
Second Wind!

Luffy and Zoro awaken in two different parts of East Blue, both with the same thing on their mind. Protect the crew. There would be no failures this time around, Captain's orders. As bits and pieces of the unknown past that the two comrades share are gradually revealed, the rest of the crew can only speculate. For all their absolute resolve, they're hiding something.

Mr_Insane_3041 · ファンタジー
69 Chs

Chapter LX: Arrival of Dawn

Nightfall, on the island of Zenku

Countless pillars of deadly flames assaulted Blackbeard. He absorbed what he could with his Devil Fruit, but as soon as he did so, another barrage of fire would replace the last. As a particularly searing fireball vanished into his singularity, a spray of faster flame bullets shot towards him and riddled his body with burn holes. Screaming in pain, he was unprepared for the next Fire Fist, which hit him dead on, blackening his already burned skin and blasting him backwards. He sucked in a ragged breath, trying to get his breathing back under control as he staggered to his feet.

Suddenly, Ace shot out of the surrounding walls of fire, propelling himself forward as he brandished a blade of flame that Blackbeard had already learned the hard way was Haki imbued.

He cursed as the blade headed straight for his unprotected neck, aiming to decapitate him. Ace had been aiming for vital spots every chance he got in this fight, as if he knew beforehand about the incredible vitality that Blackbeard had done his best to hide while on Whitebeard's ship.

Blackbeard managed to duck under the first swing, and took the chance to reach out and grab his former commander, darkness emanating from his palm. Ace was prepared for that though, and swung the blade back around swiftly.

Blackbeard roared in agony as the blade nearly burned through his limb, bone and all. If not for the special properties of his body, that strike would have taken his hand off. The sight of victory burned in Ace's eyes as he got ready to take another swing at the traitor's neck, when suddenly his Haki screamed at him and he leaned backwards to dodge Van Auger's Haki imbued gunfire.

The brief respite was all Blackbeard needed to gain some distance as more bullets shot towards Ace. Hatred fueled the Whitebeard commander as the ground practically exploded beneath his feet, propelling him through the wall of flames to where he could sense the sniper's location. More bullets shot toward him in a desperate attempt to ward him off, but Ace glided through them, his Haki strengthening his logia defense.

When he burst through the flames, Jesus Burgess was there, having noticed his crewmate's predicament, ready to punch his lights out. Or at least try. Ace shot through his guard like a missile, toppling him over as he formed a fire dagger, his gaze locked on the wide eyed sniper who had robbed him of his vengeance.

The makeshift blade burned through Auger's heart, and as his life faded, the Blackbeard pirate heard one last scathing remark from the logia's mouth.

"I'll make sure your precious scum of a captain follows."

His body hit the ground with a thud.

Burgess watched the callous murder of his crew member in shock, which then turned to rage as Ace started forming a ball of fire in his hand. Before he could attack the logia however, Ace got yanked off his feet by an unseen force. Gritting his teeth, he continued charging his next attack as he was pulled toward the other logia on the battlefield.

"Great Flame Commandment...Entei!" The plunged the gargantuan ball of fire towards the ground, and it exploded with a deafening roar. The explosion was large enough to engulf most of the island, the greatest damage being dealt near the epicenter. The screams of the Blackbeard Pirates were drowned out by the sheer volume of the blast as they were incinerated.

When the blast ended, everything in sight was on fire. Standing in the center of the flames was Blackbeard, who had absorbed most of the fire heading in his direction, but still had fourth degree burns covering his body. Despite his injuries, his eyes burned with triumph.

In his grasp was Ace, who was trapped in the traitor's chokehold. He gasped for air, but Blackbeard was unrelenting, slamming him against the ground so that his head cratered the earth and vision became spotted.

"You bastard…" Blackbeard seethed, all false pretenses thrown out the window. "Look what you've done."

Ace smiled darkly. "How does it feel, Teach? To lose your crewmates? I know you never really gave a damn about Thatch, but maybe you'll know firsthand now," he rasped.

Blackbeard growled. "This is a major setback, I'll give you that," he said as he continued to choke the life out of the powerless logia. "But it won't stop me. After I kill you here, I'll find more crew members. One day, I'll bring the Whitebeard Pirates to ruin, and take that sentimental old fool's place on the throne. This is my era, Ace."

