
Second Journey (Highschool DXD Fanfic)

She died after protecting her twin brother from the last battle. She was glad to be free from her curse only to be awaken again in another family with another bigger curse. Will she ever free from the curse? Will she ever found love? Crossover story of several other anime or comic. (I don't own any other character other than my own OCs)

AoiLuna · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Her First Servant

I still close my eyelids but I could see the surrounding with Senjutsu. The place that I currently stand could be said as swords graveyard. All of the swords look very rusted and brittle. The sky is also look very polluted with the stinking smell of rust and others gas type pollution. The land is very wide but empty like a wasteland. There's no life in this corrupted place other than me and my enemies. In conclusion I could said that is place look like end of the world because it's desolation.

And the reason I took time in this unattractive place?

Well, actually I don't know myself, but it's was Exodus Cube the one that drag me in this dimension. With a mission to survive this place for a year. It's quite common for it to drag me somewhere but later compensate me with some reward. That's the reason why I don't feel a bit panic in this situation.

Thought survival in this place for a year maybe a bit difficult for me, that I could say with honesty. The enemies is very strange as it entice negative emotion from myself and it's numbers also almost never seems to stop growing even if I have decimated them for several time. They will be back after some delay in a new force tide and I also have to keep watch of the strays swords that sometimes move in telekinesis to stab me in my fight. Other than that I have to keep my temper stabilize without Exodus Cube help. I think I know the purpose of the Cube dragging me into this place, that's to train my mentality again after my mistake last time.

This time it drag me into a dimension that have several types of monster that gives of the same feeling as IT even if it's in downgraded version, their sheer numbers alone could drive a normal human crazy. But after some struggle it's already a year and I manage to complete the mission without losing control.

The horrible creatures that released the negative feelings immediately vanish as the time limit end and then a golden cup suddenly appeared in front of me. Currently, I'm looking at it with disbelief and half apathy.

Heaven's Feel The Greater Grail

Rank: Divine

a wish machine - the key to startup the Great Grail. It is not an omnipotent container, but a replica created to work like a "wish machine" that can bring forth one's own will. By sacrificing a great amount of magical energy. It also have a power to call Servants from The Throne of Hero and then bind them in a contract with it's Master. It is a magic that realizes true immortality by making the soul into a high-dimensional planar being capable of interacting with the material world as a mental body.

"Is this some kind of joke? Well, how about you start to explain Exodus Cube?" I look at the cube that start to let out sad chime but it cannot said anything. I sigh and look at this Divine rank item, it's a bit strange item and quite unexplained that made me very wary of using it.

As I could not leave this thing out in open. I finally decided to store it inside my inventory but as I touch it a half amount of my mana or magical energy is suddenly sucked by this mysterious thing. The sudden drain make my body lose it's stability and the cup also giving out a bright red light that almost making me blind shine. A red unknown magic circle appear underneath my feet. I'm to dizzy from the drain that make me unable to cancelled the circle activation.

When the light fade a man materialize in front of me, he is standing on a red magic circle that even I don't know the origin.

Name: Archer EMIYA

Race: Spirit

Rank: Unknown

He is a handsome man that has white hair, gray eyes and tanned skin colour. He wears a black body armor made from a special material that has yet to be discovered by mankind as of the present time, which consisted of a black tight and sleeveless shirt with sliver accents which outlined his muscles and a metal plate on his collar, and black pants that had two black straps on his thighs, and another two strapped around his shins separate from each other.He wears black metal plated shoes, which appear to be attached to his trousers.

He also wear a red coat that my ability told me is some type of holy shroud, which were actually two separate sleeves connected by a metal plate at the back which covered his arms and was cut off showing his upper torso and midriff, and had a separate red open skirt which ended above his shins with the top fashioned and tied with an agemaki knot, covered by a silver metal plate.

I immediately took out my swords in intent of decapitation of his neck. But his reaction speed is unnatural, he materialize a twin sword of Yin and Yang like mine but thicker and wider. He use them to guard my attack and slide it away to change the direction. I also immediately react to his other sword before he manage to attack by kicking him in his stomach area. His instinct proven very good as he immediately change from attack to guard his body.

