rare times. They started the ritual which weirdly enough needed a lot of Sharingan to be sacrificed. 38 Sharingan were sacrificed and they all merged into a giant weird Mangekyo (which made me think of Indra's Mangekyo) and life was sucked out of Yatsuo and his two unnamed friends. The sea of blood in the Uchiha Clan was absorbed in the giant Sharingan, Alucard style. There was a flash of light and after a searing pain in my chest and soul, the giant eye disappeared.

Checking my chest, I saw a weird tattoo with 366 written in it. It gave more sense to the 0 thing and I could only hope it was centuries. But before I could study it more, correctly Itachi appeared and asked me what happened here. I answered I didn't know and was hit by a Tsukuyomi. As I wanted to extend my life as much as possible, I refused to explain what happened and continued to be tortured. After what I assumed to be 72 hours of torture and having gotten my third Tomoe to Itachi surprise, he killed me.

Spoiler: Uchiha Setsuna and his tattoo

— Life 1 —

I woke up. Again. My third life but unlike the previous one, I was still in the same world, in the same body but back to my 6th birthday, 366 days before my death. Everything was the same. My grandpa getting older by the day. Kaori being a mother for me while Sagiri, her daughter was as cute as ever.

And I was still doomed to die in a year. I noticed that the number on my chest passed to 365 and it made me have some assumptions but I wouldn't risk my life on them. There's a weird space (?) jutsu in my mind as well that I won't try anytime soon. My eyes also reached the Three Tomoe level adding a touch of truth to all the situation.

Anyway, my goal remained the same, surviving the night of the massacre and thriving in this hateful world. For this new shot at life, I will try a new way. Who in Konoha can protect me from Itachi, Obito, Danzo and Hiruzen at the same time? There's only one answer, the Green Beast, Maito Gai. At least that the answer I could think of. Now what I had to do was to make it happen.

From the collection of jutsu of the Uchiha clan I got memorized in my previous (thanks Sharingan), I found a very nifty jutsu. Wind Whisper. It amplifies sound brought by the wind in a radius decided by the proficiency and the chakra input. It could cause exploded eardrums if someone cries in your ears during the jutsu but I would be able to find the YOUTHFUL ninja that way.

It took me one month just to hear him for the first time running around the village with; learning the jutsu wasn't a piece of cake either. He was probably on a mission. Then, I had to orchestrate the perfect coincidental meeting which took one week. I bumped into him during one of my daily youthful training, I started since I wanted his protection. I got so touched by his spirit that I decided to wear green, let my brows get hairier and take him as my master.

Yes it was hard to maintain my poker face during all the masquerade but he accepted to guide me in my youthful endeavour if just to stop me from hurting myself in my misguided training. One month in, he taugth me the Strong Fist and I started preparing other escape plans: Yatsuo and the chosen one thing on one side and playing the double game on Hinata and Ino.

I trained like a madman under Gai as I noticed my Yin side was getting too much for my comparatively weak body; comparatively because after six months of this infernal training I got way better body stats than the Nine Tails Container. Talking about school, I was by very far the best at everything; having already done it once it was like cheating. I would class myself as an elite Genin level since I learned three good Jutsu from my Element affinities (Water and Fire).

One week before the fated day, I couldn't think of anything else I could do beside hoping to survive. I hinted to Yatsuo to use the ritual ;but he said while they were indeed a last resort ritual in our clan history, nobody remembered how to do it. It didn't make much sense but I couldn't do anything about that.

Spoiler: MC stats | Body (Yang): Chunin Level → This includes muscle strength, stamina, speed...

Soul (Yin): S-rank → Keep in mind he's living his third life with Matured Sharingan, I assume increase the Yin side as well

Bloodline Limit: Three Tomoe Sharingan

Chakra Control: Can control Chakra Threads on meters

Non Elemental Jutsu: Three Body Techniques, Body Flickering Jutsu

Elemental JutsuWind Release JutsuWind Whisper

Fire Release JutsuFire Jet (Great for escaping)

Phoenix Sage Fire Technique

Great Fireball Technique

Water Release JutsuWater Clone

Hiding in Mist

Water Fang Bullet

Taijutsu: Genin level | Strong Fist, Interceptor Fist

Bukijutsu: Academy level

Two days prior the massacre, Gai that I already convinced to spend the night at my home was sent on a mission so important that my begging couldn't make him stay.

