
Secret Magic

When a normal world without magic is cruel to a poor boy what will he do to survive the modern world. He will travel through time and space, going to different worlds and the astral plains with his abilities to use magic to summon and create weapons. Will he rule the world or does god exist and handing him a ticket to a better life that no other could have expected. But of course other worlds have magic and those people will come. Will he be ready in time or die after fighting for so long to live. After all he has lived many life’s and died and been reborn Ed many times but how could he know this because of a angry lower god. /////////////////////// I am currently writing like six book on this site and have decided that this will be my main book. I want know if you want longer chapter but more spread out. Or shorter chapters that are cleaned up and takes the same time as longer ones. So do you want quantities or quality. Please leave comments to make me write more and my mistakes. I will respond to questions if any or anything you want to ask.

The_Kings_Author · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Forest

When I woke up the next day everyone was talking about downstairs in the inn eating. Must of the people were confused by our strong clothes but I ignored them.

"Hey there dude nice nap." Said kid one.

"Yes, So what you all doing." I asked.

"Well we were gathering information on the area and found out about a gate fifty miles north. They say that beings come from the gate from time to time and take people like us with them." Older man.

"Well what we waiting let's go check it out." Kid two.

"What about other people who got sucked in here." Older man.

"You guys go and I will stay here for a while longer." I said.

"Seriously dude why. What about your friends and family." Kid one.

They all looked at me with questioning eyes.

"I'll be fine. You guys focus on getting home while I look around for other who come by." I say thinking about something else.

"If you say so." Said kid two.

After a few hour the group of three left and went to a nearby forest. I already knew that our world was most likely in chaos and this place didn't seem too bad. So why not stay here and wait for things to calm down back home. I walked around for a while before trying something a little knew. I held my hand out and focused on the energy around me. The trees started bending and the wind becoming a vortex.


The exploded and the trees crashed down. If this was a small fraction of my power than what could a really do. All the tree in a mile radius was cut down and giant cut arks engulfed the land around. I sat down and placed my hand on the soil. I felt energy coming from it meaning this planet had power within it. I focused on the image before I destroyed the land and poured my power into the soil.

The area around me started healing as grass grew fresh and the trees slowly coming back to their strong bases. The area looked alive and better than before. The grass itself had magic poured into it giving new life for the future.

I continued my search around the town but found no one but as the sun started going down heavy hooves entered the town. Thirty men on horseback began circling the middle of the town. Three of them had black armor and red caps on their shoulder armor. I looked from a distance and saw three bodies they carried into the town.

My mind was shocked as I looked at them. 'What had they done wrong.' I thought in anger as I saw the two kids and the old man dead.

"These people are enemies of this world. If you see anyone wearing anything similar to these people please alert guards immediately." The head knight said in a cold voice loudly.

I walked out from my from the alley I was watching from as the sun gave just enough light and the torches gave off light now. I swiped my hand through my jacket and pulled a three cards from it.with a flick of a finger one of the cards flew into the area as my clothes turned into armor. The armor was angel made empowered with magic. It was had a pure white cap that turned black at the bottom like it was burned. the armor itself was white with crystal blue imbued into it.

"You killed them didn't you. Well if you can kill three defenseless people two of which are kids let's see how you deal with me." I said slowly while the sun hung in the sky like it was trying to take one last glimpse at what was happening.

"Defense positions men." The head knight said.

"Will you dare fight me." I said as my power surged even more.

My armor started gaining power from me and turned light as a feather and a faint blue glow came from it. I was releasing all my power I had now and it felt great. The white cap turned to black fog trailing me on the ground like mist. Are black intricate crown with red and blue gems took form on my head. Everything about my armor radiated battle and the feeling of evil for good. The soldiers seemed scared but held their grounds I approached.

I flicked the second card from my hand as it flowed a sickly black. When it faded away a thin black and red sword took its place flying to my hand. The handle wove around my hand like string in a shiny clean dark red. At this sight the main knight took a step forward holding his sword forward but clearly worried.

The last card fly into the air high before turning into a bright light. The card took the form of a beautiful girl as she fell like a feather to the ground. She was endowed with a black dress and red ruby crown on her head. She was as pale as the moon itself and walked towards me with light steps as her shoes gave off no sound. She radiates power and command. For she is Emilia Rose the vampire queen.

"Well hello my master. What kind of job do you have for me." She said seductively.

"Well I was thinking of killing some of these poor unfortunate souls and turning them into our soldiers." I said while still walking forward.

"Kill em" the knight shouted but it was already over.

They all fell down trying to move and the knight using his sword to hold himself up started to cough up blood. Emilia started snapping their heads like they were rag dolls then placing a hand on their back creating a symbol. after she was down and about to do so to the knight I stopped her.

"No let's see how he fights against his own men." I said coldly.

"Wonderful idea." Emilia said as she took her place by my side.

She waved her hand and red particles flew through the air and the dead solider slowly rosed. They all started coughing but steadied themselves and formed a line before me.

"What did you do to them" the knight said as his men formed a line before me looking at him with no expression.

"Don't worry this will end shortly." I said while pointing to one of the soldiers.

"You there kill him and then lead the way to your base." I said.

The man moved forward with his new found vampiric speed and stabbed his captain three times as the man screamed to death.

I got onto one of the horse with Emilia as the soldiers did the same and led the way.

[what happened as he release his power into the armor]

' I was back in the boys body. But wasn't I just.' I was thinking when I noticed the boy was sitting on a throne.

"My lord your body might not survive this." Vampire lord.

"I know my friend but it's time for my long life to end." The boys says on a ancient demeanor.

"We will meet again one day my lord just be careful" the vampire lord says as the giant wood and metal doors behind him have way to fire.

"I will return one day and when I do I promise to save your soul." The boy says as light engulfs him then total darkness.

But when I looked again I was still in the throne room.

"The gods have noticed you. You must return to the forest where you where born to receive your full strength back." The vampire lord said looking at me.

Before I could do anything a fire spiraling towards him engulfs him into flames.

When I look around so many memories are coming back but not all of them.

'At last I know who I really am. I am the gods of gods. Destroyer of words and leader of the armies of ancient magic. Ruler of the shadows and all summons. I am Alexander the boy who has lived millions of lives each thousands to millions of years. The first being to ever exist in the void before creation.'

I am sorry for not uploading lately. I am having major writers block with this book. If any of you can help I would be thankful.

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