

Skylers on a blink of war within their own city against their arch nemesis Mountainers they have come in need of attaining their most ulterior superficial weapon the scepter of lineage, The only instrument which can be held and activated on the hands of emperors descendants of the throne, true rulers. Problem arises to find that scepter which as myth of ages have it, of it being lost years back after unfriendly encounter with People on earth. Irina Kishov rising of age elemental appointed with the task of finding their city’s lost treasure, with a minimum ultimatum and vague details of its information’s, will she be able to push the odds to her favour and saving the city from fighting a gruesome war??

ANOLD_C · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Part 16:

Everyone waited as if a miracle was about to happen after irina had passed through, the gate didn't change in color neither did it close.

"Why don't someone go and change the direction of the stone, it's about time we leave." Betty ordered, one of her men who was closer to the gate went direct to the gem on the other end of the gate.

"Which direction should I turn it to?" He questioned betty.

"Clockwise direction about angle of forty that shall put us on a proper path." She answered the man did as he was told, the color of the gate started to change slowly it turned from blue to violet then it was swarmed up in green. Scent of woods and flowers spread in the room it was coming off from the portal it had an arousing aroma.

"Now it's our turn boys get ready to leave." Betty told her men she still had Otto by the shoulder, there was a little shuffling among them as they slowly moved closer to the portal exception for the guy whom had blade, he still was watching over ava and jay.

"You better not ever come back." Jay told betty while still holding his jaw.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Betty replied as she watched jay.

"And I ain't kidding around." Jay told her full of contempt then watched his mother direct in the eyes, "for when I see you again there will be a price to pay."

Betty remained quiet watching jay the man whom was holding the blade turned to look at betty when he saw there was no response he turned at jay.

"Such big words coming from a small mouth." He then scoffed, "maybe you are berserk after all."

By then all the berserks were infront of the portal waiting for betty, she just turned and then waved them off, they nodded their heads then passed through the portal leaving betty, Otto and their last man.

"You are hurting." Betty told jay, "everyone hurts all right, if you had been thrown out as me you would've felt the pain I felt, I have to get my people home and retake what we lost…I can't explain it to you for you won't understand a word I would say."

Then betty pulled otto by the shoulder and they turned and walked direct for the portal before crossing over Otto turned his head jay's eyes and his met, jay couldn't read any emotion out of Otto's face he was blank as a page. Jay and ava just remained still watching as betty and otto crossing over. The man whom was holding the blade started moving slowly backwards when he neared the gate he took the gem off the gap the gates slowly started closing in.

"I never give advice to strangers but let me tell you this." He then raised his head a bit, "you better use that anger for fuel in something useful that's the way of berserks, so is your mom."

The gates closed while ava and jay were still watching over that man's face, both of them remained on the ground for some time looking at the wall where the gate closed. Carving on the wall was back as before so was the gap at the point where spears met.

"Okay get up" Ava ordered jay as she pulled him by the shoulder, "we ain't got the whole day."

Jay stood up after being pulled by ava, he was still checking his jaw but the wound inside the mouth had stopped bleeding, they slowly dragged themselves heading for the stairs leading back up, jay was in no mood of talking at all.


Situation above was far worse than how they had left it, Theobald and his men had already been pushed back inside, they were now exchanging fire with the Addams from top of the stairs which made it impossible for jay and ava crossing over to the other side without being shot at, mr. addam was on the other end across the room.

"We need to expose ourselves a little bit." Ava told jay after they had reached at the top of the stairs.

"You crazy!" Jay spoke up his voice a little louder so as ava could hear him above shots noise, "Don't you see all those fireworks going on, do you wanna get your head blown off?"

"Glad to see you have got your sense of humor back but if we stay down here my dad won't see us, so we'll be stuck and I don't know for how long." Ava explained to jay.

Jay ruffled his hairs then slumped back on the wall he didn't like either choices which ava gave him.

"what do you have in mind?" jay questioned as he stood beside her.

"I could get out a bit out and wave at him from the passage, I am sure he would see me and he'll provide for us I don't know....a cover maybe so as we can cross over." Ava replied.

"Damn, watching too many movies makes you think impossibilities."

"Yeah I think my life have become a movie lately." She replied.

Jay watched outside then looked back at ava,

"Do it." He told her nodding his head.

Ava didn't have to expose herself much, on reaching the passage her father was on the other side behind the pillar exchanging fire when mr. addam turned to continue shooting after he had loaded his gun, he saw ava. Mr. Addam was shocked he thought his daughter and jay were already long gone, he raised his hand to signing ava to stop then went behind the pillar. Ava seeing her brother being called she turned toward the stairs leading to the bunker.

"Jay get your lazy feet's up here, it's about time we leave." She called jay.

Jay hurriedly came out of the stairs and backed up on the opposite wall against ava so as not to be seen from the top, on the other side of the room he saw mr. addam talking with herry his son pointing at their direction. That's the cover ava meant by then thought passed through jay's head. After they had finished talking he saw herry going to talk with his other men, mr. addam looked directly at them and removed his hand from the coat pocket he was holding a grenade, he showed it directly at them then pointed with his finger above them up in the stairs.

