
SCP Mobile Task Force Zeta-9 ("Mole Rats") Handbook

This is story about agent codenamed "Rebirth" of SCP Foundation Mobile Task Force Zeta-9 ("Mole Rats"). He is known to possess anomalous power that can shake entire multiverse. Let's set up on journey and reveal the secrets about particular unordinary agent. My name is Narrator and I will help you on your journey to epic story.

Rebirth_Youtube · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Prologue act 1 - Chapter 2

[In the conference room.] 

Hmm Agent William Smith, also known as Agent Rebirth. He seems to be useful.

Also he seems to be loyal too.

How should we use him? Fighting for humanity must be his thing, seeing his achievements.

We've never witnessed something like this before, he may go berserk and rebel. We should conduct further tests on him.

Put him against deadly anomalies perhaps if death threat is the trigger of his ability, he seems to have ability to copy one or more of anomaly abilities. Maybe he can hold only one ability at a time or multiple at a time.

We shall find out. Dr. Jack Bright, we assign you this subject. 

Oh god no! Dr. Bright is busy man with lot of work! I shall do it! 

[Dr. Clef musters]

We shall assign Dr. Bright, and that's the last decision. 

FINE! You shall assign me to another fun SCP!

[Meanwhile in the containment cell]

Ugh, I can't even sleep. This is ridiculous. It seems my body needs sustenance.... HUMAN SUSTENANCE.... [Rebirth knocks back into his senses] No what am I thinking?!

[Chamber door opens]


Dr. Jack Bright! What brings you here sir.

They've assigned me to conduct tests on you, perhaps I shall say more of trials. You may go against dangerous SCPs see what you can do and look see.

Are you asking for my consent?

HAHAHA, no no oh dear. Such things as consent doesn't work in this place you know. But if you think so let's go with "that".

Doctor, I'm ready for anything, just give me your command and I shall complete my mission!

That's the spirit!.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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