Ace spat in his face, causing him to tighten his hold. He wrapped one of his hands around Blackbeard's wrist, coating his hands with Haki and trying to loosen his grip as he subtly reached his other hand toward his hip. Blackbeard grunted in pain as his burns were aggravated by Ace's hold, but his grip didn't loosen in the slightest.

"I hope that doesn't hurt, Teach," Ace wheezed. "Because where you're going, those burns will be nothing in comparison."

Blackbeard's Observation Haki suddenly screamed at him to move, but before he could so much as loosen his hold around the flame man's neck, a small, steel dagger, easily concealable, plunged into his chest. Blackbeard stumbled back in shock, allowing Ace to take in mouthfuls of air in relief. With shaking hands, he grabbed the hilt of the weapon and pulled it out from between his ribs, knowing that it had nicked his heart.

Ace massaged his neck tenderly. His throat was covered in a hand shaped mark that would surely bruise soon. He turned back toward he heaving traitor in front of him and readied one final attack with his now recovered logia powers.

Blackbeard looked at him with unmasked fear, but was still able to gather his strength for one last clash.

"I...won't die here! I will...become the next Pirate King! It's my fate!" he rambled as he struggled to move.

"Your fate is the same as your crew's," Ace whispered, as a searing white flame appeared in his palm. "Great Flame Commandment…"

Blackbeard desperately brought his hands up in defense. "Darkness Creed!"

Ace charged forward. "Genesis Edict!"

Blackbeard met him halfway. "Primordial Void!"

If one was to cast their gaze, at that moment, towards the island of Zenku from any neighboring islands of the Grand Line, they would have witnessed the sky light up as the sea was engulfed in fire for miles. The light shined like a colossal beacon, as if signalling to the heavens its triumph over the darkness of the night.

Gecko Moria knew he had ambition, no matter what any uninformed pirates may say about the matter. Although he had once fled the New World following the loss of his crew, that hadn't kept him down for long. Granted, he had no aspirations for ruling the seas anymore, but the darkest corner of it was still a fitting kingdom.

Yes, he had ambition. But at the same time, he also that the best way to achieve them was to adhere to his strengths, and rule from the shadows.

To do that, he needed to be able to effortlessly command said shadows. Seeing as he was the user of the Kage Kage no Mi, that wasn't exactly a problem.

So why couldn't he command this one!?

Twisting his body to unnatural forms using his shadow manipulation, Moria dodged another round of blows from his opponent, but as he readied his own mimicry of an attack, it happened again.

The shadow that he had recently stolen resisted him, causing his punch to its Haki imbued luster. Straw Hat Luffy charged through the weakened attack like it wasn't even there, once again nailing Moria in the face with his own strike.

Moria roared in pain and rage as he was sent hurtling back towards the wreckage of the already collapsed wall. Landing on the floor painfully, he pushed himself back to his feet.

"Starting to slip huh?" Straw Hat's infuriating voice assaulted him, causing him to glare at the unfazed pirate captain. "Let me ask you...of all the shadows you've enslaved, have any of their owners awakened Conqueror's Haki?"

Moria's eyes widened, but he didn't answer.

"I guess that's a no," Luffy said with a smirk. "Well, you're about to learn why it won't work."

Luffy quickly activated Gears Second and Third simultaneously, and began his next onslaught as Moria's, forcing Moria to fall back on the power of the shadow that was slipping from his grasp.

Desperate, Moria held one hand out and used his trump card.

"Shadows Asgard!" he shouted, summoning all the subjugated shadows on Thriller Bark to his aid. Much to his shock, he could only feel one hundred of them gather.

"If you'd been using my Haki correctly, you would have realized that most of the zombies have already been purified," Luffy stated, causing Moria to curse.

The Straw Hat captain went on the offensive again, imbuing his fist with both Armaments Hardening and his Conqueror's Haki, causing the limb to darken, and black sparks to trail down his arm.

"Gomu Gomu no…"

As the only shadow that could help him here continued to resist him, Moria braced himself for the pain.

"Night Hawk!"

"Stay still so I can hit you!" Lola shouted as Sanji continued to evade her.

Sanji, his anger having cooled after Absalom's departure, had resorted to trying to placate the warthog zombie woman attempting to bisect him. So far, he was having no luck. If only he had a crewmate nearby to distract her...but then they'd most likely be attacking her, which he'd object to anyway, unless of course the person attacking her was Nami-san or Robin-chan, but then they'd be in danger.

Ah, the trials of being a chivalrous knight.

