
Secrets Within You

In a chilling yet mesmerizing tale, a psychopath man finds his heart unexpectedly captivated by a sunshine girl, forging an unlikely love story that defies all norms. Their journey begins amidst bitter enmity, as their lives intertwine in a web of danger and suspense. Will their love blossom amidst the darkness within him? Can the sunshine girl ignite a glimmer of empathy in the heart of a psychopath? And when their twisted pasts collide, will they be able to overcome the looming threats that threaten to tear them apart? As secrets unravel and the stakes rise, prepare to be consumed by the suspenseful questions that haunt their every move. Can love truly conquer the darkest corners of the soul? Will their entangled destinies lead to redemption or destruction? Only time will reveal the ultimate outcome of their perilous and passionate love affair.

nafi_ib · 都市
4 Chs

Chapter 4 : Wicked

The next morning, Hailey woke up, stretching her limbs as she greeted the new day. With a sense of purpose, she made her way out of bed and meticulously arranged the sheets, leaving her room neat and tidy. As she headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth, a warm voice called out from the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready," her mother announced. Hailey smiled and made her way to the dining table, where her mother was already seated. "Good morning, Mom," she greeted cheerfully. Her mother returned the greeting with affection, saying, "Good morning, sweetie."

"So when are you going to the university to submit your documents?" Hailey's mother inquired with interest. Hailey took a sip of her morning tea before responding, "This afternoon, Mom. I want to make sure everything is in order before the deadline."

Hailey continued, a smile playing on her lips, "Do you remember the guy I mentioned earlier? I met him yesterday again. Well, it turns out he's not as weird as I thought. In fact, he's my senior at the university. He offered to help me with my studies, which is really nice of him."

Mrs. Williams raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "That's interesting. Well, it's always great to have someone who can guide you and offer support, especially in a new environment like university. Just remember to focus on your studies and be cautious when meeting new people."

With the last bite of her sandwich, Hailey stood up and grabbed her bag, which contained the five books she needed to return to the library. Filled with excitement, she approached her mother from behind and wrapped her arms around her neck in a tight hug. "Sure, Mom," she said with a beaming smile.

Hailey planted a quick kiss on her mother's cheek before dashing off, not giving her mom a chance to respond. Her excitement was palpable as she hurried out the door, ready to embark on her errand to the library.

At the library, Hailey entered and spotted Mrs. Olive sitting on her chair with her beloved cat, Marshmallow. Hailey greeted her with a cheerful "Hey there!" Her eyes lit up as she made a beeline towards Marshmallow, unable to resist the temptation to hold and caress the adorable feline. Marshmallow was a white, chubby cat with mesmerizing blue eyes, and a small bell tinkling around her neck.

"Hey, my child," Mrs. Olive greeted Hailey warmly. Hailey gently placed Marshmallow on the table and proceeded to open her bag, pulling out the books she needed to return.

"I loved these books," Hailey exclaimed with enthusiasm, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

"I know, I know," Mrs. Olive replied knowingly, her voice filled with a hint of amusement. Then, she called out, "Steve, come here."

As soon as Hailey heard Steve's name being mentioned, her heart started pounding in her chest. She felt a rush of nervous anticipation, but she resisted the urge to turn around and face him. She focused on the task at hand, placing the books neatly on the counter, trying to calm her racing thoughts.

As Steve approached, Hailey could hear his footsteps getting closer, and her heart pounded even faster. "What's up, aunt?" Steve greeted Mrs. Olive with a friendly smile.

"Oh, hey Hailey," Steve acknowledged her presence this time without avoiding her. Hailey managed to reply with a simple "Hey," but she couldn't hide the slight tremble in her hands.

"Great, you guys know each other," Mrs. Olive remarked with a knowing smile. She continued, "My baby boy nephew has been helping me out around here for the past three weeks."Hailey tried her best to compose herself, grateful that Mrs. Olive's focus was on Steve. She felt a mix of emotions, from excitement to nervousness, as she tried to maintain a casual demeanor in front of him.

Steve's laughter and constant smile made Hailey even more nervous, causing her to avoid direct eye contact with him. She couldn't help but feel self-conscious under his gaze.

"Steve, help her with these books," Mrs. Olive instructed Steve. He replied cheerfully, "Sure thing! C'mon, Hailey, follow me."