On the deadly day, I invited both Ino and Hinata to my house and they managed to come even against their family refusal. Any double teaming guy would feel sick about that but my priorities were elsewhere.

I wanted to do a last ditch effort. When I was praying to see the next day, a root ninja came in, knocked out the two children and went to kill me. Just from his movements, I knew I had no chance to survive.

I decided to use my last ressort, the weird space jutsu in my mind, and hope for the best. First there was no reaction then when I wanted to make my life cost as much as I could, a thin hand (?) yanked me through space cracks just as the sword did the first millimeters through my heart.

I went to what looked like a dark dungeon and there were giant spiders of different size, colors and characteristics all around. A good dozens of them. I finally saw with my Sharingan what I assumed brought me here.

Recovering my spirits while regretting I didn't have any medical expertise right now, I was introduced to the Spider Jail. The Spider Matriarch has always been the foe of the Toad Sage. While the Toad Sage could see the most likely way to reach his desired future, the Spider Matriarch was more tuned to time and could see many future paths through her web but she couldn't trace any of it to the end.

When the Toad Sage become buddy with Hagoromo and Hamura Otsutsuki and they won, the Spider Matriarch felt threatened. The Spider Colony was still the strongest of the four Great Sage Region and with its ally the White Snake Sage they could put a decent fight against the Toad-Slug alliance, but the Matriarch was fearing for the future.

When Indra and Asura was fighting over, she chose Indra as he was obviously the one with more potential. Unfortunately, he lost because, father dearest was way too biased towards Asura and Black Zetsu didn't help. But, he foresaw that possibility and crafted a ritual with the Matriarch and his Sharingan powers to give himself more chances. It was kept secret from even Black Zetsu.

Spoiler: Spider Matriarch

Only the ritual user and the Matriarch could keep their memory during the whole ordeal. After around 100 trials to get his father approval without success, he chose to give up and go into reincarnation. But to the Spider Colony woe, in this last simulation, Hagoromo decided to seal the Colony and erase it from history. Indra thought of a way to bypass the seal. He recreated the ritual (as once used, it erases itself from history) and made it so the user could be reverse summoned into the seal.

There were just some unexpected happenings. First, the seal made the Colony environment unlivable for beings not tuned to Sage Energy. One day at most, if I don't master Senjutsu and two days of cleansing myself before coming back. Only way to break the seal is by surpassing the Sage of Six Paths. Second, the situation in which the ritual was made not giving much time to the user. While I got healed, if I cancel the Jutsu I would return to the Uchiha ruin and I didn't believe in my chance at surviving as they seemed to have thought of everything. Not only was I marked like every Uchiha Clansmen, there was a barrier on all the clan territory that blocked even reverse summoning. I succeeded only because the Matriarch intervened to bring me there herself.

I stayed for the day trying to master basic Senjutsu without success and when my time's up I was sent back to the Uchiha clan without the mark. As soon as, I landed I was discovered by Anbu (or Root) and asked to come along. When I refused, I was easily manhandled at my best and taken to TI room. I was asked how I escaped back then and got tortured for two days after my eyes were taken away. When one of them tried to check my mind, he became an idiot and discouraged other similar tentatives. After 48 hours, I did the reverse summoning once more with the Matriarch help. I got 24 hours more to try to master Senjutsu and I failed once more.

I came back into the torture chamber and got caught once more. This time, my chakra was sealed more thoroughly. After 48 hours, I noticed I couldn't reverse summon myself and was still blind. I couldn't even kill myself.

After an unknown period of time they got tired of me and threw me in a jail to be forgotten. I was used for some unknown experiences from times to times. The only thing I did during this time was training my other senses. I got pretty good if I should say it myself.

