
Scream - Season 1

It's Not Just A Movie Anymore

Thomas016 · 映画
1 Chs


Coming Soon:

A mobile starts to ring...

A young girl walks over and picks up her mobile and she answers it "hello?".

Ghostface's voice is then heard on the phone and says "hello, who's this?".

The girl then smiles "I'm Kacey, who are y-".

Ghostface then says "tell me, Kacey, what's your favorite scary movie?".

Kacey then says "I'm not really a fan of horrors".

Ghostface says "that's a shame, maybe we can make one together".

Kacey smirks and says "are you trying to be sexy?".

Ghostface says "well, if the sound of me gutting you like fish sounds sexy, then I suppose I am".

Kacey then stares in shock, she presses the hangup button and puts her phone down.

Kacey stands there nervously, until her doorbell rings, Kacey looks over nervously and she says "hello? Who's there?".

The doorbell rings again.

Kacey looks over, a tear drops down her cheek.

Kacey then walks over and she slowly opens the door.

As the door opens, Kacey sees nobody there, Kacey then closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

As she then opens them, Ghostface appears in front of her.

Ghostface then says "surprise!".

Kacey watches Ghostface pull out a knife and she screams "NO!".

As Kacey tries slamming the door, Ghostface kicks the door open.

Running towards her stairs, Kacey grabs onto the banister, pulling herself up.

Ghostface charges behind her.

Kacey makes it to the top of the stairs, where she sees a bedroom door open.

Running inside the bedroom, Kacey shuts the door behind her.

She rests herself against the door, crying.

Suddenly a knife slams through the door, cutting her shoulder.

Kacey then screams "GO AWAY!".

Kacey runs towards the window in the bedroom, and as she opens it, Ghostface opens the door.

Kacey goes to pull herself out, but Ghostface grabs her by the hair, pulling her back.

Kacey screams "SOMEONE HELP ME!".

Ghostface then looks at her and says "nobody will help you now, I want Lyla!".

Kacey screams as Ghostface then stabs her in the chest.

So this is something I have been working on for a little while now, I hope to be able to publish the first chapter by the end of the year!