
Secret Magic

When a normal world without magic is cruel to a poor boy what will he do to survive the modern world. He will travel through time and space, going to different worlds and the astral plains with his abilities to use magic to summon and create weapons. Will he rule the world or does god exist and handing him a ticket to a better life that no other could have expected. But of course other worlds have magic and those people will come. Will he be ready in time or die after fighting for so long to live. After all he has lived many life’s and died and been reborn Ed many times but how could he know this because of a angry lower god. /////////////////////// I am currently writing like six book on this site and have decided that this will be my main book. I want know if you want longer chapter but more spread out. Or shorter chapters that are cleaned up and takes the same time as longer ones. So do you want quantities or quality. Please leave comments to make me write more and my mistakes. I will respond to questions if any or anything you want to ask.

The_Kings_Author · ファンタジー
8 Chs


Special offer.

50 power stones= one extra chapter.

100 power stones= one 3k word chapter as my normal for these is about 1.5k it counts as a extra.

200 power stones= one 5k chapter special answers to any questions and new major person added.

These can change in the future as they will stack up.

As I woke up I knew something wasn't right. I walked out of my room and Helen looked at me with worried eyes. Outside the window was huge black scratches in the sky and I noticed how the power was out. The only light was from the magic white orb Helen had set up. The building started to shack and Helen flew towards me as a I fell through a black tear and Helen missed just barley. The gap closed fast and I landed on a bed of grass. My mind was flipping from one thing to another. I just woke up and I couldn't even have breakfast before this.

"You could have at least let me have a cup of coffee or some tea." I shouted out at the sky.

'I don't care if god was doing this anyone who ruined ones time with coffee must pay.' I think to myself.

I looked around and saw I was in the clearing of a forest. I walked around for a few minutes before deciding to put some use to my magic. I started walking slowly feeling that power come over me and focused on one specific card as I enter the clearing. Two black wings formed on my back looking like shadows and they had no weight. I let the power calm and took off into the sky before stopping midair as my wing flapped in strong bursts. I looked around and all I saw was dense pine forest going on for miles.

'Great how am I going to get home now.' I start to wonder.

I fly what I think is north for about thirty minutes before landing back on the ground to rest. The wings took a lot of power to use them as they fell to the ground as black sand. I looked around and saw some people walking far away as their figure became visible between the tree gaps. I got up and walked towards them.

"Hey, you there" I called out to them.

They turned and looked at me like they were confused but started making there way over. As they started getting closer I saw how there were about five of them actually all holding short swords with one having a bow.

"What you want kid" the older of the bunch asked.

"Could you tell me where I am exactly and we're the closest town is." I asked as they stopped.

"Sure we can tell you just hand your things over first." One of the youngest asked greedily.

"Sorry but I ain't got anything you want so tell me before I force it out of you." I said noticing the situation. It seemed they were some sort of bandits or thieves.

"Calm down now kid. It's a simple trade don't you agree." The older man said.

"Yes it will be a fair trade as you keep your lives and I get my direction." I say as the black wings appeared on my back.

"Nice parlor trick but a pair of fake wings ain't going to scare us." But as he said that I slowly rose above the ground as a face of terror took over them.

The guy with a bow hurriedly tried to shoot me but I flew to my right doing a zig zag pattern towards the man as as the magic sword of King Arthur swirled around me. The man was sliced in to as I landed on the ground and turned around.

"The towns that way due west about a two days ride on horse." The older man said while backing away shacking.

"Thanks for help." I said as I took off into the air towards the town he pointed.

After a few hours I saw the town and landed on a nearby bridge removing the wings. Wherever I a, this this world seems to be in medieval times but if those tears could take me here then there must be a way back. As I walked across the bridge I saw a busy area filled with carts and racks with people trying to trade their goods. I made my way over to a area filled with foods and across was filled with weapons.

"Hey how much is this bread." I asked the man.

"Three silver coins per roll." He said while handing some to a customer.

I pulled a card out from my pocket.it was called Midas touch. I put the spell on myself and grabbed a apple from his stall.

"Hey don't take that"He was saying as the apple turned to gold.

"If I pay with this can I get some food." I asked as I tossed the apple to him.

"What kind of magic is this. Whatever grab whatever you want." He said and I grabbed some bread and a apple.

The people around who saw this looked at me in shock and I. Greed but I just walked around the town. I found a nice little inn and gave the man a gold apple and came back later to sleep.

When I walked out late that night I saw a group of people walking into the town that seemed to be wearing what I wore. They were wearing sneakers and hoodies while one of them a much older man in his late fifties wore a black suit and cable shoes.

They looked over at me as I slowly stretched up and we walked towards each other.

"Hey you from earth dude" the older man asks.

"Well I'm not from here so from the looks of it we're all confused." I said.

"It seems that way but still this is weird." Kid one.

"Ya I know I saw someone cast a spell earlier with some sort of runes." kid two.

"I fell into a waste land and was chased by all sorts of monsters." Said the older man who the back side of his suit was shredded into pieces.

"You want to stick together and figure a way back." The older man says.

"I think I might know a way back but I need more time" I say thinking about what could have caused this.

[48 hours earlier on the gods space.]

"Apollo why do you take such a interest interest in the boy." Higher god.

"I know who he is really. One of these days his power will return and no one not even us will stop him." Apollo said.

"He hasn't been seen for thousands of years let only the power he had." Higher god.

"Want to make a bet then." Apollo said.

"Did someone say a bet." Loki says while entering from a black vortex portal.

"I believe he did. So what is it?"Higher god.

"Give the planet some mana and attach it to the dimensions gates."said Apollo.

"Okay continue." Said Higher god.

"If the portals start to crack we know he is there do to all the power being suppressed. So if it is him I want to be given the power of a fifth rank god and not some tenth rank." Said Apollo.

"Deal" Higher god and Loki said at the same time.

After a few minutes the mana and gates started occupying the world but as Apollo had predicted the gates shattered and dimension tears started forming instead.

"Well Apollo it seems you were right but now this is worse than we thought. But now some people there can use mana now but are also is getting sucked into Earth 4576 or otherwise know as Seption." Higher god.

"Don't worry the worlds gates there will take care of it with their guardians. Until then lets have some fun." Said Loki as he enter through a portal going to checkout the mass chaos for himself.

I still plan to upload as much as possible but powerstones guarantees bigger chapters and ,ore chapters each week.

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