Hailey nodded nervously, trying to hide her fluttering emotions. She followed Steve, trying to focus on the task at hand and not get lost in his captivating presence. As they walked through the aisles of the library, Hailey stole occasional glances at him, feeling her heart race with each moment they spent together.As they reached the quiet space between the 5th and 6th shelves, deep inside the library, Hailey glanced around and noticed there was no one else nearby. Feeling a sense of privacy, she spoke softly, "I'll keep it."

Steve couldn't help but laugh at her confident statement, amused by her determination. "Can you?" he teased, raising an eyebrow playfully.

Hailey responded, her own eyebrows arched in mock offense, "You doubt?"

Steve grinned, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "Not at all, madam," he replied with exaggerated formality, playing along with her banter.

They exchanged playful looks and shared a moment of lightheartedness that made Hailey feel more at ease in Steve's presence.

As Hailey reached up to place the book on the top shelf but struggled to reach, Steve couldn't help but chuckle at her predicament. His teasing tone filled the air, "Give it to me."

Hailey rolled her eyes, trying to hide her amusement. "Shut up," she playfully retorted. Undeterred, she looked around and spotted a small stool. With determination in her eyes, she brought the stool over to the shelf and climbed up, successfully placing the book in its spot. She turned to face Steve, her arms crossed in triumph.

"See... I did it anyway," Hailey said, her pride evident in her voice.

Steve smiled, moved closer to her, and whispered into her ear, "Not all by yourself." His warm breath against her cheek sent shivers down her spine, making her heart race.

Feeling a rush of emotions, Hailey tried to maintain her composure, but her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. In that moment of intensity, time seemed to slow down, as if the universe conspired to freeze the world around them. Steve's gaze was fixed on Hailey's lips, and a magnetic pull seemed to draw them closer. Yet, they both held back, the electricity of the moment charging the air between them. Temptation gnawing at him like an irresistible force. He marveled at the innocence reflected in her eyes, a glimpse into a soul that seemed to hold a universe of untold stories.

In that intimate moment, Steve felt an overwhelming surge of emotions. The depth of Hailey's eyes pulled him in like a powerful undertow, leaving him feeling as though he was being drawn into an endless ocean of possibilities. Her vulnerability called to him, awakening a protectiveness he hadn't known he possessed.

As Hailey met Steve's intense gaze, her heart fluttered like a hummingbird's wings, beating wildly in her chest. Her senses were heightened, and she could feel the weight of the unspoken words that hung in the charged atmosphere. The intensity of his stare made her feel both seen and vulnerable, and she found herself caught in a delicate dance of emotions.Unable to maintain the gaze any longer, Hailey's nerves got the best of her, and she glanced away, trying to regain her composure. The subtle movement exposed a single strand of hair clinging to her cheek.

Steve, with a tenderness he didn't know he possessed, reached out and gently tucked the strand of hair behind her ear. The simple gesture sent a shiver down Hailey's spine, igniting a spark that seemed to bridge the gap between them.

In that fleeting moment, neither spoke a word, yet a silent understanding passed between them. It was as if time stood still, the world around them fading into the background. Their unspoken connection spoke volumes, and in that shared intimacy, they both knew that something special was beginning to bloom between them. Hailey's heart pounded in her chest as she stood up abruptly, breaking the charged silence between her and Steve. The electricity in the air was palpable, but she needed to gather her thoughts and emotions before they overwhelmed her. Without looking back, she rushed towards the main entrance of the library, her mind racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Mrs. Olive, the kind-hearted librarian, called out with concern in her voice, "What happened?" However, Hailey didn't stop to explain, and in a hurried tone, she replied, "I'm in a rush, I have to submit my documents. Gotta go, byeeeee! Take careeee."

As Hailey disappeared through the library doors, Mrs. Olive couldn't help but chuckle to herself. "Kids these days," she thought with a smile.

Outside, Hailey took deep breaths, trying to calm the storm of feelings inside her.

In the lively university hallway, Hailey and Lilac ran into Albert and Fred. Fred greeted Hailey with a cheerful "Hey!" Their meeting led to a spontaneous conversation.

As they were chatting, Kate came running towards them, her excitement evident in her voice. "Guess what?" she exclaimed, unable to contain herself. "I finally convinced Mr. Patrick to help me with this assignment!"

Fred, curious about how Kate managed this feat, inquired, "How did you manage to convince that rude man?"

Albert couldn't resist adding to the humor and jokingly asked, "OMG Kate, did he ba- " But before he could finish, Lilac quickly tapped his hand, signaling him to stop.