One day, I was killed from what I assume is Pain Shinra Tensei.

Spoiler: MC stats | Body (Yang): Weaker than a civilian

Soul (Yin): S-rank

Bloodline Limit: ???

Chakra Control: Can control Chakra Threads on meters

Non Elemental Jutsu: Three Body Techniques, Body Flickering Jutsu

Elemental JutsuWind Release JutsuWind Whisper

Fire Release JutsuFire Jet (Great for escaping)

Phoenix Sage Fire Technique

Great Fireball Technique

Water Release JutsuWater Clone

Hiding in Mist

Water Fang Bullet

Taijutsu: Genin level | Strong Fist, Interceptor Fist

Bukijutsu: Academy level

Senjutsu: Tried and failed

Senses: Ridiculously good

— Life 2 —

I woke up. Again. I just stayed in bed all day long. I was somewhat desperate.

I could learn some Illusion but I doubt it would allow me to escape. Gai wasn't really helpful as well. I got too little chakra to learn Senjutsu in the year I have as I couldn't even do a correct Shadow Clone. I couldn't see any way out.

I decided to do my best training in this life while trying to make Itachi get attached to me.

I did just that. One night on three, I went to the Colony to learn Senjutsu and the rest of the time I trained my body and bukijutsu. I found Shisui and got him endeared with Sagiri and me. My belief in the Will of Fire was so great that he was forced to like me.

He taught me bukijutsu and Body Flickering Jutsu. Itachi initiated me to Genjutsu at my demand. I sonn became best buddy with Sasuke and even kept a diary to the glory of my idols: Hiruzen, the Elders, Shisui...

In the meantime, with the Matriarch, I named Zoe (all spiders are always named Zoe). I was planning another last ressort.

On the fateful day or rather night, I was crossing my fingers hoping for all my work to having been useful.

It wasn't. Itachi came to take me specially to kill me in front of Sasuke. I decided to spare myself some torture and just let him do as he wish.

— Life 123 —

I woke up. Again. For the past 23 tries, I kept dying. I invited myself in the Yamanaka clan in one iteration. I tried to do it for the Hyuga but it didn't work out. I organized a get-together with all my classmates and I was still killed. After that, I gave up that road. I sincerely became a slave to Hiruzen and still died. I tried to steal the secret scroll; Naruto had it really easy. I joined Root, contacted Orochimaru, even some spies of other villages, discovered that Fugaku was under Kotoamatsukami but I always died. I even managed to flee the village by luck sometimes. Only my time of death or incarceration varied from around one month to a year at max.

Spoiler: MC stats | Body (Yang): Chunin

Soul (Yin): SS-rank

Bloodline Limit: Three Tomoe Sharingan

Chakra Control: All Five Nature Transformation and even dabling into some Yin-Yang shit.

Non Elemental Jutsu: Three Body Techniques, Body Flickering Jutsu, Rasengan

Elemental Jutsu: All the Uchiha Clan Collection and many more (but it take times to use Jutsu ranked higher than B-rank)

Taijutsu: Genin level | Strong Fist, Interceptor Fist

Bukijutsu: Chunin level on average, Jonin level Kenjutsu

Senjutsu: Still failing

Senses: Ridiculously good

But in this iteration, the ritual I was preparing with Zoe is ready. I will escape this infernal loop. I chose the right target, Rock Lee.

The ritual would allow me to exchange body with him, keep my Sharingan (yes I can still deactivate them) and Chakra pathway. I would have taken Naruto but I thought I would have been soon discovered by some ridiculous shit.

Anyway, one week before the deadline, I completed the ritual and took his body over while placing my previous body (with his soul) in it into an artificial coma.

And as easy as that, I played death.

I lived as Lee would have and become the Taijutsu junkie disciple of Gai. Only that where Lee could do Ninjutsu I was like Gai and chose not to do it, at least on the bright side. Everyting was great besides the fact, I let my grandfather, Kaori and Sagiri die.

I started devising a ritual to hopefully bring back all this power with me in the next iteration. I took from Jashin ritual and is thinking about something Yang to Yin then to Yang again.