Wait...I can fly. Why am I not using Sky Walk to get away?

"Thunderbolt Tempo!" came a disembodied voice, followed by a bolt of lightning, which descended upon Lola.

Nami-san, Sanji thought as he pinpointed her aura, as well as that of Usopp, who had taken up a sniping position.

"Sanji-kun, get going! I'll handle her!" the voice shouted.

"Who's there!?" Lola shouted.

Sanji opened his mouth to protest, but then closed it. Ah, screw it.

Knowing the navigator could take care of herself, he leapt into the air, using Sky Walk to bring him towards Absalom's aura signature.

"I won't let you get away!" Lola looked like she was about to try to jump after him, but she was suddenly hit by a Firebird Star, courtesy of Usopp, before Nami came out of Mirage Tempo right next to her, striking her with a Thunder Lance Tempo, and finally following up with a Cyclone Tempo, which hurled the warthog zombie over the gates of Thriller Bark and into the sea, purifying her.

Nami blinked. "Well, that was easy. You can come down now, Usopp!"

Absalom stumbled invisibly over some rubble, still panting in exertion, and covered in blood and bruises. That fight had been a disaster, but at least he'd gotten away…

"Where do you think you're going, you shitty lion?"

"Seriously!? Just why man!? What vendetta could you possibly have against me that you'd chase me this far!? And don't say women's bath! Actually explain you son of a bitch!"

Sanji was silent for a moment before speaking.

"I suppose I owe you an explanation. There's a Devil Fruit that I've always wanted for myself since I was a child. The ability to turn invisible…I'd be able to achieve so much with it. But now that I know that Devil Fruit has been eaten, my dreams have been shattered." Tears started flowing from his eyes. "I'll never know what it's like...to be able to peep in the women's bath without anyone knowing…"

"...Are you fucking serious?" Absalom deadpanned. "No, you know what? Don't answer that. You are, aren't you? I can already tell you're completely insane. You did all that because I ate the Devil Fruit you wanted. I may technically be a pirate, but even I have to admit that's low. You could have at least come up with a better excuse for why you broke half the bones in my body! A valid reason, something I did so I'd know I at least deserved this bullshit! Hell, just earlier today I sexually assaulted your navigator! That would have been plenty of motivation to do what you did!"

His rant over, Absalom took a fortifying breath.

"You done?" Sanji asked calmly.

"Yeah...yeah I'm done."

"Good. Now could you repeat that last part?"

Absalom's brow furrowed. "That would have been plenty of motivation—"

"No, sorry, before that."

"A valid reason, something I did so I—"

"After that, you shitty elephant."

"Hell, just earlier today I sexually assaulted your…" he trailed off as Sanji stared at him silently. "...You didn't know did you?"

Sanji continued to stare.

From all across Thriller Bark, Absalom's screams could be heard for what felt like hours until they finally fell into silence.

Hogback ran as far as his legs could take him, Cindry following behind him. Everything had gone wrong. These crazy pirates had either killed or purified most of their zombies before they even got the chance to take their shadows, and now Roronoa was destroying his mansion! He had to make it to Moria-sama to report this. Without any powerful shadows, the plan to animate Oars would never be fulfilled.


The terrified doctor nearly tripped before he turned around and caught sight of Chopper running towards him in Walk Point.

"You again? What is it, Doctor Chopper? I'm busy."

"Why have you done all this, Hogback!? When you told me you were resurrecting the dead, I thought it was a miracle! But all you're doing is enslaving them!"

Hogback scoffed. "It's impossible to resurrect the dead without a few sacrifices. They can move, speak, and fight as if they were alive. As it stands, I'm the only doctor in the world that has come this far. Cindry, remove this naive fool from my presence!"

The enhanced zombie ran towards Chopper and made to attack, but Chopper easily swerved around her and rammed into Hogback, eliciting a yelp from him. Chopper then shifted into Heavy Point and pinned the doctor to the ground.

"I've lost all respect for you as a doctor! You disgust me!" Chopper seethed.

"Cindry! Get this barbarian off of me!" Hogback panicked. Hearing the rapid footsteps behind him, Chopper lifted Hogback and threw him into Cindry's path, causing the plate she'd been aiming at the reindeer to shatter over Hogback's head instead.