My Senjutsu reinforced heel hit his swords instead and by it force they shattered back to particles. He was launched back quite far away from my being before steadying himself and materialize the sword that I just destroyed. He let out a sarcastic laugh "My, my what a greeting that you just give me Master."

I frown "Who is this Master you speak of?" He widen his eyes in surprised before quickly look around and his mouth become wide in agape as he saw the grail that still let out a soft golden glow as it lay on the ground near me. I must unconsciously drop it when the light temporary blind me.

He then let out a growl in annoyance even if we're quite far with each other I was able to hear his mumble "Damn that meddlesome Dead Apostle! A different dimension when the age of god still exist? Ugh!!!"

I get the gist of understand why his status is very unstable and sometimes glitch. Then back of my right hand start to burn and I saw a red tattoo appear from it. But it's seems not and ordinary tattoo.

Command Seals

Rank: Legendary

Is claims of absolute obedience, the crystallization of a great magic, that a Master has over a Servant. Beware a Servant according their strength could ignore it. This command seal have the ability to regain itself once each day by consuming some amount of magical energy.

He also look startled at my unusual Command Seal. "I see, now I understand the mechanism. Now, let's begin. With the First Command Seal, I order you to stay still until the key word 'It's over' is spoken."

The man tried to struggle a bit before giving up as the absolute command took hold of his being. As I walk to him I activate it again "With the Second Command Seal, I order you to speak the truth and only the truth without leaving something behind. When I, Hyoudou Iva ask you a question." I let out a winning smirk as the man look at me with cautious as he realize, I'm not a person he want to underestimate even if with my ignorance.

"Now speak who you are and where did you come from?" I stood in front of him I look up to his face directly while opening my black eyes. He seems flinch in caution unlike others who look away in fear. Looks like he have experience with people who use their eyes as the channel of their power.

The man tried not to speak anything but unable to stop himself from speaking "I'm a Servant of Archer and a Counter Guardian. Servant is a Heroic Spirit that being summoned alike of a familiar in a spiritual body composed by the Master mana. As a Servant of Archer I'm specialized in long range sniping and tracking enemies from afar. While, a Counter Guardian is a human soul that have contract with Alaya the Will of Humanity to serve them as the weapon to eliminate threats to humanity as whole. I came from Thrones of Heroes where the souls of hero that have passed away stayed, it reside in the a rift of dimension that make people unable to locate."

The man look very unwilling to tell me about his status as a Counter Guardian. I took a note of it but ignored that problem from now "Tell me more about Servant and Master system and that golden cup."

I could even feel his relieve that I don't put my business in his sore spot. He continue to explain professionally "There several type of Servant the most common is Saber, Archer, Lancer, Assassin, Caster, and Berserker. Saber is a Servant of Sword who usually have the most balanced status and resistance to magic. Lancer is a Servant of Spear who have the highest speed stat among others type of Servant, but they somehow also commonly have the worse of luck that somehow killed them self in the end. Assassin like it's name focused on surprise attack, their strength is their ability to conceal them self from any type of sensor, but in exchange they're usually very weak in body. Caster is a Servant that came from a former Magus or Magician in this world they are capable almost anything inside their territory but alike Assassin their body is weak. And Finally Berserker the Mad Servant, they have this ability to boost their standard stat by inducing madness that make them hard to control unless you have Command Seal. Master is a Magus who use the ritual to summon a Servant and as a prove they're given the Command Seal to control them. And that cup probably The Holy Grail that have the power to summon Servant only. In my hometown the real Greater Grail is a wish granting device that only move in exchange of the great mana came from all the destroyed Servants. That's why Masters usually left their only one Command Seal to order their Servant to kill them self after they killed the other Servant. Master also have to supply mana to their Servant for their existence to continue or as a fuel for their Noble Phantasm. Noble Phantasm is a root of a Hero legend and power, they're divide in many rank but usually the more mana supplied the more powerful the effect."