Kate playfully replied, "Very funny, but no, I just had to act like him, you know? Pretend to be as serious and knowledgeable about arts and history as he is." Laughter erupted among the group, amused by Kate's clever tactics.

Fred chimed in, expressing his own struggles, "I've been trying to get his attention for months, and he never noticed me," he said with a puzzled look. Kate teased him, saying, "Well, maybe you're just not good at acting, Fred." He playfully rolled his eyes, acknowledging the playful jab.

Hailey looked around the hallway, hoping to spot Steve, but he was nowhere to be seen. Feeling a little disappointed, she told Lilac and the others, "I have to go and submit these documents."

Lilac asked, "Do you know where the professor's office is?"

Hailey hesitated for a moment but then replied confidently, "I'll figure it out. You guys continue."

In reality, Hailey was secretly trying to find Steve and had no clue where the professor's office was located. She passed by a store room and two classrooms when suddenly she bumped into a blonde guy with a tall, slender figure and mesmerizing amber eyes. She turned her head to apologize for not looking where she was going.

"It's fine, no need to apologize," the guy said with a warm smile. "I guess you're a new student?"

Hailey nodded, feeling a bit relieved to meet someone helpful. "Yes, I'm an exchange student. Hey, do you happen to know where Professor Evans's office is?"

The guy replied, "Sure, I can take you there."

Hailey's face lit up with gratitude. "Great, thank you so much." Hailey followed him as he expertly navigated the maze of hallways. During their walk, they engaged in pleasant conversation, exchanging names and discovering their shared interest in science. He asked Hailey if she was considering genetics for her studies, and she nodded with enthusiasm, mentioning the options of cytogenetics or genetic engineering.

"Great choice," he said with a smile. "I'm a biochemistry student myself."

As they approached the door of Professor Evans's office, they stopped. Hailey had enjoyed talking to him and wanted to know his name. "What's your name ?" she asked.

"It's Alex, Alex Smith. Nice to meet you, Hailey," he replied warmly.

"How did you know my name?" she asked curiously.

Alex chuckled and pointed to the file that Hailey was holding in her hand. "It's written right there. I have good eyes," he teased, giving her a playful wink before turning to leave.

Hailey couldn't help but smile at Alex's lightheartedness as he walked away. She knocked on the door of Professor Evans's office. As Hailey knocked on the door, she could feel her heart racing with anticipation. The voice from inside, warm and inviting, called out, "Come in!"

With a mixture of excitement and nervousness, Hailey pressed the door knob, slowly opening the door and stepping into Professor Evan's office. The room was a treasure trove of knowledge, neatly organized with books and academic materials lining the shelves. Professor Evans sat at his desk, surrounded by piles of files, intently reviewing the profiles of incoming students.

"Take a seat," Professor Evans said, his eyes still focused on the documents before him. He took off his glasses and rested them on the table, crossing his fingers thoughtfully. Hailey settled into a chair, feeling the weight of the moment as she introduced herself, "Good afternoon, Mr. Evans. I'm Hailey, Hailey Williams, an exchange student."

Looking up from the files, Professor Evans offered her a warm smile, "Ah, Hailey Williams, the bright student with excellent grades. It's a pleasure to have you here. But let me tell you, this university is a place of fierce competition. If you want to soar high with your grades, you'll have to work hard and face the challenges head-on."

The store room, a hidden sanctuary, witnessed an intimate moment between Steve and Melissa. Their lips touched with a fiery passion, and Steve's hands tenderly held Melissa's cheeks while his other hand traced her neck. It was a stolen moment filled with desire and thrill.

As they pulled away from the kiss, Melissa looked into Steve's eyes, her voice tinged with vulnerability, "Why do you keep hiding our relationship? Why won't you tell anyone that I'm your girlfriend?"

Steve's demeanor shifted, his expression guarded as he replied, "I've told you before, relationships are not my thing."

Confusion and hurt crossed Melissa's face, "Why? What am I lacking?"

With a gentleness that contrasted with his hidden emotions, Steve caressed Melissa's hair, "It's not about you, it's just not something I do. But if being with me is making you unhappy, we can end things right now."

Melissa's eyes widened with determination, "No, I don't want it to end. I'll do anything to be with you."

A wicked smirk played on Steve's lips, knowing he held power over her emotions. He couldn't deny the allure of Melissa's willingness to stay, but his heart remained guarded. "Are you sure?" he asked, almost tauntingly.