At 14 I finally managed to do the basics of Senjutsu. It was really just the quantity of chakra that was hindering me but no more as I got the hang of it. It made my hair blue and silky.

There was this time we went helping Team 7 against Deidara and Sasori. When I went to fight my clone it was way to easy as the seal couldn't reproduce my perfection. I obtained Sasori research and it greatly helped into building the ritual I was thinking.

I then defected from Konoha and went to Orochimaru. I killed both Sasuke and Kabuto and as he was already on his death bed, I kept him alive and even found him a replacement body (with something more like a bomb in its heart) in exchange of him teaching me. His curse seal made me create a new technique that could use someone life to gain all they had (the body component) without having to possess them. I could do Truth Seeking Balls without Juubi or any Six Paths shit.

Some time after the fourth ninja war started. The Allied Ninja were thoroughly crushed and I awakened Mangekyo Sharingan. My right eye gave me Daikoku, a highly nerfed version of the ritual of the same name. I could go back in time as far as my Chakra and Body could support me. 10 minutes at max. Indra got the same ability according to Zoe. I managed to free the Colony by the way. My left eye had an ability I liked even more. It's called Okami. It comes in two forms. I could make ice appears anywhere and what it enclosed would be slowly absorbed by me. Or I could made it rain and all it touches has the same fate. I could choose to absorb anything: longevity, bloodline, chakra...

Naruto got killed by Madara and when Kaguya came I decided to do my all on last time before dying as I wasn't taking any chance of the Daikoku ritual to work without chakra. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself. I got blind towards the end but it was great nonetheless. The planet took the short stick to keep me using my Mangekyo and Eight Gates for so long.

Spoiler: MC stats | Body (Yang): Beyond

Soul (Yin): ??? (Absorbed everything alive and dead after all)

Bloodline Limit: Mangekyo Sharingan

Chakra Control: Beyond

Ninjutsu: Too many to count

Taijutsu: Beyond

Bukijutsu: Beyond

Senjutsu: Beyond

Iryojutsu: Orochimaru level

Fuinjutsu: Orochimaru level (I don't think Fuinjutsu is as great as so many Fanfic made it seems)

— Life 124 —

I woke up. Again. For the last time I hope. I was suffering from way more Yin-Yang imbalance thn before.

This time I showed my genius at the Academy and got a friend/rival with Naruto and used my special technique to put a modified curse seal on him without his knowledge. It first uses his chakra to simulate and grow his body. All his chakra even the Nine Tails one. But it's a slow a painful process. The good side is that he got better at the physical part of the Academy.

Ten months after the start of the slow treatment, he was ready and I used the seal to close the deal after artificially opening his eight gates. My stats went through the rough and the Jinchuriki became a dried corpse.

Spoiler: MC stats | Body (Yang): ???

Soul (Yin): ???

Bloodline Limit: Mangekyo Sharingan, Uzumaki bloodline, Asura Chakra

Chakra Control: Perfect

Ninjutsu: Too many to count

Taijutsu: ???

Bukijutsu: ???

Senjutsu: ???

Iryojutsu: Orochimaru level

Fuinjutsu: Orochimaru level

I went to liberate the Colony. It was sensed by the Toad Sage and I went with Zoe to annihilate Mont Myoboku. Jiraya got in the way and was killed as well.

While Kurama was rematerialized inside Konoha and those I cared about were safe, Zoe and I resurrected both Hashirama and Madara to get my own Rinnegan. Using Okami it was quickly wrapped up and I got myself my own Rinnegan.

I then went to kill most of those who were obstacle for me in my previous iterations. Gai interfered and I was saddened to deal with him but you gotta do what you have to. Afterward we went to the moon and I added Tenseigan to my collection.

I then went to complete Madara plan and made a paradise for the one I cared about, Gai too.

Zoe used the seal I called Okami on the jailed Goddess for a little power up. We then went to see what we could find outside the planet.


Spoiler: Truth | Boruto doesn't exist.