I have already guess that his world is very different than mine by his appearance and his unique magic but it isn't much different from this world system. There is one different "Just before, you seems to have someone to appear on your mind. This Dead Apostle explain it to me and your world condition how the age of god is already over."

He then look annoyed at this Dead Apostle being mention again "Dead Apostle is what my world call vampire is, some are human that through the use of some magecraft becomes one but usually they become because being turned by another Dead Apostle or by a True Ancestor. True Ancestor is a special vampire that already exist from the beginning of my world that more like an elemental spririt who can overwrite the world according their thought. One of this True Ancestor, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg is able to use True Magic that is crossing multiple multiverse. That is the only reason I can think, why you can have that grail in this age. Like you probably guess in my world the age of god already over because the declined believe in Gilgamesh's age."

I give Exodus Cube a glare "Did you really receive a gift from this Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg?!" The cube let out a cry while giving a nod. I could feel the stare from this Servant in front of me, practically confirmed his teory.

I ignore the cube cry once again as it always want to attract my attention. "I could guess that this grail give you a bit information about my world. Tell me what you know." He then explained the basic of the mundame and supernatural of my world.

I give him a nod as my approval and took out my phone to show him my brother picture. "Then this will be your main work in this world for me. With my Third Command Seal, I order you to come and save my brother Hyoudou Issei when his life in danger. And with the Fourth Command Seal you're prohibited to personal harm him or indirectly harm him and also my parents. This is my demand to you."

He look at me in surprised that I didn't seem to include myself in that clause and I will tell him now. "This will be your only task to me. With my Fifth Command Seal, When the time will come, I will be a danger to the world and my brother, with this command and use this card that I will entrust to you, I order you to use it to kill me."

I give the last Sacred Gear Last Miracle, a card that able to grant any miracle that hold the last shard of power of The Biblical God to him as he look at me in stunned silence. "With my Sixth Command Seal, I order you to keep that card hidden with your life in line and for you to forget the content of my Fifth order until the time come."

The man let out a grimace as the order executed, he look at me warily. "You don't need to worry. The Fifth order has nothing to do with your well being. As the time finally come you can excecute that order without any hesitation. This conversation is done. It's Over."

He finally stand infront of me with effect of the first order dispate. He still look at me with indescribable emotions. "Come let's get out from this place." I pick the grail and put it on my dimensional pocket. He blink in amazement "Can you also use the true magic?"

I look at him with confused "It's common sense in this world to use dimensional pocket to keep something for convenient also teleportation. Your so called true magic is only costly and complicated magic calculation in here. You could also learn if you want to, just read some of my book in my study."

He look at me with disbelief again "Are you sure to give me this much freedom?" I look at him sternly "Even if I'm your Master, I despise the act of slavery. You may do all the thing you like as long you fulfill the command that I just lay to you. I have no need for a servant as I could take care myself."

He then sigh "Okay, Master. Then what is my cover story for your family. I must at least meet your brother to protect him from danger."

I cross my arm and think before speaking "You shall be my bodyguard given by the Japan Government to protect me in name only. You may sometimes follow me when I go outside to keep the act but otherwise you may do as you wish."

He then let out a humorless laugh "Are you some type of celebrity Master?" I ignore his scoff "You may search it on internet, here your phone. I already put some money and fake identification on it. From now your name is Shiro Emiya, I think it suit your white hair and that red blessed coat of yours."

He seems to freeze hearing his fake name like it was familiar to him. I tilt my head "What you don't like it? You can change it while in here, but as you step outside your identification will be permanent." He the snap out his daze "No, it's fine."

I nod and took out some normal shirt and trousers and toss it to him "Then change to this so you don't look to eccentric. You may bought any other clothing and necessities after I introduce you to my family, the money already in the account I set under that name and also you shall call me with my first name to keep the familiarity. May we have good cooperation."

I open a gate and took a step towards it. He who already change to the clothes that I give to him stand close behind me. We took a step and I find myself infront my home. It's been a while I wonder how is my brother.