Hogback cursed as Cindry's eyes widened. "You stupid girl! Can't you aim right!?" Hogback shouted, before backhanding Cindry. The undead girl barely felt the hit, but fell obediently to the ground as Hogback started kicking her in retaliation for her botched aiming attempt. Unable to even feel the pain, Cindry merely lay on the ground, submissively taking each assault on her person.

"STOP THAT!" Chopper shouted in rage, before punching Hogback across the face hard enough to knock a tooth loose. Neither noticed the hint of surprise that barely registered on the zombie woman's face. Even if they'd been looking, it would have been difficult the place the strange emotion that manifested directly afterward, barely even present. "Who do you think you are!?" Chopper continued to scream. "Playing with their lives like this! They can't even feel anything anymore! It's not living, it's just being a slave inside your own body! Look at this poor girl! You've taken her very humanity away!"

"What foolish dribble!" Hogback spat, blood dripping down his chin. "What part of her humanity has been stipped from her! Her body and soul are both human!"

"HUMANS HAVE FREE WILL!" Chopper shouted with such passion that it cut deep through Cindry's being, deeper than even the force that reanimated her.

"Enough of this nonsense! Cindry, stop sitting there and eliminate this filth! CINDRY!"

"I...I can't." Cindry replied.

"What!?" Hogback screeched. Even Chopper turned to her in surprise.

"I...can't move. My body won't move," she clarified. Unbidden, tears started to trail down her cheeks. Tears? Why? She wasn't sad, so why was she crying? It was as if body was doing things on its own.

"Cindry! Are you listening to me!? I'm ordering you to take out this—"

Hogback was silenced as Chopper's fist implanted itself into his skull again, knocking him unconscious as he fell to the ground. But the doctor was still staring at Cindry in wonder. Slowly, he walked up to Cindry and scooped her up in his arms.

"I can't move…" she murmured again. "I can't…"

"Don't worry, it'll be alright," Chopper whispered. "You'll be alright...soon."

But she just kept repeating the same words, even as Chopper made the long trek to the edge of Thriller Bark, placed her into the ocean water, and watched as she was purified.

As he gently set Cindry's once again dead body down on the ground, he looked up at the fog surrounding the area.

"I wonder...could she really feel something after all?" he murmured solemnly to himself. "Can these zombies, shells of their former selves, really carry the will of their past spirits?"

Sparks ignited the air with every cross of their swords. Demon Wind Zoro of the Straw Hat Pirates and Dragon Slayer Ryuma of Wano matched each other blow for blow, neither letting up. Both were covered in wounds, but none were lethal.

"It seems we're quite even," Ryuma stated. "And yet, I can sense that you're still holding back."

"Sorry about that," Zoro grunted. "I was just getting used to this new pace. Now then…Nine Sword Style...Asura!"

"Ho? Quite the technique you've got there," Ryuma said, as Zoro's appearance and aura were altered. "If my heart was still beating, it would be pulsing with excitement. Let's see what you can do!"

"Demon Nine Flash!" Although Ryuma was shocked at the power behind the attack, he met it head on, attempting to counter the slash. His eye sockets widened in amazement.

Too much…!

The wall behind him shattered from the force of the blades, along with the entire structure of the building. Still, Ryuma finally managed to deflect the nine swords away, though the attack had still cut him through, leaving him with a large hole through his side to show for his efforts. If he was still alive, that attack would have ended this fight.

It seems he is still the superior swordsmen, Ryuma marvelled. Still, while he outclasses me in skill...I outclass him in experience.

Zoro immediately spun around, Asura still active, and made to attack again.

"One Mist Silver!" This time, as Zoro charged, Ryuma approached at a different angle, attempting to mitigate the damage now that he knew he couldn't overcome the technique.

That won't work, Zoro thought. Even that way, he can only avoid a three of them. Still, something was off. There was something strange about the way he was gripping Shusui. It's as if he wasn't even trying to cut him…

Zoro's eyes widened, but it was too late. Ryuma's one sword collided with six of Zoro's as he avoided the other three. Another wound opened on Ryuma's shoulder.

As they passed each other, Zoro growled. Bastard…

Yubashiri shattered, and Asura faded.

Brook watched in amazement from his spot on the broken floor. He used a sword breaking technique at the cost of another injury.

"You know, despite being pissed, I have to admit I'm impressed," Zoro said. "That gamble would have payed off had I not noticed what you were doing at the last second."

Ryuma rose from his crouched position on the floor. "It seems...that this fight has ended," he whispered.