"aaah, ava what's he gesturing about?" Jay inquired his eyes never leaving mr. addam, he got Goosebumps all over with that grenade in his hand.

"He's going to throw a grenade up in the stairs and he expect us to run as he throws it." Ava told him in low wary voice.

"The hell he is!" jay cursed, "does he expect us to run straight across through?"

"Yep, I can assure you he expects us to do just that." Then ava went and pulled jay closer then they both turned waiting for mr.addam signal.

"I'll be damned." Jay said in low voice ava just patted him on the back.

"we both are." She whispered beside him.

Once mr. addam saw they were both ready he looked at herry, who was also ready with few of his men to start shooting once he threw the grenade, he removed slowly the pin then went in the open and threw the grenade high up in the stairs.

"Now!" ava shouted then gave jay a push and they started running across the room towards the other side.

"Grenade take cover!" one of Theobald men warned the others as they scrambled for cover, herry and his men started shooting giving extra protection to ava and jay as they run across the room.

Jay and ava didn't stop to look behind them they heard explosion of the grenade going off but neither of them turned to look, they run directly up to the last pillar where they were safe off from the shootings. Theobald and his men were backed up against the corner, Theobald grew angry once he saw the effect grenade brought to some of his men, he exposed himself off from behind the pillar of the staircase and started shooting at mr. Addams people as he cried with rage.

Ava once she had reached in safe distance behind the pillar she turned to look at the shootings only to be met with frightening sight, she saw as her brother herry being shot and taken off the ground ava couldn't believe what she witnessed rage and pain filled her heart. Her legs acted on their own will she started running back towards her brother, jay tried catching her but missed. Ava was nearly at the opening only to be stopped by one of their man whom caught her from the side.

Mr. Addam seeing his son land on the ground he got out in the open away from the protection of his cover and started shooting at Theobald his heart full of rage, the guard threw himself and hit Theobald down to the floor.

"Get off me." Theobald ordered as he tried shaking the guard off.

"Listen the chopper is already on the roof." Then he pulled Theobald face close, "get away from here we are running out of men while addam have an army in here with him."

"I can't let them leave. This is my house and they won't do as they please!" He shouted.

"it won't be your house no more once you are six feet down on the ground now would it?" the guard reasoned him, "leave today fight another day, you have only lost the battle not the war."

"Christ!" Theobald screamed.

Mr. addam ran direct for his son after seeing Theobald had been pushed down for cover. Reaching there herrys shirt was soaked in blood his right hand covering left side of the abdomen, mouth open with wheezing sound coming out. Mr. Addam hurriedly dragged him by both shoulders back behind the covers of the pillar.

"no. no, no,.." Mr.Addam frantically rumbled in low shaky voice while trying checking herrys pulse on his neck artery.

Herry face was already glistening with sweat, his piercing grey colored eyes moving side to side. Suddenly he hold onto his father right hand.

"i..i..can.." herry tried speaking, only giving out wheezing whispers of words. Fear was evident in his eyes.

Before mr.Addam could react one of his men came by his side.

"he has been punctured his left lung." The man spoke from seconds of arriving, then removed his coat and put it below herrys head as a pillow.

Only on hearing those words did mr.Addam saw the blood seeping through his son shirt left side where his hand was covering. Two more men came pulling mr.Addam away from the scene, thing were going too fast that even he didn't know how to react.

He saw his men removing herrys shirt while others applied pressure on his chest and all couldn't make sense, other than a feeling of dread taking over his whole body and the surrounding then it became too much for him.

Mr.Addam stood up with his soaked blood hands and went for his gun on the ground only to realize the sound of chopper roaring otside, he run with high speed to the outer garden to meet Bell 206 chopper flying away from the mansion disappearing behind the tree lines.

"aaaaaah." He cried in filled anguish, his body all tight hands clenched in tight fists.


Ava stared absently at their garden through the window from her room, she sat on the couch her head against window plane. It was an early morning sun haven't touched the sky yet, the room was filled with eerie silence and cold.

Knock,knock..someone lightly tapped at her bedroom door.

"come in." ava spoke in low voice.

Jay walked in with a tray carrying two cups,

"morning" He greeted ava lightly.

Jay had a sleepover in the room next to ava's. After a long and heated up evening at Alchims mansion they returned back to Addams by late night. Herry was taken to the hospital for surgery, due to the gunshot wound but then he was unconscious and having trouble breathing for his left lung was punctured. Mr. Addam remained at the hospital and ava was returned back home despite her fierce stubbornness of arguing to also be left in the hospital with her brother. not single one of them had even a wink of sleep that night, other than staying up all night recalling the whole past days event.

"brought you a cup of hot chocolate." Jay told her, setting the tray in front of her before settling himself down.

Ava took the cup from the tray and hold it between her hands, feeling its warmth through the mug. "thanks."

"I'm sure he'll be fine." Jay told her sympathetically.

"guess so." Then ava casted him a sideway glance, "what have you done with my jay? He wasn't this free advisor." She teasingly spoke.

Jay looked at her then a sly grin spread on his lips,

"oh, you wait he will be back. Just after this yummy cup of chocolate is done to be devoured and when the sun is high up in the sky."

Ava laughed heartily at his words soon jay joined in.

