
SCP Steve, containment breach

Thor's hammer, Thanos's Infinity Stones The dark elven holy land, the rough wild tribes The dragon's lair on the mountain, the mysterious ruins of the mermaid under the sea Well, Steve has been to none of the above. But that won’t be the case in the future

Davidplays_5397 · ファンタジー
70 Chs

SCP Steve, containment breach

As far as the eye can see, the endless verdant greenery and the rhythmic fluctuations of the grassland with the breeze resemble an ocean. The cloudless sky is as blue as a wash, and at the end of the border between heaven and earth, mountains are lined up.

Dragons spread their wings in the sky, dragons swim among the clouds, giants guard unusually large crops with hoes, and behemoths cower in the dense forests, howling at the mountains with echoing echoes.

"Welcome to the Realm of Illusion, Stranger. "

The creature with the image of a traditional Chinese dragon hovered in the sky, proclaiming in its most majestic tone:

"Dragon, here. "

The sound is like a boulder falling into the lake, setting off waves on the grass.

Long Yin, this is the elder's unique skill, even if it is far away from the ocean, it can make the hearts of people thousands of miles away fearful.

The dragon group obviously knew the horror of this move, and subconsciously took a few steps back, which made the elder very satisfied, at such a close distance, even the Beamon giant beast heard this Hedong lion roar...... The dragon roared, and he was so frightened that he fled in a hurry, let alone an ordinary person

The elder hovered in the air, looking with satisfaction at the smoke and dust kicked up by the dragon's roar below

I can use this trick thousands of miles away to scare my grandson into coming home for dinner, so close distance, will it scare you?

If you dare to hurt my people, let me use this trick [Dragon cubs, it's time to go home for dinner!] Stunt, let's give you a dismount!

With a wave of the eaglet's talons, the smoke and dust below were blown away by the strong wind that kicked up.

Steve stood ⊙ ⊙ expressionless.

"Are you alright?".

The elder was stunned for a moment.

He wasn't mistaken, the power of the dragon chant was indeed extraordinary, but it was ......

Steve didn't have ears.

He doesn't rely on his ears to hear, and because of this, almost all sounds make the same difference in his ears.

He could hear the screams of zombies hundreds of meters away in the cave, and he could also deal with the heart-rending wails of ghasts with a blank face in hell, and sonic weapons were of no use to him.

However, although Steve was able to automatically filter out sonic weapons, the winds around him informed him of what had just happened.

"What are you yelling at so loudly? "

The cubeman spread out his hand, took out a bottle of healing potion, and handed it to Elder Long

"Hello, my name is Steve, I'm here to make friends. "

"Roar ——".

The dragon let out a long roar.

But Steve didn't understand, O_o What was he talking about?".

This is a problem, although the MC is large, but it does not have a translation function, and there are intelligent creatures, such as villagers and endermen, Steve can easily chat with them, but non-intelligent creatures ......

Rotten Meat is Steve's best friend during the Wasteland, and the zombies who will appear on their own every night, and there are many of them, and the zombies who will deliver to your door (and walk yourself in your face) are the best delivery people.

Don't even worry about the drop probability, as long as it's a zombie, even if it's a small zombie, it's bound to drop carrion.

What, it's so bloody, it's shivering and cold, even a little zombie is killed?

What are you talking about, I, Steve, have been upright all my life, saying that it is a takeaway, that is a takeaway, don't you believe it?

Open the door, Dongfeng Express!

However, the inability to communicate is a problem......

Gotta figure figure it out.

By the way, don't they know how to write?

So, under the watchful eyes of the dragons, Steve pulled out a workbench.

Planks, sticks, combinations.

"Here, let's communicate with this, shall we?"

Steve said, handing out the freshly baked sign in his hand.


Foundation District 19.

It's been

a few hours since Steve entered the box, and although Ender, who was arranged by Steve to "sit down", can't move, it doesn't mean that she isn't worried.

Christina is also worried.

Steve is the Foundation's patron... Ahem.... friend! Friend has risked herself into an unknown place, how can Christina stand by and watch?

Needless to say, the O5 Council, which has been keeping an eye on the Foundation, has long since sent Mobile Task Force B1 Beta-4 ("Castaways") to the containment chamber.

This Mobile Task Force is a task force established for the sole purpose of assisting and supervising the communication and interaction of Gol-466 (Wilson's Wildlife Response Team) with the local anomalous fauna. Due to the innocuous and accessible nature of the Dragon's Destiny, it is understandable that the Foundation sent this task force that had just returned to HQ.

The few hours that Steve had disappeared had clearly exceeded the Foundation's tolerance limit, and the task force was fully equipped and ready to break into the illusionary realm.

"I say, Captain?".

Task Force codename "Door" patted the leader on the shoulder

"What are we dealing with this time? mutated insects, nine-headed snakes, or bespectacled toads?"

(Long live Hydra!!).

The captain glanced at him, shook his head, and grim his face.

"Neither. "

As he spoke, he pulled out the tiny recorder he had placed on his chest

"We're going to face dragons this time!"

The task force gasped, but luckily this was the containment chamber and was air-conditioned, otherwise he would have been brought to an international tribunal tomorrow by a Swedish Notre Mary girl for causing global warming, even if he would never have gone without bread.

He was indeed surprised, even to the point of horror.

Over the course of their

careers as Task Force members, they have seen countless terrifying creatures, including sharks capable of whipping up tornadoes, sharks capable of devouring a ship, sharks swimming in the universe, ...

Well, not only these shark monsters who were adapted into movies based on a few words by the garbage director, but they also witnessed the octopus of the weak boat, the King Kong who climbed the tower, and the hairy crab that called for the wind and rain.

If they say that the most terrifying creature in their impression is naturally a giant beast sleeping in the ocean with a body length of 2,000 to 8,000 kilometers, a mythical creature, Leviathan.

But they always have a regret.

The Leviathan may be a mythical creature, and it is indeed terrifying, but it is not as good as a dragon.

The dragon is the creature with the most widespread area, the most image and the most prestige in the world.

The East uses it as a zodiac sign and totem, a symbol of dignity.

The West uses it as a proof of glory, and the dragon slayer warrior will always be an enduring story in ancient texts.

But no one has ever seen them for what they really are.

The thought of being able to meet the real dragon made the task force a little excited.

As for the danger of crossing the world?

No kidding, the task forces are used to living in danger every day, guarding the normal world behind them.

The captain handed the recorder to the

team members, and the excited man couldn't wait to turn on the recorder.

In the picture, several origami dragons flew out of the box.

"That's it?".

ps: I don't want to

write a small essay today, I don't want to go to this broken class for a day, and then the next chapter is on the shelves, and I don't know how many people will read it.