"Yeah...I doubt you can win like that," Zoro agreed.

Lying on the floor next to Ryuma...was the Dragon Slayer's severed arm.

"Then let's finish this," Ryuma said, before holding his arms out at this sides as Zoro stared at him in surprise. "Wounds on the back…" Ryuma began...

"...Are a swordsman's shame," Zoro finished, before dashing forward one more time.

"Lion's Elegy!" The green haired swordsman bisected Ryuma from shoulder to waist, and Ryuma's form began to tip over.

"I thank you, Roronoa, for this one final duel. You may take Shusui...as compensation...for your lost...blade…"

As he finished speaking, Brook's shadow fled from Ryuma's body, returning to its original owner. As the corpse fell to the floor, Zoro caught Shusui in one hand.

Moria was forced back against the wall, attempting in vain to defend against Luffy's onslaught as his control over the shadows slipped away from him.

"Gomu Gomu no…!"

No! I won't be stopped here by some damn rookie! I am the master of shadows!

Drawing his fist back again, he coated his fist in Haki one last time in an attempt to turn the fight around.

That was when he felt it. A foreign presence in the back of his mind, issuing out a single command.


Moria's body obeyed, freezing up, as his rage gave way to shock.

"Elephant Gun!" The punch hit him dead center, finally forcing him to relinquish his hold on the shadow that had been fighting to escape, the same one that had just fought him for control of his own body and triumphed. Left with only the weaker shadows of the common zombies around Thriller Bark, Moria's eyes widened in fear.

As Luffy's shadow returned to him, he smirked. "I guess that's it then."

One final Jet Pistol sent Moria through the wall, knocking him out cold.

"Moria has been defeated," Bartholomew Kuma said, standing atop Thriller Bark's mast.

There was silence at the other end of the Transponder Snail. "You're sure of this?" Sengoku's voice finally came.

"I am. Would you like me to strike now?"

Sengoku sighed. "No. Against both of those monsters, you're not going to win. We still have to find a replacement for Crocodile, and if we can't cover this up, Moria as well. We can't have you be defeated as well."


"Do they know you're there?"

"Most likely...yes, I'd assume so."

"Then get the hell out of there." With that, the line went silent.

Kuma turned his cybernetic gaze back towards the Straw Hat Captain, who he could almost swear was now staring right at him through the foggy sky.

"Monkey D. Luffy...quite the interesting crew you have there," he said, before vanishing without a trace.

And just like that, the long standing nightmare of Thriller Bark came to an end.

The Straw Hat Pirates and Thriller Bark Victims Association met up at the Thousand Sunny following Moria's defeat. Upon boarding the ship, the Straw Hats were met by the sight of their ship's spirit sitting cross legged on the deck of the ship.

"Did you enjoy your trip?" the girl asked, visibly pouting at not being able to go with them.

"You bet!" Luffy exclaimed. "We made new friends and saw all sorts of cool stuff!"

Sunny crossed her arms and looked away as Nami smacked Luffy upside the head.

Robin giggled. "Don't worry, Sunny. We'll tell you all about it during the inevitable celebration."

The girl visibly brightened. "Really!?"

Usopp grinned. "Of course. The post-victory celebrations are 110% mandatory!"

"You mean that shit you pulled back on Water 7 was a regular thing?" Franky asked. "Heh, guess I could get used to this. Let's break out the cola!"

Sanji sighed. "Women's bath…" he bemoaned.

"Oh will you shut up about that?" Nami scolded. "Don't just go saying "women's bath" at random intervals! It's embarrassing!"

Luffy gave him a thumbs up. "It's ok Sanji! You don't need that Devil Fruit! If you can't peak in on the women's bath using invisibility, then you'll just have to peak in on the women's bath without it!"

"Captain…" Sanji whispered, inspired by Luffy's words, as tears trailed down his face.

Nami had a contrasting reaction, and was now chasing Luffy around the deck, trying to hit him. "I can't believe you! Why are you encouraging him!? Aren't you supposed to be the Captain!? Then act like it!"

"But I am!" Luffy protested. "It's a Captain's job to make sure the crew follows their dreams!"

"God you guys are noisy," Zoro complained. "I'm gonna go sleep." Before he got the chance however, Chopper latched himself onto Zoro's face.

"Zoro! Don't leave us like that! I was so scared!"

"You're the one who left! Now get off of me!"

