
Prologue Act 1 - Chapter 1

On my mark we are proceeding with the breach, going in 3.

1. . . 2. . . 3. . . [explosion on the door]

Exterminate any possible hostiles!

[gunshots fires]

These b*stards! They're all infected open fire! We need to quarantine as soon as they are not able to move these b*stards are immortal!

[gunshots ceases]

In middle of room there is SCP-610 acting far weirder than the rest of it. It's as if that particular infected one had intelligence. . .

[flashback stops]


[Agent Rebirth stops talking for a moment]

I've seen it.


From the perspective of the infected one. It may be weird but, when SCP-610 instance was killing people, I was not in control. But I could see it, I was not even there when everyone was getting killed.

[the interrogator stops for a moment and picks up the phone]

Agent we apologies for this.

[picks up syringe and injects into the neck of agent Rebirth]

[vision slowly turned into darkness]

Doc... we . . . anomaly. . . dissection. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Vision comes back]

(Unfamiliar white ceiling comes to vision, agent rebirth ponder where it is while having insane headache, it feels as if his head is going to explode any time.)

You have awaken agent.

[Rebirth gets up to see him inside Standard Humanoid Containment Cell]

I. . . see how it is.

[doctor makes surprised expression]

It's a good thing you can catch up fast agent, as you know this is Standard Humanoid Containment Cell, you have anomalous power that allows you to be someone else. I really don't know the details but even for a moment you become one of them and possess their memories. Do you recall anything agent. We tried to dissect you but it seemed that you gotten yourself insane immortality and regenerating power. As if you got the ability of SCP-610 The Flesh that hates. And you are not even infected with SCP-610. It is great interest that O5 council wonders if you can posses any other scp abilities. But you didn't even do it intentionally. It seems there is trigger to it. Maybe your ability senses the danger and become the threat yourself.

... What about-

We contained the underground facility that was infested with SCP-610.

[Rebirth sighs in relief]

That's great. . . So am I getting contained like this from now on?

[Doctor chuckles]

No and yes. You will continue to be part of MTF - Zeta-9.

But we will be careful when we dispatch you since you are Thaumiel class object. And do not disclose this information, we will consider transferring you into MTF Alpha-9 ("Last Hope").

Ah... I see. I would like to cooperate with the foundation.

You have no choice either way.

I know.

[doctor leaves as rebirth lays back down]

Become someone else... huh... Either become lab rat, or fight for humanity. I'd rather to be hero than being imprisoned. Immortality. It seems like my body doesn't even need to breathe anymore.

[the door opens as one of the agent gives the meal]

(As Rebirth was eating he stabbed himself with the fork. To recall his senses, he didn't feel the sting coming up and there was no blood too. It seems like he got some extraordinary pain resistance.)

If this is dream then I will wake up tomorrow.

(He silently enjoys the meal and goes to bed.)

It's been long time since I've got to rest like this huh...

-=End of prologue Act 1 Chapter 1=-

Prologue Act 1 - Chapter 1 is based on SCP-610 "The Flesh that Hates" by NekoChris https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-610 Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license

First time in the journey of writting though I'm lacking it'll be definitely good journey thank you for reading the Act 1 Chapter 1!

Rebirth_Youtubecreators' thoughts