
Secrets of How the World Changed

DON'T READ THIS NOVEL PLEASE The most powerful being in the world, the World Monarch, overseeing everything in the world like it was in the palm of his hands. But like all great power, a heavy burden came with it. The 10th to succeed grew tired of it all and wanted to lessen the weight he was bearing on his shoulders, to have a more comfortable life, and to have a family. He decided to split the World into Ten Domains and made his loyal Knights become the Domain Monarchs. Each of them became the Monarchs of Nine of the Ten Domains, with him overseeing only the Tenth. He named the domains from the names of the World Monarchs, including himself. After 36 years of peace and prosperity, a Great Catastrophe occurred, causing each Domain's countries to merge into one complete landmass. People who had inhuman abilities started to show up, and creatures of terror pouring out from who knows where—plunging the whole world into utter mayhem. These vile foreign creatures took over the Three of the Ten Domains, while the remaining are barely holding their borders from the monsters. Everyone looked to the man who was once called the "10th World Monarch", the symbol of authority and power, for guidance through their intense hardships. However, he was nowhere to be found. All hope was lost. The protagonist of the story, born after the formation of the Domains, rescued an old man from a dangerous situation that led him in harm's way. Being in a vegetative state, he was unaware of everything in the outside world, including The Great Catastrophe. Waking up with the world already in ruins, and people adapted to the changes. The game-like mechanics that only Liu Kai can see will help him throughout his adventures to discover the mysteries of how the world evolved. =========================================== Join our Discord Server using this link (https://discord.gg/vZtfKFx), and you can suggest to the novel to a certain extent that we would allow you. Enjoy our community with your fellow readers with respect. Thank you for everything.

Nocturnal_Dreamer · ファンタジー
240 Chs

Unending Hurricane

"Hold on, hold on, hold on!" Liu Kai said while putting his hand in the air with the palm facing Jin Chow.

"What the heck? Is that a made-up story?"

"Is it all true?" Liu Kai asked him a series of questions out of shock. His eyebrows are even twitched the whole time that Jin Chow is speaking and has narrowed eyes.

"What do you mean?" Jin Chow rolled his eyes out of his annoyance.

"Your whole story." Liu Kai smiled awkwardly like an innocent kid, but it only annoyed Jin Chow even more and continued to roll his eyes.

"It's true! You saw a giant cockroach yourself." Jin Chow pressed his lips together.

"That's true, but I can't just blindly believe everything that you said." Liu Kai furrowed his brow and shrugged.

"REALLY? Think about it. Is there a different reason the world is in ruins right now? Did you think it doesn't make sense?" Jin Chow can't help but raised his voice after Liu Kai disbelieved his long story.

Liu Kai remained silent after Jin Chow raised his voice on him. He doesn't know if he can't process it altogether, or his mind just doesn't want to accept it.

A moment of silence had passed before Liu Kai opened his mouth again.

"The 10th World Monarch is missing? Do you know what happened in the other three Domains?" Liu Kai continued his questions calmly, with little of a reaction.

"I don't know. But everyone can't reach the 10th World Monarch because he lives in Eeveon. I didn't see that unending hurricane myself, but no one can cross the sea because of the unending powerful hurricane, just like what they said. All of those who tried to reach him failed. He should lead us to order again. I hope nothing bad happens to him." Jin Chow answered nonchalantly.

"That's true, but since people have skills or blessing, if that's what you call it, then they can protect themselves, right?" Liu Kai explained his thought.

"Nope, not everyone received a blessing. I don't know why some people have it and some people don't but some people can't protect themselves. Not to mention, not every blessing is good for combat. I don't know the ratio, but that's how the world's state right now." Jin Chow countered his thoughts by facts.

"Ohhh... alright. Hold on... I... need to process this for the meantime. I can't cope with it yet." Liu Kai touched his head with his left hand while his eyes closed.

"Did they try to use airplanes or ships?" Liu Kai opened his eyes again to ask another question. He knows that he's annoying right now, but Liu Kai ignored it because he wanted his questions to receive an immediate answer.

The fact that he's been asleep for two consecutive years is a lot for him to take already, but since he found out that a lot of things happened while he's sleeping, it's now harder to bear.

"Yes, even submarines can't infiltrate a certain water level. They said that the hurricane is alive and not letting anyone out." Jin Chow answered

"But... why are the other three domains left out?"

"I don't know either."

"Suit yourself. Try to cope with it later. The sun is going down. It's not safe here in the forest. We need to look for a place to hide during the night, let's go." Jin Chow informed him as he got up to move.

"Are there a lot of giant insects wandering around here?" Liu Kai fretted.

"I don't know, but if we're unlucky, something might see us and we'll be dead for sure. Don't get cocky just because you killed a giant cockroach, one of the weakest bugs." Jin Chow explained.

"One of the weakest ohhh... okay, okay."

"Then what are you doing here?" Liu Kai asked.

"As you can see, I'm a Knight apprentice from the Monarchy. We've been asked to explore this place to expand the human territories." Jin Chow told him as he exaggeratedly waved around his armor.

"We? I don't see anyone with you. Were you left behind?" Liu Kai asked.

"We were raided by a roaming Giant Centipede and..."

"...I was the only one that survived." Jin Chow explained. Wearing a grim expression as he remembered what happened.

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't mean to –" Liu Kai was shocked, and he sincerely apologized but he got cut off.

"It's fine! Don't worry about it." Jin Chow interrupted.

"If you say so. Oh! I know a place to hide."


"I'll tell you later. Do you have something to eat? I'm starving." Liu Kai held his stomach as it growled from hunger.

"That..." Jin Chow nodded and tried to say something but hesitated.

"What is it?" Liu Kai asked.

"Do you remember that Giant Cockroach you just punched?" Jin Chow reminded him.

"What is it about that Giant Cockro-"

"-Don't tell me that..." Liu Kai points to the direction the dead insect fell with a face asking not to confirm his thought.

"Yes, that's right. Those bugs became another source of food after they appeared. I know it's surprising for you, but we don't have a choice." Jin Chow told him.



"The same cockroach that tried to kill me?"

"Is there no other option? How do we even eat that? Isn't it dirty? It looks disgusting." Liu Kai hurled.

"To answer your question, we will burn it to kill the bacteria and remove the liquid parts in its body."

"Ohhhhhh... You've eaten one, right? How did it taste then? Tell me." Liu Kai asked to have some idea and prepare for what's to come.

"You have too many questions. Just help me find it." Jin Chow retorted.

"Just answer the question! Or I won't try it." Liu Kai demanded.

"Then don't! Don't you know that insects are highly nutritious?" Jin Chow growled.

"I know, but it's disgusting." Liu Kai cringed. He hugged himself and he lost all spirits.

Jin Chow left and looked for the dead Giant Cockroach, and Liu Kai followed him from behind.

"Why are you following me?" Jin Chow was still irritated by his actions.

Liu Kai then stopped walking. Jin Chow glanced back at him to see what was going on.

"Why? Did that hurt your feelings? Are you a crybaby or something?" Jin Chow jested.

"No, not that. I have a question… Can you see this?" Liu Kai points his finger in front of him. He asked if Jin chow could see the hologram-like screen, which prompted more information.

[Your skill Berserk after effect will now commence]

2 points will be added to Power.

2 points will be deducted to Agility.

[Alter is activated]

2 points will be added to Agility instead of deducted.

[Stats updated]

[Status Window]

Agility: 7(+2*)

Power: 4(+2*)

Stamina: 10

Mentality: 15

Durability: 7

Perception: 3

*Permanently added.

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