"Hey, Nami!" Lola called, causing the navigator to stop chasing Luffy. "I'm so grateful that you got my shadow back! Even though your captain knocked Moria out anyway, you still went out of your way for me. As thanks, I'd like to give you something."

Curious, Nami voiced her consent, and Lola held out a blank white paper.

"A vivre card?" Nami asked.

"It belongs to my mother. She's a powerful pirate in the New World, so who knows, this might be very useful to you and your crew."

"Wow, thanks!"

As the Straw Hats and their guests began their obligatory celebration, Brook took in a deep breath. It wouldn't be long now before he'd be able to see the sun again, and it was all thanks to this crew, and their Captain who had so suddenly declared him a comrade. He truly owed them everything. Perhaps, if he went with this crew, then one day…

"Thinking about Laboon?" Luffy's voice came from behind him.

"Yes. I was just thinking that if I were to set sail again, I'd want to...see him...again…" A few moments passed before Brook turned to Luffy in shock. "What!? Luffy-san, how did you know about that!?"

Luffy grinned. "We met Laboon on our way into the Grand Line. He's been waiting all this time for his crew to come back. I promised him that I'd come back too, so that he'd hang on a bit longer."

Brook was speechless. "But...you...how did you know one of those crewmate was me?"

Luffy's smile turned solemn. "That...I'll tell you about later. For now, what do you say we just enjoy the party?"

Calming down, Brook nodded. "Yes, it's been quite a long time since I've had so many reasons to celebrate. If you don't mind, could I sing a song for you and your crew? It's one of my favorites."

"Sure thing! Hey, guys! Gather around! Brook's gonna sing for us!" Curious, the Straw Hats and former victims of Thriller Bark gathered around Brook as he pulled out his violin and began to play.

Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho.

Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho.

Gather up, no time to lose, time to round up Binks' booze.

Sea breeze blowing, where're we going? Let the waves decide!

Far across the ocean blue, the sun is shining wide and true.

Birds they sing, drawing rings, throughout the endless sky!

Say so long to solid land, bid farewell to shores of sand.

Sing out loud, and sing it proud, our song of setting sail!

Through the gold and silver flow, a salty spray from sea below,

Day and night, from play to plight, the waves will tell our tale!

Gather up, no time to lose, time to round up Binks' booze.

Pirates we, to sail the sea, that is our destiny!

The sea provides a place to rest, the waves, our branch, the ship, our nest.

Fly our flag and proudly brag that we are sailing free!

Somewhere in the boundless blue, stormy gales begin to brew.

Ocean's dance, a man's romance, the rhythm of the drums!

Never give in to your fright, lest you walk towards the light.

Just hold on, it won't be long, the morning sun will come!

Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho.

Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho.

Gather up, no time to lose, time to round up Binks' booze.

Today onward, to tomorrow, dreaming through the night!

Our days are like the passing wind, eternal we have never been.

Wave goodbye, but don't you cry, let twilight be your guide.

Gather up, no time to lose, time to round up Binks' booze.

Play our song, and sing along for all the sea to hear!

Live this once and don't bemoan, for one day you'll be nought but bones.

Set the sail and spread your tale, our next adventure nears!

Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho.

Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho.

The party began to gain momentum following Brook's performance, and Brook exhaled slowly. "It's been a long time since I was able to sing that song without feeling the full weight of the tragedy that befell me." Seeing he had everyone's attention, he turned to Luffy. "Luffy-san...may I join your crew?"

Luffy grinned. "Duh! You're already part of it, remember?"

At that, Brook let the tears that were 50 years in the making flow. It never felt so good to be alive.

The party continued well into the night. Right before dawn, when everyone else was going to sleep, Luffy pulled Brook out on deck and explained how they knew about his connection to Laboon.

"I see. So this is not the first time you've met me. And you said Zoro-san was in the same situation?" As Luffy nodded, Brook hummed. "That would explain the strength he displayed. And here I was wondering how much stronger Grand Line rookies could have gotten in the past half a century."

"So you believe me? Just like that?" Luffy asked.

Brook chuckled. "Considering that I've come back from the dead, far be it from me to not believe in something like time travel."

Luffy smirked. "That makes sense, I guess." Suddenly, a light caught his eye, and he smiled.

"Hey, Brook," he said, getting the skeleton's attention, as he pointed out at the horizon. Brook followed his finger, and his eye sockets widened as he took in a sight he hadn't witnessed in 50 years.

The rising sun.