
You Won't Have Babies

Sorry Not edited

Jake knew it was early but he couldn't stop himself from doing anything for her, it's like he wanted to get her everything and not lack anything. He watched as she was happy about the little gift he got her. Money was not a problem and that's not what Dee was after, all she wanted was someone to love her but he knew, even when you are loved, someone needs to treat you to a fancy hotel and expensive gifts, this was just a start and he was not going to stop at it.

"May I?" He said as he picked the necklace from Daniella's hand and placed it on her neck, "this is to make them know who's neck it is hun."

Dee chuckled and blushed from his words, he knew he was joking and it meant nothing serious. 

"Thank you," she murdered silently before looking into his eyes. 

Jake felt her gaze and lifted his face too, interlocking their eyes. The familiar feeling came once more and it's was a sugar rush, Dee find her body crashing into his, Jake didn't know how to restrain himself, it was like the leash that was holding he been released and he moved into her face, feeling the scent of the shower gel she had used, 'Vanilla,' he thought to himself, Daniella stretched her hands and touched his face, Jake was startled but found his right hand already caressing her sift cheeks. 

"Hun, I will be lying if I say I don't want to kiss you, you make me want to do this so bad, so bad that I want to take you right here in this bed, I want to spread your legs so wide and claim you, I want to hear you moan my name until morning, I want to feel you right the love song with your fingers on my back and mine on your thighs," said Jake with his eyes closed as she leaned deeper. 

"Then do it, hun," said Dee, Jake's lips found their way on her lips, one-touch and sparks were lightning in Jake's body, he claimed her lips so hard and Dee was Trying to match his lip sync but she realised that he was hungry for this, 'maybe the blue balls are affecting him, I don't know, will I be able to do this, I mean I don't even know how to ride, o don't even know how sec feels like, I've just seen how people do it but I haven't seen it because those are just In the movies.'

She had a thousand questions running through her mind, she knew this was the wrong thing to do with him if they don't take precautions she might mess things up, probably end up with a baby something she is not ready for.

She suddenly used her hands and pushed Jake away from her, she knew this will be a regret for her but she was trying to save both of them.

"I can't Jake, I can't do this, I don't even know how to do this. I am sorry that you are having the effect of the blue ball but I don't think I am the right person to do this, I don't even know how to hold your—" she realised what she was going to say and felt embarrassed, running into the bathroom but Jake caught up with her midway.

"What do you mean blue balls effect?" Asked Jake as he caged her in the bathroom door.

"That's what was happening in the morning, that's why you couldn't talk, u know I might be causing this but please I didn't mean for it to happen, I can do anything to make sure you don't have the effect, I promise," Jake loved her nativity, the way she thought that the Blue ball was her doing when it was just a natural thing, he knew it was not right to rush things, have sex with her when she is not ready and he was not going to force her, ' but before that, I will have to be cheeky.'

"You know, it needs to practise, so I will be teaching you every day, one lesson at a time and you will be a great store that the game, but if you don't practise it, then you will be poor in bed and never have children."

Jake knew that was a lie, whether she knew how to please men or not, she will still get pregnant if she have sex, ala he was aiming at was to make sure she doesn't feel shy when she is around him, she wanted her to be free, tell him everything that's why he was introducing the basic class. 

Dee, on the other hand, was worried about what he has said, babies have been her dream, even if she doesn't get married she wanted to be a mother and she knot that in mind even though no one showed any interest in her. 

"What are we going to do, I mean I would love to get some classes," said Dee anxiously. 

Jake watched the worry displayed on her face, he thought he was joking but Dee took it seriously, he knew there must be something to make her worry about babies, "why are you worried about babies?"

Dee fumbled with her hands, she knew it was stupid but her mouth thought otherwise," I have wanted babies, it's not something that k think about every day but you telling me I won't have babies is crashing me, I am ready to learn if that means I will have to learn the basics."

"Is that why you were smiling at the table, you were imagining kids all around you and throwing played at them?" Asked Jake.

"Throw g plates? No, hell no, I was imagining if they are all hoys then they will be stubborn and I will haven't tease them not throw plates at them," Jake didn't know whether he had done the right thing or the wrong thing, tell her that she won't be able to get babies because of her insufficient skills.

At the same time he loved the idea of her wanting babies something he rarely thinks of, he knew getting someone who was able to give him kids willingly is going to be hard, though he has thought of having a surrogate mother he now thinks, he doesn't need one if the right time comes they will do that.

"What if we wait for the right moment to have the little mini-me and you, not now but when the right time comes?" Asked Jake and Dee was the one raising her brows.

"Are you serious hun? You want us to have a family?" Jake nodded and Dee hugged him, he knew he will get a million hugs every day because of his good words.

"You sleepy, because I am not yet tired, we can try some basics," Jake said cheekily as he winked at her. 

"Yeah, but are you sure you won't have blue balls again?" Asked Dee.

"What? No, I won't have blue balls because of you, it's just something that happens and I feel like it's my fault don't blame yourself," said Jake as he pulled her towards the bed. 

The settled in, and Jake had to rock her, he knew he was making her miss do some revision but he trusted her when she told him she had a good grasp of content. 

It didn't take a whole before she drifted leaving Jake looking at her beautiful face, 'I am just happy that you are here, I keep saying we started on the wrong foot but I want you always by my side, every day." 

He slowly left her sleeping and covered her nicely before walking stepping out of bed. 

Walking outside to finish some of his work, he heard her phone vibrate, he quickly shipped the phone and checked the message, 'Bob?' He saw a text from him, 'can we please meet, I don't know if I will forgive myself after what happened to you, maybe after the exams.'

Jake wanted to reply to the text but held himself back. He knew he was invading Dee's privacy and it was something wrong. He saw the previous texts from Bob were not answered even on her WhatsApp, he didn't want to create a conflict, he let the text be because he wanted to trust her and he believed she is mature enough to make her own decisions.

He settled in his previous study room that was now being occupied by Dee, it's was more feminine with lots of things tidily placed in the room. He smiled as he saw that she changed the password to his name after she found the previous passwords to be hard for her. 

Working on the documents from the office, he got a text from Dominic informing Jake about the recent progress with Dorcas and the team, that's was something he had forgotten about and coming in right now he felt the need to deal with it for once, he wanted to make sure that the group is stopped and Dee has a happy life.

"Let's deal with that tomorrow!"